All posts by JaimeM

Fidel’s fraternal meeting with Maduro and Evo (+Photos)

Fidel’s fraternal meeting with Maduro and Evo (+Photos)
The historic leader of the Cuban Revolution held a fraternal meeting, yesterday August 13, with Presidents Nicolás Maduro and Evo Morales.
Author: Granma |
august 14, 2015 08:08:46



Foto: Estudio Revolució

The historic leader of the Cuban Revolution held a fraternal meeting, yesterday August 13, with Presidents Nicolás Maduro and Evo Morales, on the occasion of his 89th birthday.



El primer Partido Comunista de Cuba, for Spanish readers

El primer Partido Comunista de Cuba
El 16 de agosto de 1925, en una vieja casa de la calle Calzada, en el Vedado, demolida tiempo después y donde hoy se erige la sala Hubert de Blanck se fundó en primer Partido Comunista de Cuba
Autor: Pedro Antonio García |
16 de agosto de 2015 22:08:09



Julio Antonio Mella y Carlos Baliño, dos figuras fundamentales en la fundación del Primer Partido Comunista de Cuba el 16 de agosto de 1925. Foto: Archivo
Eran un puñado de revolucionarios. Reu­nidos el 16 de agosto de 1925 en una vieja casa de la calle Calzada, en el Vedado, demolida tiempo después y donde hoy se erige la sala Hubert de Blanck, tenían como su principal misión la de crear el primer Partido Comunista de Cuba y afiliarlo a la Tercera Internacional, fundada por Lenin en 1919.
Carlos Baliño, uno de los fundadores del Partido Revo­lucionario Cubano, junto a José Martí, y quien durante las primeras décadas de la república neocolonial se había dedicado a difundir las ideas marxistas en la Isla, procedió a recibir las credenciales de los delegados. De la Agrupación Comunista (AC) de La Habana, a la cual también pertenecía, asistían el dirigente estudiantil antimperialista Julio Antonio Mella y el sindicalista de los cigarreros Alejandro Barrei­ro. Por la AC de la Sección Hebrea y su Juventud Comunista, asistían Yoshka Grinberg, Yunger Semiovich (seudónimo de Fabio Grobart) y Félix Gurbich.

Continue reading El primer Partido Comunista de Cuba, for Spanish readers

Cuba and U.S. discuss next steps in developing relations

Cuba and U.S. discuss next steps in developing relations
Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parilla this afternoon, August 14, reported that he and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry discussed next steps to be taken as the countries move toward normalizing relations, now that the initial phase of reestablishing diplomatic relations has concluded



Author: Granma |
august 14, 2015 15:08:48


Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parilla this afternoon, August 14, reported that he and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, in a constructive and respectful conversation, discussed the next steps to be taken as the countries move toward normalizing relations, now that the initial phase of reestablishing diplomatic relations has concluded.

During a joint press conference at the Hotel Nacional, Rodríguez said that, to begin this next stage, agreement had been reached to establish a Bilateral Commission to identify questions which can be addressed immediately, as well as more complicated pending issues which have accumulated over the past 50 years.

Continue reading Cuba and U.S. discuss next steps in developing relations

Cuban hepatitis B medication undergoing clinical trials

Cuban hepatitis B medication undergoing clinical trials
A Cuban medication to treat chronic hepatitis B, HeberNasvac, created by scientists at the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center (CIGB), is currently undergoing clinical trials in collaboration with the French company Abivax

Author: Prensa Latina |
august 11, 2015 17:08:49

A Cuban medication to treat chronic hepatitis B, HeberNasvac, created by scientists at the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center (CIGB), is currently undergoing clinical trials in collaboration with the French company Abivax.








A Cuban medication to treat chronic hepatitis B, HeberNasvac, created by scientists at the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center (CIGB), is currently undergoing clinical trials in collaboration with the French company Abivax.

The product has been undergoing safety and efficacy tests for several years, stated a CIGB specialist.

According to Iris Lugo Carro, the clinical trials being carried out by Cuban scientists and Abivax – involving 230 patients from eight Asian countries, and the participation of 50 clinical centers – are being realized under regulation ABX 203.

Continue reading Cuban hepatitis B medication undergoing clinical trials