Cuban lung cancer medicine receives Innovation Award
The product shows positive results in prolonging and improving the quality of patients’ lives
Author: Orfilio Peláez |
november 19, 2015 09:11:14
The medication Vaxira to treat advanced large cell lung cancer is developed by Cuba’s Molecular Immunology Center. Photo: Yaimí Ravelo
The medication Vaxira to treat advanced large cell lung cancer, developed by Cuba’s Molecular Immunology Center, received the Prize for Creativity and Technological Innovation 2015, awarded by the Cuban Industrial Property Office (OCPI).
Registered in Cuba since 2012 after being approved by the Center for State Control of Medicines, Equipment and Medical Devices (Cecmed), the product shows positive results in prolonging and improving the quality of patients’ lives, and has low toxicity levels resulting in less of the unpleasant side effects associated with other necessary therapeutic procedures.
The safety of the product allows it to be administered over long periods of time through the primary healthcare system, and is also suitable for elderly people suffering from the disease.
Vaxira is patented in 17 countries, while clinical trials are currently underway to assess its possible use in treating varieties of breast and ovarian cancer
Casa de Las Américas NY is a recipient of the prestigious BORIMIX Award for the work in the Arts and the Puerto Rican and Cuban communities.
Casa de Las Américas is represented by:
Jaime Mendieta President
Nancy Cabrera Vice President
Franklin Flores Secretary of organization
Manuel A. Moran, PhD
CEO & Artistic Director Fest Producer
BORIMIX: Puerto Rico
107 Suffolk Street, Suite 202
New York, NY 10002
Estimado Sr. Moran,
En nombre de Casa de las Américas le queremos expresar nuestro agradecimiento por el reconocimiento otorgado por el Teatro SEA a nuestra organización. Trabajos, como los que ustedes llevan a cabo, son los que fortalecen nuestro ser latinoamericano aquí en la diáspora. Sabemos por propia experiencia lo difícil que es hacer patria y cultura fuera de nuestros respectivos países, ustedes lo están haciendo de una forma fenomenal.
Fue para nosotros en Casa un gran honor ser parte de tan hermosa labor, y estamos muy agradecidos, muchísimas gracias.
“El arte es la nobleza del espíritu” José Martí
Un abrazo solidario,
Ejecutivo de Casa de las Americas, NY
Jaime Mendieta, Presidente
Nancy Cabrero, Vice Presidenta
Franklin Flores, Secretario de Organización
Photographs by Marta Garcia
Teatro SEA/The Clemente 107 Suffolk Street, NYC.
Sponsored by: SEA, The Clemente & Rums of Puerto Rico
Celebrate BORIMIX: Puerto Rico Fest 2015 with our festival kick-off event at SEA and The Clemente! The evening begins with the BORIMIX Awards Ceremony and follows with the opening of our visual arts exhibitions, dancing and live Puerto Rican and Cuban music from multi Grammy nominated Bobby Sanabria Multiverse Big Band!
¡Te invitamos a celebrar con nosotros la inauguración de BORIMIX: Puerto Rico Fest 2015, que tomará lugar en SEA y El Clemente! La velada empieza con la Ceremonia de entrega de los Premios BORIMIX, y continúa con la apertura de nuestras exhibiciones de Arte, y culmina con Música en vivo de Bobby Sanabria Multiverse Big Band, nominado al grammy multiples veces.
The most just, lengthy, large scale and successful internationalist military campaign undertaken by Cuba
40 years ago, on November 5, Operation Carlota commenced in the name of the independence of the people of Angola and all of Africa
Author: Oscar Sánchez Serra |
november 6, 2015 13:11:55
Cubans and Angolans provided an unparalleled example of bravery which led to a historic victory. Photo: Archivo
They are present across more than 3,785,000 Cuban households. It is almost impossible to find a Cuban family that does not count them among its members or friends. They wear no badge to identify them; they blend in with the rest of the people, be it at the grocery store, the ballpark or at a noisy domino table. Their children share the classroom with ours, with no other privilege than having been born in a land that provides them the right to education, to health, to their intellectual development, with equal opportunity.
