All posts by JaimeM

Driulis González enters the Judo Hall of Fame The Cuban judoka is the first Latin American woman to feature in the discipline’s Hall of Fame

Driulis González enters the Judo Hall of Fame
The Cuban judoka is the first Latin American woman to feature in the discipline’s Hall of Fame
Author: Aliet Arzola Lima |
august 24, 2015 10:08:54

Driulis also participated in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.


Photo: Ricardo López Hevia Photo: Ricardo López Hevia.

When one hears about the Judo Hall of Fame, they discover, among other things that only 30 great figures in the history of the sport have achieved such a distinction. This detail demonstrates how difficult it is to be included in the select group, to which Cuba’s Driulis González was inducted last Saturday, August 22.
Four-times Olympic medalist (1992-bronze, 1996-gold, 2000-silver and 2004-bonze) and three-times world champion (1995, 1999 and 2007), the athlete from Guantanamo has been part of the national squad for 20 years, becoming an example for her teammates and a paradigm of judo worldwide.
Driulis has done it all; she commands respect in every competitive scenario while her efforts have now seen her inducted – as the only Latin American woman to date – into the Judo Hall of Fame; the second Cuban after Héctor Rodríguez received the recognition two years ago.
According to the athlete, her selection – based on yeas of hard work, results and dedication – represents one of the happiest moments of her career, stating, “But I won’t let the fame go to my head, I’ll continue to be the same Driulis as always, only a little more touched,” to journalist Joel García after the induction ceremony held in theAlauIce Palace, Astana, Kazakhstan, where the 2015World Judo Championships will be taking place, kicking off thisMon day, August24.

La mujer cubana en todos los frentes, *** English Ver. Follows

La mujer cubana en todos los frentes
Con el ánimo de reconocer la inigualable labor de quienes protagonizan acciones a favor del progreso de la mujer cubana en la defensa de la obra revolucionaria, un grupo de compañeras y compañeros recibieron la Distinción 23 de agosto

Autor: Amaya Saborit Alfonso |
19 de agosto de 2015 23:08:38

f0041613 José Ramón Machado Ventura entregó la Distinción 23 de agosto a un grupo de compañeras y compañeros por su destacable trayectoria. Foto: Anabel Díaz

Con el objetivo de reconocer la labor de quienes, desde diferentes sectores, protagonizan acciones a favor del progreso de la mujer cubana en la defensa de la obra revolucionaria, se entregó este miércoles, en el Salón de Protocolo El Laguito, la Distinción 23 de agosto a un total de 37 personas destacadas.

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Cuban women on all fronts

Cuban women on all fronts
In recognition of their tireless efforts to advance the rights of women, a group of 37 men and women were awarded the August 23 Distinction

Author: Amaya Saborit Alfonso |
august 20, 2015 09:08:30







José Ramón Machado Ventura presented the FMC’s August 23 Distinction to a group of men and women, in recognition of their efforts to advance the rights of women. Photo: Anabel Díaz

Yesterday, August 19, in recognition of their tireless efforts to advance the rights of women, a group of 37 men and women were awarded the August 23 Distinction. The ceremony took place in the El Laguito protocol hall and was presided by Teresa Amarelle Boué, Party Central Committee member and FMC secretary general.
José Ramón Machado Ventura, Party Central Committee second secretary and a Council of Ministers vice president, presented the awards and emphasized that Cuban women “must be, and are, on all fronts in our country.”
The Distinction was granted by the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), on the occasion of its 55th anniversary, to deserving individuals based on their professional and social careers; their ethical, revolutionary values; their exemplary conduct in areas such as government, the judiciary, science, production, the arts, culture and sports.

Continue reading Cuban women on all fronts

The challenge of building a future without forgetting the past Hundreds

The challenge of building a future without forgetting the past
Hundreds of people gathered outside the newly reopened U.S. Embassy in Havana on August 14, to witness the historic flag-raising ceremony, the equivalent of no longer be prisoners of the past, standing before him where the three Marines who which took place at the Cuban mission in Washington on July 20.

Author: Iramsy Peraza Forte |
Author: laura Bécquer Paseiro |
Author: Sergio Alejandro Gómez |
august 18, 2015 12:08:58

Hundreds of people and journalists from across the world attended the reopening ceremony of the U.S. Embassy in Havana.


Photo: Juvenal Balán

WHEN John Kerry stated on August 14, in Havana that Cuba and the United States could lowered the U.S. embassy flag on January 1961. To his right was Wayne Smith, a young diplomat assigned to the Cuban capital at the moment when President Eisenhower decided to sever diplomatic relations. Smith later became Head of the U.S. Interests Section at the end of the James Carter administration, but resigned at the beginning of Ronald Reagan’s presidency, becoming a tireless advocate for a change in U.S. policy towards the island. From the Malecón, three classic Chevrolets watched over the official reopening ceremony, the foremost a black 1959Impala.
History, just like the stars and stripes flag, was up in the air that morning.

Continue reading The challenge of building a future without forgetting the past Hundreds