Category Archives: Cuba / Religion

To struggle for peace is the most sacred duty of all human beings The historic leader of the Cuban Revolution emphasizes the singular importance of the meeting between Pope Francis and His Holiness Kirill











Author: Fidel Castro Ruz |
february 15, 2016 08:02:21
Sadly, almost all religions have been obliged to decry the destructive reality of war and its terrible consequences. They have been obliged to devote their greatest energies to this task. The singular importance of the meeting between Pope Francis and His Holiness Kirill in Havana is that it raised the hopes of the world’s peoples.
Peace has been the golden dream of humanity, and the peoples’ aspiration, at every moment in history. Thousands of nuclear weapons are hanging over humanity’s head. Preventing the most brutal war that could be unleashed has undoubtedly been the fundamental objective of efforts by religious leaders of churches directed by men such as Pope Francis, Pontiff of the Catholic Church, and His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.
To struggle for peace is the most sacred duty of all human beings, whatever their religion, country of origin, skin color, advanced or youthful age may be.
Fidel Castro Ruz
February 14, 2016
10:18 pm

Recibió Raúl Castro al Patriarca de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa Su Santidad Kirill sostendrá

Recibió Raúl Castro al Patriarca de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa
Su Santidad Kirill sostendrá este viernes en La Habana, un encuentro histórico con Su Santidad el papa Francisco
Autor: Redacción Nacional |
12 de febrero de 2016 00:02:54








Foto: Estudios Revolución

El Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, recibió en el aeropuerto internacional José Martí al Patriarca de Moscú y de Toda Rusia, Su Santidad Kirill, en la primera visita pastoral a Cuba como Primado de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa.
En el recibimiento se encontraban además Esteban Lazo Hernández, presidente de la Asam­­blea Nacional del Poder Popular; el canciller Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, ambos miembros del Buró Político del Partido; Mar­ta Her­nán­dez, presidenta de la Asam­blea Pro­vincial del Poder Popular en La Habana; Caridad Diego, jefa de la Oficina de Atención a los Asuntos Religiosos del Comité Central del Partido; el embajador de la Fe­deración Ru­sa en Cuba, Mijaíl Kaminin, y autoridades de la Iglesia Ortodoxa rusa.
“Con un sentimiento muy cálido visito por cuarta vez el territorio de Cuba”, inició su discurso el Patriarca Kirill, quien afirmó además que llega a nuestro país en una “visita de amistad” por invitación del General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, y recordó que “los pue­blos de Ru­sia y Cuba están unidos por mu­chos años de relación, de colaboración y amistad”.

Continue reading Recibió Raúl Castro al Patriarca de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa Su Santidad Kirill sostendrá

Pope Francis in Cuba: Minute by minute… Follow the Pope’s visit in Cuba live:

Pope Francis in Cuba: Minute by minute…
Follow the Pope’s visit in Cuba live:

Author: Granma |
september 19, 2015 09:09:44


Pope Francis aboard the plane that will take him to Cuba.

08:13.-This is the first time that the Pope will visit Cuba, with the exception of a brief lay-over of one hour on the island, while on route to Argentina, Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, has stated




The Bishop of Rome will arrive in the Cuban capital at 4.00 p.m. this Saturday.

08:12.-This tour, which will see the Pope Francis visit the United States as well as Cuba, is his tenth since his inauguration as head of the Catholic Church, on March 13, 2013




The Pope leaving Rome

08:10.-Pope Francis is travelling with an entourage that includes Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, and Vatican “Foreign Minister” Monsignor John Gallagher


f0008717Pope Francis’ plane before leaving Rome this morning.

08:03.-At 10:15 local time (4:15 a.m. in Cuba), Alitalia flight AZ4000, in which Pope Francis is travelling to Havana, took off at the Fiumicino International Airport in Rome, thus beginning his visit to Cuba and the United States