However, they, the internationalist combatants, are not only heroes but the most faithful heirs of José Martí’s maxim: “Our homeland is humanity”. Forty years ago, on November 5, Cuba would provide the world with one of the most brilliant examples of heroism and, at the same time, humanism. Operation Carlota began, in the name of the independence of the people of Angola and, as such, of all Africa.
The operation was named after a Lukumí slave at the Triunvirato sugar plantation in Matanzas, who in 1843 led one of the many slave rebellions, in which she lost her life. She became a symbol of the heroic deeds of a people in defense of the noblest causes of the planet.
Ceremony to mark 40th anniversary of Operation Carlota
The ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary of Cuba’s internationalist mission in Angola was presided over by the First Vice President ofthe Councils of Stateand Ministers,Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, EstebanLazo,president of the Cubanparliament,andother members of the Party’s Politburo
Author: Redacción Digital |
november 5, 2015 09:11:26
Photo: Ramón Pacheco Salazar
As a symbol of Cuba’s internationalism, a cultural-political act and military parade to commemorate the solidarity and military support of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba to the People’s Republic of Angola was held today, marking the 40th anniversary of the start of Operation Carlota.
At the former Triunvirato sugar plantation in Matanzas, now the RebelSlaveMuseum, the ceremony was presided over by theFirst Vice President ofthe Councils of Stateand Ministers, Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, EstebanLazo,president of the Cubanparliament,andother members of the Party’s Politburo.
At the start of the cultural-political act and military parade, a floral wreath was laid at the monument to the fallen, sent by Fidel and Raúl.
The Cuban military mission in Angola was named Operation Carlota in honor of the legendary rebel slave of the Triunvirato sugar plantation, Carlota, who led one of the largest slave rebellions in Cuba, which took place on November 5, 1843.
Guests at the ceremony included members of the diplomatic corps and the military diplomatic corps accredited in Cuba, internationalist combatants of the FAR and Minint, a representation of the families of the martyrs killed in internationalist missions, a delegation from the Republic of Angola and the Five Cuban anti-terrorist heroes.
Meanwhile, the diplomatic corps of the African nation recalled the feats of the Cuban and Angolan forces and reaffirmed the eternal gratitude of the Angolan people to the Cuban heroes who gave their lives during the mission. In the words of Raúl Castro, “The supreme glory and merit belong to the Cuban people, the real protagonists of this epic feat.”
Ceremonia de la bandera en el acto político-cultural y parada militar por aniversario 40 del inicio de la misión militar internacionalista de Cuba en la República de Angola, Operación Carlota, efectuado en los predios del antiguo ingenio Triunvirato, en el municipio Limonar, en Matanzas, Cuba. Foto: AIN
Parada militar en el acto por el aniversario 40 del inicio de la misión militar internacionalista de Cuba en la República de Angola, Operación Carlota, efectuado en los predios del antiguo ingenio Triunvirato, en el municipio Limonar, en Matanzas, Cuba. Foto: AIN
Jóvenes integrantes de la Policía Nacional Revolucionaria en la Parada militar por el aniversario 40 del inicio de la misión militar internacionalista de Cuba en la República de Angola, Operación Carlota, efectuado en los predios del antiguo ingenio Triunvirato, en el municipio Limonar, en Matanzas, Cuba. Foto: AIN
Carmen Lidia Madem y Danza Espiral, en el momento del acto político-cultural y Parada militar por el aniversario 40 del inicio de la misión militar internacionalista de Cuba en la República de Angola, Operación Carlota, efectuado en los predios del antiguo ingenio Triunvirato, en el municipio Limonar, en Matanzas, Cuba. Foto:
Ceremonia de la bandera en el acto político-cultural y parada militar por aniversario 40 del inicio de la misión militar internacionalista de Cuba en la República de Angola, Operación Carlota, efectuado en los predios del antiguo ingenio Triunvirato, en el municipio Limonar, en Matanzas, Cuba. Foto: AIN
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