Category Archives: Cuba sovereign and independent

Díaz-Canel: “Thank you for your heroism in the face of the barbarity of the economic war against us”

Photo: ACN

Cuba’s top authorities sent a message to the people just hours before celebrating the 66th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution, this January 1st.
“Dear compatriots: Infinite thanks for your heroism in the face of the barbarity of the economic war that is being waged against us,” declared Miguel Díaz-Canel, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic.
With his message, in X, the president encouraged to remember the year that is ending, not for the obstacles and shortages but for the victories achieved.
“It is a great honor and thrill to know that we are part of this people who were not born destined for greatness. It has earned it through heroism and creativity in resistance. Long live Cuba forever free and sovereign by the will of its people,” added the head of state.
His message was accompanied by a video, in which the daily life of Cubans is accompanied by his words at the closing of the 4th Ordinary Period of Sessions of the National Assembly of People’s Power in its 10th Legislature, at the Convention Palace, on December 20, 2024:
In today’s Cuba, no one needs to walk very far if they want to find our heroines and heroes: They are millions! They make up the body and soul of a Revolution that resists and incessantly remakes itself. They are of all colors and of all ages. They do not think of medals or tributes, because they are determined to make a living day by day.
They do not think about losing but about winning; and if someone asks them what they are up to, they will say that they are “in the fight”, “in the struggle”, “in the fight”, “on their knees”, without crying, because the most powerful empire in history has been denying their beloved country, for more than 60 years, in cold blood and with total perversity, their right to welfare.
There are our heroes and martyrs, those who, as José Martí said, are sacred because they served their homeland. And there are also those of today, those who are not yet in any book: all those who put their hands and intelligence to work for Cuba; those who know that work is the source of all benefits; those who do not complain bitterly because something has been done wrong or has not been done, because they get involved in the solutions; those who put chest and hands to life and go tearing off bits and pieces of the problems, just as weeds are pulled out of the way.
These heroic protagonists have names and surnames: they are our children, always cheerful; they are their teachers, with humility as a sign, and full of lights, many of them doing wonders in amazing corners of the geography. They are our workers full of grease, smut or mud, but full of courage as they clean a well, or compose a thermoelectric boiler, or raise a high tension tower or a pole that has been knocked to the ground by a hurricane.
They are our doctors, nurses, scientists, artists and creators; they are all the entrepreneurs who dream of order, cleanliness and making things work well. It is the family ironing the school shirt at any cost, and at all hours standing in front of the pots and pans in the house (Applause). It is our young people -that sacred force of the country- wanting to do something useful. They are our indefatigable cadres, those who in the field must make bold decisions and unite wills. Heroes are all of them, absolutely all those who do not believe in defeat! They are invincible heroes!

Cubans have the right to construct our socialist society

Cubans have the right to construct our socialist society
Cuban civic organizations condemn the exclusionary maneuvers of the U.S. government in preparations for the upcoming Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, California

Author: National news staff |
may 24, 2022 08:05:51






Photo: Cubainformación
The exclusion of Cuban civil society organizations, from both virtual and face-to-face activities of the Summit of the Americas’ Civil Society Forum, was condemned by participants in the III Forum of Cuban Civil Society and Social Actors, under the banner of “Thinking Americas,” which took place yesterday at the José Martí National Library, convened by the Cuban United Nations Association.
In their final declaration, participants condemned the rejection of registrations submitted by Cuban representatives and the admission of only a small number of social activists, reflecting the selectivity, double standards, discriminatory policies and anti-democratic attitudes prevailing among organizers of the Summit.
The statement denounces the decision of the United States government, in its capacity as the host country, to unilaterally exclude Latin American and Caribbean nations, violating the principles of respect for sovereignty, the self-determination of peoples and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.
The fact that the U.S. government has ruled out the processing of visas in Havana for representatives of Cuban civil society, which organizers of the Summit’s parallel forums approved, is also repudiated in the document.
“This decision blatantly undermines the obligations of a host country, demonstrating its contempt for regional public opinion in support of an inclusive event, and reflects the essence of the hostile, interventionist policy of the United States government toward Cuba, with the futile objective of overthrowing the political, economic and social system which Cubans have chosen, in full exercise of our self-determination,” the statement noted.
Participants likewise condemned the brutal U.S. blockade of Cuba and reaffirmed their right “to continue building socialism in this, our beloved homeland,” and “a sustainable, resilient, equitable future, with all and for the good of all.”

Congratulations to Cuba!

