Category Archives: CUBA

Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, at the Human Rights Council, Geneva, 2/28/23


Cuba’s voice will continue to be raised with a universal vision from the South
Speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, at the High-level Segment of the 52nd Session of the Human Rights Council, Geneva, 28 February 2023

Author: Radio Habana Cuba |

March 9, 2023 07:03:16

Mr. President:

Far from encouraging the construction of a more united and cooperative world, inequalities, poverty, hunger and exclusion are multiplying. A tiny minority enjoys the exponential increase of its wealth, while the vast majorities struggle for survival.

Current patterns of production and consumption are irrational and unsustainable and threaten the existence of the human species.

It is essential to fight for a just, democratic and equitable international order centered on the human being, on the peoples of the world.

The promotion and protection of human rights is a common ideal. No country is exempt from the challenges, and none has the authority to consider itself a paradigm in the matter, to judge others, and much less, to politicize and use them to stigmatize sovereign states and economic-social projects that do not conform to the designs of the masters of finance, markets and weapons.

The imperialist attempts to turn this Human Rights Council into a tribunal against countries that do not subordinate themselves to the geopolitical interests of powerful governments erode the credibility of this body and would seem to be trying to take it back to the ways of the defunct Commission on Human Rights, which imploded precisely because of those practices.

Cuba, as a founding member State of the Human Rights Council, defends respectful and constructive dialogue and international cooperation.

We advocate the full exercise of and respect for the principles of universality, indivisibility, objectivity and non-selectivity in the treatment of the subject.

In this spirit, we present our candidacy for re-election as a member of the Human Rights Council, for the period 2024-2026, in the elections to be held next October. We thank in advance the confidence of all those countries that have already given us their valuable support.

Cuba’s voice will continue to be raised with a universal vision but from the South, in favor of the legitimate interests of developing countries, the poor, the neglected and excluded, from constructive engagement, responsible dialogue and the unwavering responsibility for the full realization of human rights for all.

Mr. President:

The U.S. government applies a genocidal policy of blockade, intensified in the extreme and of “maximum pressure”, which has subjected the Cuban economy to extraordinary tensions that impact on the deterioration of consumption and the standard of living of families, on inflation, prices, salaries, availability of food and medicines, and on the electric service; and hits the country’s income, financial transactions, industry, construction, services, trade, investment, health and education.

The infamous and unfounded inclusion of Cuba in the State Department’s arbitrary list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism further aggravates the difficult situation caused by the blockade and has devastating effects on our financial system.

U.S. imperialism finances destabilization and “regime change” operations, slander against Cuban international medical cooperation, and smear campaigns; it uses powerful toxic technological platforms and encourages censorship and manipulation of large digital networks against Cuba.

This illegal policy deliberately stimulates emigration, especially of qualified people of active working age.

Cuba rises every day facing these attacks, joining efforts, innovating, with an unlimited capacity for resistance and creativity; and advances in the inclusive debate, democratic participation, particularly of young people; and the fruitful and renewing change of “everything that must be changed”.

We continue with firm and irreversible steps to perfect the socialist state of law and social justice, and our socialist model of cultural, social and economic development, with the broad majority and active support of the Cuban people.

We are deeply grateful for the international solidarity and cooperation that Cuba receives from all corners of the world.

Mr. President:

In a free and universal referendum in 2019, we adopted a new Constitution with the secret vote of 87% of the citizens that strengthens the guarantees and the legal-institutional framework for the protection and promotion of human rights for all Cubans.

We implemented the National Program for the Advancement of Women, the Comprehensive Strategy for the Prevention and Attention to Gender Violence and in the Family Scenario; the National Program against Racism and Racial Discrimination, and the new Family Code, approved by referendum with 62% support.

Mr. President:

We will act from the high responsibility assumed with the Presidency of the Group of 77 plus China in 2023, convinced that a better world is possible, if we listen to the voice of our peoples, work for their benefit and defend with courage and close unity the collective and just interests of the South.

Thank you very much.

López Obrador ratifies to lead the movement against the US blockade of Cuba

López Obrador ratifies to lead the movement against the US blockade of Cuba
The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ratified he will lead an international movement against the blockade of Cuba, which he described as an offense against humanity.

