Category Archives: Cuba / US Relations

The FBI Must Stop Harassing & Criminalizing Cuba Solidarity!

¡El FBI debe dejar de hostigar y criminalizar la Solidaridad con Cuba!


* Featuring speakers from the U.S. & Puerto Rico who are standing up against FBI harassment *

Webinar available in English y en Español


4pm Vancouver / Pacific Time

7pm Cuba / Eastern Time

8pm Puerto Rico Time

Event Co-Moderators:

woman protesting against the blockade towards cuba

DÉBORAH B. SANTANA – Organizer with the Cuba Solidarity Committee in Puerto Rico, Brigadista with the Juan Rius Rivera Brigade, retired professor of geography and ethnic studies at Mills College

Canadian activist in solidarity with Cuba
TAMARA HANSEN – Coordinator of Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC), Organizer with the U.S.-Cuba Normalization Conference Committee & Author of “5 Decades of the Cuban Revolution: The Challenges of an Unwavering Leadership.”

Special introduction:
Former president of Casa de Las Americas New York City
NANCY CABRERO – Casa de las Américas New York City

Invited Speakers:
cuba american activist and founder of bridges of love
CARLOS LAZO – Cuban American founder and central organizers of Bridges of Love (Puentes de Amor) who Initiated the Caravan Movement to End the U.S. Blockade and unite Cuban families
female director of the Interreligious Foundation of Community Organizations/IFCO
GAIL WALKER – Director of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization / Pastors for Peace
Puerto Rican activist, president of the committee of solidarity with Cuba
MILAGROS RIVERA – President of the Committee of Solidarity with Cuba in Puerto Rico and Director of the Juan Ríus Rivera Brigade
former co-chair national network on cuba
BANBOSE SHANGO –  All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (AAPRP), former co-chair National Network on Cuba, led 2022 delegation to CUBA
Register for the zoom webinar
Co-organized by:

Comité de Solidaridad con Cuba de Puerto Rico & International U.S.-Cuba Normalization Conference Coalition