Díaz-Canel: For the year we have overcome and for the one we are preparing to overcome: Congratulations to Cuba!
Speech by Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, at the Eighth Session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power, at the Havana Convention Center, on December 22, 2021, “Year 63 of the Revolution”.

Author: Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúde |
january 4, 2022 13:01:18

Photo: Juvenal Balán
Speech by Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, at the Eighth Session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power, at the Havana Convention Center, on December 22, 2021, “Year 63 of the Revolution”.

(Shorthand Versions – Presidency of the Republic)

Dear Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution;

Commanders of the Revolution and of the Rebel Army who are with us;

Dear comrade Esteban Lazo, President of the National Assembly of People’s Power;

Representatives, teachers who are listening to us:

We conclude this Legislature on a day of extraordinary significance for Cuba, December 22, Educator’s Day and the 60th anniversary of the Literacy Campaign, the first step on the road to cultural emancipation that opened the doors of knowledge for all, placing our small Third World nation at the forefront of education and science in some subjects.
Happy day, teachers of Cuba, education workers at all levels! I ask for a round of applause for all those who became teachers, which is to become creators (Applause).
The richness and intensity of the analyses we have participated in during these days and the accountability reports allow me to not address some issues at the end of a period of work that cannot be summarized in words alone.

Continue reading Congratulations to Cuba!

This people has the right to defend itself

This people has the right to defend itself
Granma reporters visit Yunior Garcia’s neighborhood: Not on November 14, or the 15th, did the people of Cuba allow anyone spoon fed by a foreign nation to disrupt our tranquility with the airs of war

Yisell Rodríguez Milánnovember 18, 2021 11:11:03

The Havana neighborhood of La Coronela where Yunior Garcia resides.

Photo: Granma
Not at 3:00 pm on November 14, or at any time on the 15th did the people of Cuba allow someone – spoon fed by the foreign nation that has most harmed the homeland – to disrupt our tranquility with the airs of war, or replace our peace with revenge, festering over more than 60 years as a result of our irreverence, a few miles from the same Yankees who, using similar pretexts and similar plans, have bombed peoples in the Middle East and encouraged hatred and violence in Our America.

The fact that events announced for Monday, November 15, bear not a trace of authenticity or improvisation has been made clear by the 29 public statements from U.S. authorities, logistical support, courses for the training of agents of change, and a media operation mounted on social networks, from U.S. territory, using bots to falsify reality.

We arrived in the La Coronela neighborhood of La Lisa, where Yunior Garcia lives, the latest manufactured ringleader attempting to lead a process of political destabilization in Cuba, on Sunday afternoon. This was the day on which he had announced plans for a performance in which José Martí’s anti-imperialist, loving rose was to be sullied.

“Nobody is paying me to be here,” stated young Eduardo Guisado Castellanos, a self-employed worker, speaking with us live on Granma’s Facebook page, who firmly insisted that he was there to defend the Revolution, into which he was born and in which he intends to die.

“I came to tell Yunior García, the mercenary, who is hiding many things behind the pacifism he claims to defend: the homeland is being given away, the tranquility we have always had, our unity as Cubans,” said the young man who, in reference to the news circulating about what might happen in the community, said that he was no soldier, not “repressing” anyone, only “a resident who is defending his neighborhood and supporting his people.”

“We’re not fascists, we are the people; people who defend our conquests, true to Fidel, to the death. They brag that they are willing to shed their blood… from Miami. There are young people here who are willing to give our own lives for the homeland. Let them be very clear about that,” he added.

He reported that the foreign press had interviewed him, asking what he is doing there, to which he answered: “We know that there are people, wage earners, who may join him, and we are avoiding a people-to-people confrontation.”

“There is an atmosphere of tranquility here,” Solangel Arró La O, another resident, told our cameras, from a site near the building displaying the most flags in all of La Coronela.

Arró La O warned us about the effect posts circulating on social networks might have on citizens, which is why she made sure to convey security to the parents of the children attending the local elementary school, sending them a message of confidence in the reopening of schools, protected by their teachers and the entire community.

Teacher Yulexi Aponte Mendoza told us that he came out to remind the agent Yunior Garcia of Fidel’s teachings, those that have allowed our people to reach this November 15 with the pandemic under control, having developed several vaccines, and children returning to school.

During our live interview, a doctor, dressed in white, a color the counterrevolutionaries have attempted to misappropriate and add to their 15N symbols, addressed the construction of Yunior Garcia’s leadership, nonexistent in the community where she has lived for more than 25 years.

Barbara Corrales Arce is the family doctor who, based on her life experience, warned young people not to let themselves be manipulated by what they see on social networks, assuming that what may not be real is real.