Category Archives: Cuba sovereign and independent

No one is going to rain on our party!

No one is going to rain on our party!
On November 15, Cuba will reopen its borders, students will return to school; Havana, the capital of dignity, will await its 502nd anniversary, to celebrate as it has not been able to do in the last two years. National life will resume its course, with the greatest joy, but alert

Author: Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez |
november 12, 2021 09:11:09

Photo: Carteles
In direct contradiction with President Biden’s recent declarations before the United Nations General Assembly, supporting multilateralism and cooperation in the struggle against the pandemic at a global level, the blockade of Cuba has been tightened, new sanctions were imposed and a new destabilization plan was set in motion, following their “soft coup” manual to the letter…
-Against a socialist project like ours, violent or military actions, invasion, occupation are never ruled out; but the first bet is on demoralization, on surrender, this is why the message of hatred of communism, the anti-socialist emphasis, the persecution of every possible economic solution, in short, the blockade…
-This is why Washington is so annoyed by Cuba’s success in confronting the pandemic, in particular the outstanding results of our vaccination program, developed with ingenuity, effort and our own resources. This explains the determination to disparage our public health system and deny this extraordinary achievement of Cuba…
-Every vaccine created and administered, every immunized compatriot, every infection avoided and every life saved are victories for the national cause and defeats of the imperialist aggression against our country. It may seem incredible to describe it that way, but there is no other way to describe the shameless use of a pandemic, with cold political calculation, against an entire people… In response to the imperialist plans, we are defeating the pandemic, as we have defeated and will defeat their aggressive plans, no matter how vicious the campaigns or slanders…
-Thanks to Fidel’s visionary policy of promoting science, and the continuity Raúl provided to that work; thanks to the talent, dedication and commitment with which several generations of Cuban researchers have been trained; our government has been able to face, like no other in Latin America or the Third World, the terrible threat of a pandemic… Today we are the first country in Latin America with three vaccines and two vaccine candidates under development, and the first in the world to begin vaccinating its pediatric population between two and 18 years of age…
-On November 15, Cuba will reopen its borders, students will return to school; Havana, the capital of dignity, will await its 502nd anniversary, to celebrate as it has not been able to do in the last two years. National life will resume its course, with the greatest joy, but alert
-The peace and harmony that distinguish life in our streets will continue to reign.

*Excerpts from remarks by the Party First Secretary and President of the Republic, during the closing of the National Assembly of People’s Power most recent Ordinary Period of Sessions

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The United States government is the real organizer of November 15 provocation


The United States government is the real organizer of November provocation
Plans hatched by the U.S. government and its internal operators to overthrow the Revolution and their pretensions to hold marches in several provinces across the countrywere discussed recently by Rogelio Polanco Fuentes, member of the Communist Party of Cuba Secretariat and head of its Ideological Department

Author: Gladys Leydis Ramos López |
november 4, 2021 12:11:25
Plans hatched by the U.S. government and its internal operators to overthrow the Revolution and their pretensions to hold marches in several provinces across the country were discussed recently by Rogelio Polanco Fuentes, member of the Communist Party of Cuba Secretariat and head of its Ideological Department.

In the presence of representatives from youth and student organizations, Polanco explained that his statement was among the many public condemnations made in the wake of comments by Party First Secretary and President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, during the closing of the Central Committee’s second plenum.

Polanco recalled that between September 20 and 27, a small group of citizens submitted similar documents in which they announced the decision to hold supposedly peaceful marches to the headquarters of provincial and municipal governments in eight territories of the country.

This decision, he underlined, was more than a request since those submitting it were certain the march, conceived with national scope and in evident coordination with its promoters, would take place; meanwhile, the answer given by the authorities on October 12 provided precise arguments on the illegal nature of this act in relation with items 56, 45 and 4 de of the Constitution.

Among the reasons given to decline the request, he added, it was clarified that the public projections of the promoters and their links with subversive organizations and agencies financed by the U.S. Government have the clear intention to promote a change of the political system in Cuba, therefore, the announced march is another provocation related with that strategy, which has been previously mounted by the United States in other countries.

He recalled that, upon its announcement, the march received the support of U.S. legislators, political operators and the media that encourage actions against the Cuban people, promote destabilization and call for a military intervention.

Warning: This has been tried before

It is obvious that we are witnessing a new episode of the unconventional war, soft coup or the nonviolent struggle manual that the United States has executed during contemporary times in several countries such as Yugoslavia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, said the member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee.

According to the circular 18-01 (tc-1801), one of the main doctrinal documents of the U.S. Army Special Forces on unconventional warfare, some of the elements of this kind of warfare include taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of the government they wish to overthrow, to make it distant from the population, turn the citizens with a neutral standing against the government, and to exploit these elements through subversion, he detailed.

Furthermore, he added, if these methods do not bring the desired results, they would resort to armed conflict, by promoting insurgence.

