Category Archives: Cuba / US Relations

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba in response, to US Embassy hostility.

Cuba has never perpetrated, nor will it ever perpetrate attacks of any sort against diplomatic officials or their relatives, without any exception
Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba in response to recent measures taken by the Trump administration following incidents involving U.S. diplomatic personnel in Havana

Author: Cubaminrex |
october 3, 2017 16:10:00
Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba in response to recent measures taken by the Trump administration following incidents involving U.S. diplomatic personnel in Havana:








Photo: Cubaminrex
On September 29, 2017, the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced the decision to significantly downscale the diplomatic staff of the US embassy in Havana and withdraw all their relatives, claiming that there had been “attacks” perpetrated against US Government officials in Cuba which have harmed their health.
Once again, on October 3, the US Government, in an unwarranted act, decided that 15 officials of the Cuban Embassy in Washington should depart from the United States, claiming that the US had reduced their diplomatic staffing levels in Havana and that the Cuban Government had failed to take all appropriate steps to prevent “attacks” against them.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly protests and condemns this unfounded and unacceptable decision as well as the pretext used to justify it, for it has been asserted that the Cuban Government did not take the appropriate measures to prevent the occurrence of the alleged incidents.
In the meeting that, at the proposal of the Cuban side, was held with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, warned him against the adoption of hasty decisions that were not supported by evidence; urged him not to politicize a matter of this nature and once again required the effective cooperation from the US authorities to clarify facts and conclude the investigation.

Continue reading Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba in response, to US Embassy hostility.

The Supposed Policy Change: Will Trump Go Farther Than Obama?

The Supposed Policy Change: Will Trump Go Farther Than Obama?














By Esteban Morales
From Cuba Inside Out
Translated by Robert Sandels
It doesn’t take much effort to realize that the “Trump Effect” is just that; an irrational attempt to change Obama’s Cuba policy.
We don’t even know if Trump is really working to change the Obama policy because what little we know does not tend in that direction.
Comparing the attitude of both presidents we note the following: Obama did not do much to make investment easier. Now Trump puts investment in the “prohibited” file in negotiating with the Cuban military. He hasn’t advanced trade, but neither did Obama. the American banking system does not allow the dollar to circulate there. And finally, Obama has not freed up the dollar either, which was one of his deceptions. With Thump, everything indicates that the dollar will not officially circulate in Cuba either.
Trump has not broken diplomatic relations with Cuba, which is the most important thing since the embassies are continuing to function. It also appears that he has not eliminated family remittances or the 12 migratory categories that Obama set up, although Trump has eliminated the “People to People” visa program. Nor has Trump eliminated commercial flights or cruise ships. All this suggests that Cuban tourism, which has been growing year after year, will go on as before.
So, really, what has Donald Trump eliminated? I think we would have known after hearing about the presidential directive Trump signed in great theatrical style, but no one read or heard anything about Cuba among the pronouncements in his speech.










So, I think, as we say in Cuba, “I smell a rat.”

Continue reading The Supposed Policy Change: Will Trump Go Farther Than Obama?

State Department drops Cuba entirely from annual detail of terrorist activity








Students march carrying Cuban flags during a march against terrorism in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014. Youths marched today through downtown Havana in protest against the United States policy towards the island nation and demanding the that U.S. free three Cuban agents imprisoned there.

Students march carrying Cuban flags during a march against terrorism in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014. Youths marched today through downtown Havana in protest against the United States policy towards the island nation and demanding the that U.S. free three Cuban agents imprisoned there. Ramon Espinosa AP
JULY 19, 2017 3:07 PM
State Department drops Cuba entirely from annual detail of terrorist activity

After spending 33 years designated a state sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. government, Cuba no longer has any activity that even merits its own report in the State Department’s annual review of terrorist threats around the world.

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Statement by the Revolutionary Government of Cuba on Trump’s roll back of Presidents Obama’s Cuba initiative

Statement by the Revolutionary Government of Cuba
Submitted by editor on Sat, 06/17/2017 – 16:04








On June 16, 2017, US President Donald Trump delivered a speech full of hostile anti-Cuban rhetoric reminiscent of the times of open confrontation with our country in a Miami theater. He announced his government’s Cuba policy, which rolls back the progress achieved over the last two years since December 17, 2014, when Presidents Raúl Castro and Barack Obama announced the decision to re-establish diplomatic relations and engage in a process towards the normalization of bilateral relations.

In what constitutes a setback in the relations between both countries, President Trump, gave a speech and signed a policy directive titled “National Security Presidential Memorandum”, which provides the elimination of private educational “people-to-people” exchanges and greater control over all travelers to Cuba, as well as the prohibition of business, trade and financial transactions between US companies and certain Cuban companies linked to the Armed Revolutionary Forces and the intelligence and security services, under the alleged objective of depriving us from income. The US president justified this policy with alleged concerns over the human rights situation in Cuba and the need to rigorously enforce the US blockade laws, conditioning its lifting, as well as any improvements in US-Cuba bilateral relations to our country’s making changes inherent to its constitutional order.

Continue reading Statement by the Revolutionary Government of Cuba on Trump’s roll back of Presidents Obama’s Cuba initiative