All posts by JaimeM

A More Aggressive US Policy Against Bolivia

th-2This assessment (of a change of guard in the US embassy at La Paz indicating a more aggressive US policy against the Morales government which, in the context of Bolivian history,    has been revolutionary and antij-imperialist) should be taken very seriously. Fred Feldman Granma International Havana. May 29, 2014 What is the U.S. plotting in Bolivia? Hugo Moldiz Mercado In a tactical shift toward Bolivia, the U.S. State Department has sent Jefferson Brown to the country, indicating a likely increase in subversive activity against the Morales government. Continue reading A More Aggressive US Policy Against Bolivia

The Innocence of Gerardo By Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada


 The Innocence of Gerardo

 By Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada  
May 19, 2014  

The meeting in London of the Commission of Inquiry on the case of the Cuban Five examined in depth the specific situation of Gerardo Hernández Nordeloand the infamous charge (Count 3 “conspiracy to commit murder”) lodged only against him. It forms the basis of his sentence, in which he must die two times in prison. He is falsely accused of having participated in the shoot-down of the two planes of the terrorist group that calls itself  “Brothers to the Rescue.”

Continue reading The Innocence of Gerardo By Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada

The 9th colloquium for the liberation of the Cuban 5 and against Terrorism

L to R  Jaime Mendieta,     Rene Gonzáles, Olga Salanueva and Franklin Flores
L to R Jaime Mendieta, Rene Gonzáles, Olga Salanueva and Franklin Flores

English Follows

El día 13 al 17 de Noviembre se llevó acabo en Holguín Cuba el 9 coloquio por la liberación de los 5 y contra el terrorismo. Este evento es auspiciado por el Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos (ICAP), y cuenta con la participación de personas de Niovebertodo el mundo. Entre los participantes se encontraban Rene González, su esposa Olga Salanueva, y demás familiares de los 4 encarcelados restantes.

La actividad estuvo colmada de muchas emociones. Alli se reafirmó el deseo de continuar la lucha, hasta lograr el pronto regreso de Los héroes cubanos a su patria, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, Ramón Labanino, y Gerardo Hernández.

Casa de las Américasde NY estuvo representada por Jaime Mendieta, presidente y Franklin Flores, secretario de organización

Libertad para todos los presos políticos en cárceles norteamericanas ahora.

Casa de las Américas NY.

This past November from the 13th to the 17th the 9th colloquium for the liberation of the Cuban 5 and against Terrorism took place in Holguin Cuba.  The event took place under auspices of The Cuban Institute for friend with the peoples, (ICAP) in Spanish, delegates from around the word participated, they meet with Rene Gonzáles and this wife Olga Salanueva and family member of the 4 still unjustly held in US prisons.

Much emotion and lots of love at the colloquium was evident and a reaffirmation to continue the struggle until the Cuban heroes are freed and back in Cuba, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, Ramón Labanino, y Gerardo Hernández.

Casa de las Américas NY, was represented by Jaime Mendieta, president and Franklin Flores, secretary of organization.

Casa de las Américas NY

Free all political in Untied States prisons NOW.