The most notorious example, he said, is the guarimbas in Venezuela, violent actions of the opposition of that country held during the years 2013, 2014 and 2017 to try to overthrow the Bolivarian government and, in that endeavor, the cause countless economic and human damages in that sister nation.

The evidences are collected in a report of the Venezuelan government entitled “Venezuela’s truth against infamy. Data and testimonies from a country under siege,” published in September 2020, where it is informed that the total toll of the violent protests in February 2014 reached the total number of 43 people, meanwhile, in the ones that took place from April to June, 2017, causing 21 deaths and 1,958 injuries.

Moreover, the U.S. State Secretary in 2014, John Kerry, issued a statement in which he said that the protests taking place in Venezuela that year were peaceful and accused the government of Venezuela of using the force to confront protesters, he continued.

However, a detailed examination showed that most of the protests in 2017 broke international and national laws in force and they all ended up in actions of extreme violence.

In this sense, Polanco continued, three unprecedented practices in the recent history of the country were registered: the burning alive of people identified as followers or supporters of the national government; the use of children and teenagers to prepare incendiary bombs, guard the barricades and attack security forces and the combination of religious and patriotic symbols with high levels of violence.

Regarding the financing of subversive actions in other countries as a periodical practice of the U.S. government, Polanco referred to the organizations created for that purpose, with millions in funding, including the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the US Agency for International Development.

There are plenty of references of NED financing events, courses and even organizations, especially the Center for Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL), which is part of the wide network of non-governmental organizations used by the United States to channel the financing and training of its political operators.

He gave the example of NED’s funding of CADAL to the tune of $107,000 in 2017 and $100,000, earmarked for the project entitled “A regional approach to promote democratic values in Cuba.” Two Cuban citizens, Manuel Cuesta Morúa and Yunior García Aguilera, signatories of the letters announcing the intention to hold the marches in November, travelled to Argentine in 2018 to take part in the event organized by CADAL and coordinated by the project “Times of change and the new role of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba.”

Moreover, CADAL and its director Gabriel Salvia have been actively supporting the provocation set to take place in November in Cuba, he denounced.

Those two promoters, he clarified, would also continue their preparation in 2019 in a workshop sponsored by the Universidad San Luis Campus Madrid, where they received lessons from Richard Youngs, an expert in public protests as a method of political change.

Regarding the financing, he stressed out that the U.S. Agency for International Development has granted, at the end of September, $6,669,000 for subversive projects in Cuba, out of a total of 18 million that it can allocate for these projects through 2023.

Among the beneficiaries are the digital media DNA, which received $2,031,200 and Cubanet, which received $708,003, in addition to an organization called Cuban Democratic Directorate, which received $617,500. The latter is headed by Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat, who has called time and again for military intervention in Cuba, and now publicly supports the marches as well.

Summing up, Polanco noted that more than 70 million were reserved for subversion during the Trump administration, in addition to more than one hundred million dollars to the Office of Broadcasting for Cuba, which operates Radio and TV Martí. It should be added, he pointed out, the millions of dollars that the intelligence community and the U.S. military apparatus devote every year against Cuba.

“The U.S. government is the real organizer of the provocation staged for November. The facts and statements prove it. High government officials are directly involved in its promotion. The U.S. government threatened new measures against Cuba if its local operators are not allowed to act with impunity. Cuba does not accept threats, nor does it allow itself to be intimidated; our history of resistance and dignity confirms this. Keep your threats to yourselves, we are not afraid,” he said.

It is not surprising either, he added, the support of anti-Cuban right-wing organizations and the hate-generating media nucleus in Miami, as seen in tweets, publications, resistance assemblies, as if the march were to be held in that city.

Another of the enthusiasts, informed the head of the Ideological Department, is the Cuban American National Foundation, which has provided plenty of guidance on how to attend and what to do in the supposedly peaceful and independent march; while one of the promoters of the demonstration, Saily González Velázquez, acknowledged the support of the foundation through its director of Human Rights, Omar López Montenegro.

Terrorist Ramon Saul Sanchez is also encouraging the march, added Polanco, and showed evidence of his toes with one of the main promoters of the actions planned for November.

CUBA RESISTE! Por: Frei Betto


Por: Frei Betto

REDH-Cuba, 13 julio, 2021

Pocos ignoran mi solidaridad con la Revolución Cubana. Durante 40 años he visitado la isla con frecuencia, por compromisos laborales e invitaciones a eventos. Durante un largo período intermedié la reanudación del diálogo entre los obispos católicos y el gobierno cubano, como se describe en mis libros “Fidel y la religión” (Fontanar / Companhia das Letras) y “Paraíso perdido – Viajes al mundo socialista” (Rocco). Asesoro al gobierno cubano en la implementación del Plan de Educación en Soberanía Alimentaria y Nutrición.

Conozco en detalles la vida cotidiana cubana, incluidas las dificultades que enfrenta la población, el cuestionamiento a la Revolución, las críticas a los intelectuales y artistas del país. Visité cárceles, hablé con opositores a la Revolución, conviví con sacerdotes y laicos cubanos reacios al socialismo.

