All posts by JaimeM

Cuba Doctors Battle Ebola, Censored in US Media

Heroes dressed in white

Leticia Martínez Hernández



That evening, two people were celebrating their birthdays. I don’t know how old they were, and right then it didn’t seem to matter, given that in a few moments they would be setting off to perhaps the last place anyone would want to go. On the tarmac of José Martí International Airport they boarded the IL-96 plane which would take them directly to Sierra Leone.

Those two people were Dr. Eldys Rodríguez and Dr. Roberto Ponce, who just before making their way to the plane received “happy birthday” greetings from hundreds of Cuban healthcare professionals. These same professionals had immediately said yes when they were asked if they would travel to Africa. How could they have refused, given that since the first time they had sat down for a class at the faculty of medicine, they were taught to cherish the gift of saving lives.

Continue reading Cuba Doctors Battle Ebola, Censored in US Media

A Must Read, Address by H.E. Mr. Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba at the United Nations General Assembly. New York, September 27, 2014







Mr. President;

Mr. Secretary-General;

Excellencies, Heads of State and Government;

Distinguished delegates;

We live in a globalized world which moves on towards multi-polarity in an era characterized by a threat to the survival of the human species.  Neither the US government nor NATO would be able to reverse that trend by a new distribution of the world through the use of arms. But there is a serious risk that, in attempting to do that, the world becomes an ungovernable place.

Continue reading A Must Read, Address by H.E. Mr. Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba at the United Nations General Assembly. New York, September 27, 2014

Obama’s Miami terrorist are track one, we have “track two” in the attempt to destroy the Cuban Revolution.

I. Nahem
Date: August 27, 2014



New concrete examples of Washington’s ongoing economic and political subversion and covert intervention against the sovereign and independent island nation of Cuba has come to light in recent months. As reported by the Associated Press, this latest scheme was approved and directed by the Obama Administration under the auspices of the State Department’s Agency for International Development. Washington, from 2009-12, sent some dozen young operatives from Venezuela, Costa Rica, and Peru to organize opposition to the Cuban government by attempting to recruit Cuban youth encountered through infiltrating Cuban civic programs.

The scheme, which was a resounding failure and closed up shop in 2012, was fronted by a “private” group, Creative Associates International. This was the same outfit that was exposed in another Obama White House “project” revealed in an AP piece in April 2014 to organize a secret “Cuban Twitter” network that aiming to build a counter-revolutionary base to carry out US anti-Cuba policy. This also failed miserably and was discontinued. A similar front organization, Development Alternatives, Inc. was the vehicle by which US operative Alan Gross smuggled ultra-high tech satellite communications equipment into Cuba as part of yet another US covert action in blatant violation of Cuban law and for which he was convicted and imprisoned. Gross has been essentially abandoned by Washington which has repeatedly rejected efforts to resolve his situation by releasing him in exchange for freeing the remaining three Cuban Five political prisoners who were framed up and imprisoned for infiltrating and monitoring groups in south Florida planning and implementing violent acts against Cuba in the 1990s in formal violation of US law

Continue reading Obama’s Miami terrorist are track one, we have “track two” in the attempt to destroy the Cuban Revolution.

President Obama and anti-Cuban Terrorist, The Truth Commission on Terrorism








President Obama accepts 2 million dollars from Posada Carriles and Gloria Estefan.


Ladies in White demonstration March 18, 2010 front  terrorist organizations April 15, 2010 Posada Carriles and Gloria Estefan at demonstration of Ladies in White, a political front for, Cuban-American National Foundation, and other terrorist organization

Mr. Posada remains a prime suspect in the bombing of a Cuban commercial airliner that killed 73 people in 1976. He has admitted to plotting attacks that damaged tourist spots in Havana and killed an Italian visitor there in 1997. He was convicted in Panama in a 2000 bomb plot against Mr. Castro. Ten years later, with Posada in U.S. government custody, investigations into these criminal attacks are confined to the modest efforts of a grand jury that is supposedly meeting in Newark, New Jersey.
The government of Venezuela wants to extradite and retry him for the Cuban airline bombing and has good reasons. Mr. Posada was involved “up to his eyeballs” in planning the attack, said Carter Cornick, a retired counterterrorism specialist for the Federal Bureau of Investigation who investigated Mr. Posada’s role in that case. A newly declassified 1976 F.B.I. document
Mr. Posada, in 2005 sneaked back into Florida in an effort to seek political asylum for having served as a cold war soldier on the payroll of the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1960’s.


President Obama and Gloria Estefan strategize on how best to protect terrorist and frame anti-terrorist agents.    They also review the campaign to promote: the political and terrorist campaign against Cuba

By flaunting extradition treaties, the U.S. has chosen to treat Posada Carriles’ case as a minor immigration offense, charging him only with illegal entry into the country, them dismised all charges.

The men, now known as the Cuban Five, two have completed full sentence, collected evidence of the terrorists’ plots, which was then presented to the FBI. On June 17, 1998, a historic meeting was held in Havana. There, Cuban officials implored U.S. law enforcement officials to act on evidence presented, in order to end the cycle of terror. Instead of arresting the terrorists, the FBI rounded up the Cuban Five, the very people who were warning about the terrorist plans. Fernando González, René González, Antonio Guerrero, Gerardo Hernández, and Ramón Labañino were arrested, and placed in solitary confinement for 17 months. The Cuban Five were sentenced to four life terms and 75 years collectively

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