Author: Radio Habana Cuba |

february 14, 2023 08:02:17

Mexico City, Feb 14 (RHC) The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ratified he will lead an international movement against the blockade of Cuba, which he described as an offense against humanity.
In his press conference at the National Palace, the president said that the United States blockade against Cuba is inhuman, an issue that has to do with an ideological charge that nullifies the right of people to act independently and freely.
López Obrador described that with the incorporation into the list of terrorist countries, promoted by the government of Donald Trump and maintained by Joe Biden, food or medicines cannot reach the Island.
He said that Cubans living in the United States are not allowed to send support. When they put Cuba on a list of terrorist countries, he explained, it means that institutions or embassies cannot even open a bank account because they are on the list of allegedly terrorist countries. It is an offense to the Statue of Liberty, it is an offense to human dignities, he affirmed.
He recalled that in the past, under the government of Barack Obama, actions were carried out that reduced its impact, but later it hardened.
Cuba has helped other countries achieve peace agreements, but it is singled out as such due to pure ideological charges, self-interest, pure electoral politics or to obtain other concessions. We are going to try to persuade the United States to change this policy, he said.
On the other hand, in immigration matters, more and more Americans are speaking out against the practices covered by the Monroe Doctrine, but in electoral situations, other sectors radicalize their speeches by pressing to obtain more votes, they want to seize undocumented workers as pretexts. (Prensa Latina)

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Los cinco días que han sacudido a Cuba,

Los cinco días que han sacudido a Cuba, y las lecciones ganadas para siempre
El incendio está controlado, con pequeños focos en extinción

Autor: Alina Perera Robbio |
11 de agosto de 2022 00:08:35

Lo logrado, subrayó Díaz-Canel, tiene que ver con el heroísmo, con el coraje, con la solidaridad, con el compromiso, y con la unidad con que se ha enfrentado esto. Foto: Estudios Revolución

Matanzas.-Como de tantas otras historias grandes, algún día habrá que contar en calma sobre estos últimos cinco días que han estremecido a Cuba desde el dolor del fuego –literal y del alma–, y también desde una voluntad que se supera a sí misma.

La adversidad más extrema no solo ha entrañado sufrimiento: ha sido, otra vez, la posibilidad del aprendizaje, y la ratificación, Isla adentro, de que las piedras encontradas en la lucha no han sido vistas como obstáculos, sino como piezas con las cuales hacer caminos, puentes y brocales nuevos en la ruta de la resistencia.

Era lo que decía en la mañana de este miércoles el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, en la reunión que aquí pasó revista a lo hecho en la madrugada y noche precedentes, a propósito del combate contra el siniestro en la zona industrial de Matanzas: lo acontecido en las últimas horas no paralizó al país, porque se han venido haciendo muchas cosas para seguir mejorando, y eso es demostrativo, reflexionó el Jefe de Estado, de las capacidades que hay en la Revolución Cubana para seguir adelante y aprender todos los días.

Continue reading Los cinco días que han sacudido a Cuba,

Una descarga eléctrica provocó el incendio en base de combustibles en Matanzas

No interrumpe el servicio de la Guiteras el tanque incendiado
Con el uso básicamente de agua y espuma, medios y fuerzas especializadas del Ministerio del Interior y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias unieron esfuerzos para controlar y sofocar el fuego, que a su vez ocasionó una gran columna de humo, visible desde cualquier sitio de la pequeña urbe

Autor: Ventura de Jesús |
5 de agosto de 2022 22:08:40
Incendio en Matanzas

Matanzas.- La Central Termoeléctrica Antonio Guiteras se mantiene en servicio. El tanque incendiado no tiene nada que ver con el bombeo de combustible hacia la planta.

Así informó a Granma Misbel Palmero Aguiar, director general de la Guiteras, transmiendo de esa manera tranquilidad a la ciudadanía preocupada por los posibles efectos de lo ocurrido hoy.

El impacto de una descarga eléctrica provocó este viernes un incendio en uno de los tanques de combustibles ubicados en la Base de Supertanqueros, en las afueras de Matanzas.

El depósito contenía unos 25 000 metros cúbicos de crudo nacional, alrededor del 50 por ciento de su capacidad máxima, cuando la intensidad del rayo golpeó la cúpula de la instalación, conocida como techo domo geodésico.

Para sofocar el incendio y evitar que las llamas alcanzaran otros recipientes similares situados en la zona, fueron necesarios medios y fuerzas especializadas del Ministerio del Interior y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias.

También se acarreó agua desde la cercana bahía.

Se estima que la causa del incidente fue un fallo en el sistema pararrayos, que no pudo soportar la energía de la descarga eléctrica.