Cuando me dicen, brasileño, no hay democracia en Cuba, desciendo de la abstracción de las palabras a la realidad. ¿Cuántas fotos o noticias se han visto o se ven sobre cubanos en situación de pobreza, mendigos esparcidos por las aceras, niños abandonados en las calles, familias bajo pasos elevados? ¿Algo parecido a la Cracolandia, las milicias, las largas filas de enfermos que esperan años para ser atendidos en un hospital?

Les advierto a mis amigos: si son ricos en Brasil y viven en Cuba, conocerán el infierno. No podrá cambiar de automóvil todos los años, comprar ropa de diseñador, viajar con frecuencia por vacaciones en el extranjero. Y, sobre todo, no podrás explotar el trabajo ajeno, mantener a tus empleados a oscuras, «orgulloso» de María, tu cocinera desde hace 20 años, y a quien le niegas el acceso a tu propia casa, escolaridad y seguro médico. .

Si eres de clase media, prepárate para experimentar el purgatorio. Aunque Cuba ya no es una sociedad nacionalizada, la burocracia persiste, hay que tener paciencia en las colas en los mercados, muchos productos disponibles este mes pueden no encontrarse en el próximo por las inconsistencias de las importaciones.

Sin embargo, si es asalariado, pobre, sin hogar o sin tierra, prepárese para experimentar el paraíso. La Revolución garantizará sus tres derechos humanos fundamentales: alimentación, salud y educación, así como vivienda y trabajo. Es posible que tenga apetito por no comer lo que le gusta, pero nunca tendrá hambre. Tu familia tendrá educación y atención médica, incluidas cirugías complejas, totalmente gratis, como deber del Estado y derecho ciudadano.

No hay nada más prostituido que el lenguaje. La célebre democracia nacida en Grecia tiene sus méritos, pero es bueno recordar que, en ese momento, Atenas tenía 20.000 habitantes que vivían del trabajo de 400.000 esclavos… ¿Qué respondería uno de estos miles de siervos si se le preguntara por las virtudes de la democracia?

No deseo para el futuro de Cuba, el presente de Brasil, Guatemala, Honduras o incluso Puerto Rico, colonia de Estados Unidos, a la que se le niega la independencia. Tampoco quiero que Cuba invada Estados Unidos y ocupe una zona costera de California, como es el caso de Guantánamo, que se ha convertido en un centro de tortura y encarcelamiento ilegal de presuntos terroristas.

Democracia, en mi concepto, significa el «Padre Nuestro» – la autoridad legitimada por la voluntad popular – y el » pan nuestro » – el compartir de los frutos de la naturaleza y el trabajo humano. La rotación electoral no asegura ni asegura la democracia. Brasil e India, considerados democracias, son ejemplos evidentes de miseria, pobreza, exclusión, opresión y sufrimiento.

Continue reading CUBA RESISTE! Por: Frei Betto

We are here, and will remain, free, sovereign and independent Stated Army General Raúl Castro Ruz

We are here, and will remain, free, sovereign and independent
Stated Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, closing the National Assembly of People’s Power 8th Legislature’s 10th Period of Ordinary Sessions
Author: Raúl Castro Ruz |
december 22, 2017 12:12:37












Photo: Estudio Revolución

Speech presented by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, during the closure of the National Assembly of People’s Power 8th Legislature’s 10th Period of Ordinary Sessions, in Havana’s International Conference Center, December 21, 2017, Year 59 of the Revolution
(Council of State transcript / GI translation)
Compañeras and compañeros:
It is my responsibility to make the closing remarks for this last Period of Ordinary Sessions of the National Assembly of People’s Power’s 8th Legislature. On this occasion, I will address several topics of national and international relevance.
Between September 8 and 10, the country was struck by Hurricane Irma, described as the most powerful and violent extreme weather event in the history of the Atlantic Ocean, which impacted, to one degree or another, 12 provinces, with strong winds, heavy rain, and severe coastal flooding.
Despite the enormous effort conducted to safeguard the population, that included the protection of more than 1.8 million persons, we were obliged to mourn the loss of 10 compatriots. More than 179,000 dwellings were affected and significant damage caused to infrastructure, national health system buildings, educational centers, the sugar industry, tourist facilities, and communications. For the first time ever, the national electrical grid was interrupted across the entire country
In summary, damage caused by Hurricane Irma was calculated at 13,000,185,000 pesos, a figure produced on the basis of parity between the peso and the U.S. dollar.
Once again, made evident was the spirit of resistance and victory of our people, who confronted the event and the recovery period with organization, unity, discipline, and solidarity.
Within only 20 days, electrical service and water distribution were restored throughout the national territory, an effort in which, along with specialized forces, standing out were mixed support brigades, organized in every municipality, to undertake clean-up, pruning of trees, opening of trenches, and transportation of utility poles, supporting the workers who took on the task of reestablishing electrical service.

Continue reading We are here, and will remain, free, sovereign and independent Stated Army General Raúl Castro Ruz