All posts by JaimeM

Is Cuba ready to receive 10 million tourists?

Now that that we are seeing an unprecedented rise in the rate of tourist arrivals to Cuba…will the Cuban tourist industry be able to cope with the anticipated “wave” of visitors?

Author: AIN / Cubadebate |
october 29, 2015 18:10:28


Cuba currently has three cruise ship terminals, seven international ports and 39 scuba diving centers, the majority of which are currently undergoing an intense program of investment works to revive the archipelago’s nautical offers. Photo:

Now that that we are seeing an unprecedented rise in the rate of tourist arrivals to Cuba, motivated by the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the island and the U.S., one question is dominating the media agenda. 
Will the Cuban tourist industry be able to cope with the anticipated “wave” of visitors?
After reaching a record three million visitors, the initial reports for 2015 are promising.
According to official figures, more than two million vacationers arrived in Cuba between January and July, representing a 15.9% increase, as compared to last year.
Preliminary estimates suggest that this trend will continue to grow, with four million international visitors predicted to arrive to the island by the end of the year, bearing in mind the current situation, which has seen the number of U.S. tourists double in comparison to figures registered in previous periods.

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Cuban revolutionary leader, ¡presente! Jorge Risquet his role in liberation of Southern Africa

Cuban revolutionary leader, ¡presente!

By Abayomi Azikiwe posted on October 8, 2015

Jorge Risquet Valdés-Saldaña, a leading figure in the formation of the Communist Party of Cuba and vital to numerous heroic efforts on the African continent, passed away on Sept. 28 at the age of 85.

Risquet was born on May 6, 1930, and joined the revolutionary youth movement in 1943. He was Cuba’s representative and head for Latin America in the World Federation of Democratic Youth and carried out an internationalist mission in Guatemala in 1954.

During the United States-supported Fulgencio Batista dictatorship in Cuba, he was kidnapped, tortured and incarcerated. He joined the Revolutionary Army in 1958 in the Second Frank País Eastern Front.








Jorge Risquet Valdés-Saldaña, with beard, behind Nelson Mandela.

After the triumph of the Revolution, he held the positions of head of the Political Department and head of operations by the Army in the former Oriente province, Organization Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the United Party of the Socialist Revolution of Cuba in that province, head of the “Patricio Lumumba” Internationalist Battalion in Congo-Brazzaville, Minister of Labor, and head of the Cuban Civil Internationalist Mission in the People’s Republic of Angola between 1975 and 1979.

From the earliest days of its Revolution, Cuba expressed concrete solidarity with the African Liberation Movement. Racism was outlawed in Cuba, and its internationalist outlook permeated the foreign policy of the state.

Continue reading Cuban revolutionary leader, ¡presente! Jorge Risquet his role in liberation of Southern Africa

Elections in the US: Trump or Sanders? by Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada

Elections in the US: Trump or Sanders?

by Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada
tranaslation Cuba -Network in Defense of Humanity

descarga (22)The nightmare that Trump could be defeated; but “Trumpism” continues to be a threat while the Empire exists. Sanders, probably would not receive the nomination but “Sanderism” will exist until the United States is a true democracy.

The public declarations of the multi billionaire and contender to the presidency of the United States, Donald Trump has amazed people around the world. By what he says and also his vulgar presence. The racism, arrogance and aggressiveness of his speech, plagued with lies and falsehoods and crude insults of the immigrants and Latin Americans and women make him anything but a statesman or politician partially sincere. To top it all off he intends to be the supreme commander if the largest super power in History.

Every day alarmed voices arise south of the Rio Bravo but also in Europe and other parts of the world. A candidate such as this in any of those countries would be punished with ridicule and jest and no one could imagine that he could win an election.

Although in the United States there is also a rejection of the Hispanics and women, they fortunately feel shame in face of this comic person.

What is true, according to surveys, Trump has rapidly become the main contender within the Republican Party. Every sign of arrogance and ignorance produces a substantial increase of support that now surpasses comfortably all the rest. Whatever the final result there is no doubt that until now, the publicity media show that is called ”political debate” of this unbelievable filthy rich person of becoming the most important protagonist. He is mentioned every day, articles are written about him; editorials; he is a reference and comparison of a dozen of rivals who follow him in the long distance and the most advantageous who would defeat the president by more than two digits.

On the Democratic front the results are also surprising. Against Hillary Clinton who looked unbeatable an unsuspected challenger presents himself: Senator Bernard Sanders. His is a veteran and, as independent, for 25 years is a representative of the Federal Congress of the small state of Vermont. Since his announcement to run in the election the “experts “and large press thought it was impossible.

Because Sanders is the only congressman of the country who defines himself as a “socialist” and calls for fundamental changes in health, education, social security and the environment and is opposed to the aggressive and interventionist policy of the Empire. His program goes no further from than the European social democracy that will bend to the neo-liberal dogma, but is a radical in a country in which President Obama is described as “communist”.

He doesn’t have the electoral machinery; his campaign depends on contributions of the common citizens and has rallied a growing number of young enthusiasts.

His public events with thousands of sympathizers widely surpass those of the other contenders and his Facebook page has 1,6 million who like Sanders and almost half a million more than Clinton and much more than
the other contenders, democrats of republicans.

In his words he has explained that “our campaign is about creating a political revolution that tells the multimillion classes they can’t have everything. This country, this country belongs to all of us”.

There is still a long way ahead for the parties to choose their candidates. Almost all discount Trump and Sanders.

But no one can ignore the contradictory phenomenon that both represent. It is worrying and hopeful at the same time. On the one hand the support of reactionary attitudes and on the other the potential renovation of the new generations.

The nightmare of Trump that could be defeated but “Trumpism “continues to be a threat while the Empire exists. Sanders will probably not achieve the nomination but “Sanderism
” exists until the United States becomes a true democracy.

Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, President of the Councils of State and Ministers at the United Nations

Esteemed heads of state and government,
Distinguished heads of delegations,
Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations,









Mr. President,
Seventy years ago, on behalf of their peoples, the member states of this organization signed the United Nations Charter. We pledged to protect future generations from the scourge of war, and to build a new type of relationship guided by a set of principles and purposes that could bring about an era of peace, justice and development for all of humanity.
However, since then, there have been constant wars of aggression; interference in the internal affairs of states; violent overthrowing of sovereign governments; so-called “soft coups,” and the re-colonization of territories. All of these perfected with non-conventional strategies and new technology, under the guise of alleged human rights violations.
The militarization of cyberspace, and the covert and illegal use of information and communications technologies to attack other states is unacceptable, as likewise is the distortion of the advancement and protection of human rights used with a selective and discriminatory approach to justify and impose political decisions.
Despite the fact that the Charter calls to “reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person,” to millions of people the fulfillment of human rights remains a utopia.

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