All posts by JaimeM


Sat., Aug. 2, 1PM at the White House
End the Siege of Gaza,
End All U.S. Aid to Israel!






Dear Friends, The Palestinian people of Gaza have been resisting in the face of the merciless U.S.-backed Israeli assault.

What Gaza needs more than anything is an end to the eight-year long blockade and siege.

The siege is a crime against humanity that prevents the people of Gaza from working, going to school, traveling and building their society. It is a grotesque and vicious form of collective punishment deliberately intended to cause the greatest suffering.

More than 250 children have been slaughtered in the recent Israeli massacre. Nearly 1500 people have been killed and over 7000 have been wounded.

Saturday, August 2 at the White House in Washington DC we hope you will join with justice-minded people from across the country to join in the largest demonstration yet to say:

Stop the Massacre!
End the Siege of Gaza NOW!
End All U.S. Aid to Israel!
If you can’t join the demonstration you can still show your support by making an urgently-needed donation today.

End the siege! Free Palestine!


Brian Becker,
National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition







Enviado por editor en Jue, 31/07/2014 – 21:00 slider-img59El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Cuba Bruno Eduardo Rodríguez Parrilla ha seguido con creciente preocupación los graves acontecimientos en la Franja de Gaza, en particular los indiscriminados ataques del Ejército israelí contra objetivos civiles, que han provocado miles de muertos y heridos, y la masiva destrucción de propiedades e infraestructuras.

El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Cuba insta una vez más a todos los estados, a las organizaciones y organismos internacionales, al Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, y a la comunidad internacional en su conjunto, a exigir el cese inmediato de la agresión israelí, el levantamiento del bloqueo a la Franja de Gaza, el restablecimiento de los servicios médicos, de agua y electricidad, para  preservar la vida de cientos de miles de personas inocentes.

Cuba reitera su más enérgica condena a esta nueva agresión de Israel contra la población de la Franja de Gaza, y ratifica su inquebrantable solidaridad con el pueblo palestino y su derecho  a la autodeterminación y al establecimiento de un Estado independiente, con su capital en Jerusalén Oriental.

La Habana, 31 de julio de 2014  

Excerpts from Goble Post







American nations are expressing their revulsion at the bloodshed in Gaza — and squarely pinning the blame on Israel.

Chile, Peru and El Salvador said this week they are recalling their ambassadors from Israel for consultation. That was after Ecuador and Brazil did the same last week.

And on Wednesday, Bolivian President Evo Morales declared Israel a “terrorist state.”

Latin Americans appear to be leading a diplomatic storm, flying envoys out of Tel Aviv. Recalling an ambassador for consultation falls short of breaking off relations outright, but it can lead to that. The moves to recall ambassadors “are motivated by foreign and domestic policies,” said a Latin American diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the delicate nature of the issue. He said the leftist governments of Bolivia, Cuba and Venezuela would have followed suit — if they had any ambassadors in Israel to pull out.

The struggle continues with or without a physical house Casa de Las Américas

It is with regret that we announce the closing of Casa de las Americas at our 182 East 111th Street location. Numerous conditions beyond our control led to this difficult decision.

We are saddened at not being able to remain in el Barrio where we were so well received. We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve the community there for five years.

The struggle against Empire is relentless and never ending. We are discussing the next phase of our work to Defend the Cuban Revolution.

We expect to have more information by the end of September.

Jaime Mendieta

Guillermo Villa

Nancy Cabrero

Franklin Flores

Israel’s latest attack on Gaza
• Zionism once again initiates a genocidal campaign against Palestinians in its mission to maintain their subjugation



Havana, July 22, 2014

It is no accident that Tel Aviv, given the traditional silence of Washington and its remaining allies, and the notorious inaction of a good part of the Middle Eastern community, has recently initiated a military assault on Gaza and the defenseless Palestinian population.
Women, children and the elderly are the main victims of the latest Israeli genocide against Gaza. Photo: Mahmud Hams/ AFP.
Thus, Israel is once again attempting to reinforce its repression using the contrived excuse of the assassination of three young Jewish boys – living in one of the illegal Zionist colonies in the occupied West Bank – by Arab combatants, when various sources have assured that the victims were last seen with Israeli security officials

Nonetheless, the xenophobic response was applauded, and while Israeli planes mercilessly bombed populated zones in Gaza and Tel Aviv executed warlike maneuvers on the border, a group of extremists burnt a young Palestinian teenager alive, as one of the murders admitted during a police interrogation.

Continue reading Israel’s latest attack on Gaza
• Zionism once again initiates a genocidal campaign against Palestinians in its mission to maintain their subjugation