All posts by JaimeM

Casa de las Américas, nuestro más sincero agradecimiento al Comité Internacional para la liberación de los 5 cubanos







Estimada Alicia Jrapko,

Casa de las Américas en nombre de todos los cubanos progresistas de la diáspora deseamos expresarles nuestro más sincero agradecimiento al Comité Internacional para la liberación de los 5 cubanos, por el extraordinario trabajo que realizaron en pro de la excarcelación de nuestros héroes. Ha quedado comprobado que cuando personas de buena voluntad se unen para luchar por una causa justa, el triunfo por dicha causa esta asegurado, no importa el tiempo que tome.

Decía nuestro José Martí que, “Hacer es la mejor forma de decir”. Con la satisfacción del deber cumplido, nos despedimos, no sin antes reiterar nuestro agradecimiento al Comité Internacional y a todas las organizaciones y personas que se unión en esta lucha de tanto significado para nuestra patria Cuba. “Patria o Muerte venceremos.

Nota: En Casa pensamos que el Comité Internacional podría integrarse de lleno a la causa de la liberación del compañero bóricua Oscar López Rivera y todos los presos políticos.

Jaime Mendieta Presidente
Gilberto Villa Vise Presidente
Nancy Cabrero Vise Presidente
Franklin Flores Secretario de Organización


The Stop Mass Incarceration Movement along with other organizations have organized the #WeekofOutrage in response to the Grand Juries’ decision to not indict NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo and Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson.

Actions are being organized in NY, LA, and Chicago
Info Here

Please contact the Stop Mass Incarceration Movement here if you have an event to add, and join the Plan for Week Of Outrage Facebook event here for updates.






T-Shirt & Sign Making Flash Mob 
At 5:00pm on the North end of Union Square.
Details: Bring black shirts to be stenciled “I Can’t Breathe.” No experience necessary, training held on the spot, then flash mob will move through the city.

Flash Mob
At 7:00pm in Grand Central


Wednesday, DEC. 10


Non-Violent Civil Resistance
At 2:00pm in Herald Square

Teach In for High School Students 
At 3:30 pm at George Washington H.S on 192nd Street

Details: What’s the big deal? What’s my role? What can I do?

“Broken Windows” Kills 
At 4:00pm at the Manhattan Institute, 52 Vanderbilt Ave
More Info: Check the Facebook Event Page here

People’s Power Assembly Mass Meeting Against Police Brutality/Black Lives Matter  
At 6:30pm at the Solidarity Center, 147 W 24th St, 2nd fl.



Teach In for High School Students 
At 3:30 pm at 125th and Adam Clayton

Details: What’s the big deal? What’s my role? What can I do?

Black Lives Matter — Holiday Intervention

At 6:00pm at Bryant Park

Blow the Whistle & Speak Out
Time: TBA
Where: Police Stations – specific locations TBA



Millions March For Justice: Sign Making Work Session
At 12:00pm at the IAC 147, W.24th Street

At 4:00 pm in Times Square (Gather at West 47th Street & Broadway at the Red Steps)

Our Demands, Visions, & Goals Press Conference/Rally
At 5:30pm at 26 Wall Street, Federal Hall Steps

Outreach Action Planning Assembly for Millions March For Justice
At 7:00pm at 60 Wall Street



Millions March For Justice, NYC

At 2:00pm at Washington Square Park




Faith Community Participation – Special sermons and testimony at all faith services
Time and Location: TBA


Clarissa López to Join 33 Mujeres NYC in East Harlem to Demand the Release of Her Father, Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera

November 24 – This month, 33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar will rally in East Harlem in front of “La Placita” on East 116th Street and Park Avenue. Please join us at 4:00 pm sharp in a 33-minute action to create awareness among our communities here and help build a movement for the release of Puerto Rican political prisoner OscarLópez Rivera.

Oscar’s daughter, Clarissa López, will be attending the 4:00 pm rally, as well as a community gathering and silent auction at Camaradas el Barrio, beginning at 5:00 pm.
About Oscar López Rivera

Oscar López Rivera Often described as the Nelson Mandela of our generation, Oscar is the longest held Puerto Rican political prisoner in the history of the nation’s independence movement. Activists, singers, politicians, actors, students, religious leaders and lawyers the world over have called on President Barack Obama to exercise his Constitutional power of pardon, and to grant immediate and unconditional release to Oscar López Rivera.
About 33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar
33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar is a group of women from New York City committed to securing Oscar López Rivera’s freedom. We hold monthly rallies for 33 minutes on the last Sunday of every month from 4:00 – 4:33pm to signify the 33 years that Oscar has been imprisoned in federal penitentiaries, and will continue to hold monthly rallies until he is released. Our rallies coincide with actions occurring at the same date and time in San Juan, Puerto Rico that were initiated by 32 women in 2013 to mark Oscar’s 32nd year of imprisonment.
Monthly Rally
Sunday, November 30th
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
In front of “La Placita”
In front of “La Placita”
East 116th Street & Park Avenue
