As part of the country’s defense preparedness, the Bastion 2024 Strategic Exercise is being carried out in the national territory from today until January 24.
Its realization was planned for November last year; however, due to the effects of hurricanes Oscar – in the eastern provinces – and Rafael – in the west – and the impact of earthquakes in Granma and Santiago de Cuba, it was necessary to postpone it for this year.
The purpose of the exercise is to train the management and command bodies of the different structures in charge of national and territorial defense, in the organization of work in the interest of raising the country’s readiness for defense and the preparation of the troops and the population, in order to face the different actions of the enemy.
Yesterday, Tuesday, January 21, the University Student Bastion was held, an expression of the participation of young people in the defense of the Homeland.
During the Bastion 2024 Strategic Exercise, and the National Defense Day, which will take place on Saturday, January 25, there will be maneuvers and tactical exercises of different types, with the participation of units of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, the Ministry of the Interior and other components of the territorial defense system. Therefore, there will be troop and war material movements, aviation flights, and explosions may be felt throughout the country.
The Bastion 2024 Strategic Exercise is an essential element in the materialization of our doctrine of the War of the Whole People.