Category Archives: CUBA

En Cuba, El presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Andrés Manuel López Obrador

En Cuba, el Presidente de México
El presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, realiza una visita de trabajo a nuestro país

Autor: Daniela Leyva Fernández |
7 de mayo de 2022 21:05:39








Foto: @PresidenciaCuba
El presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, arribó a La Habana este 7 de mayo para realizar una visita de trabajo en nuestro país.
El Jefe de Estado mexicano fue recibido por el miembro del Buró Político del Partido Comunista de Cuba y ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla.
En Twitter, el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Presidente de la República de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, dio la bienvenida a López Obrador y señaló que «Su visita estrechará los lazos de amistad entre nuestros países, que ya son entrañables porque superan el tiempo y los desafíos para instalarse en el alma de nuestros pueblos».
Al pisar suelo cubano, López Obrador — quien llegó acompañado de los secretarios de Relaciones Exteriores, Defensa y Marina— destacó los lazos de hermandad y solidaridad que unen a los pueblos de Cuba y México.

También se mostró interesado por la actual situación que atraviesa el país tras el trágico accidente ocurrido en el Hotel Saratoga, que dejó varios heridos y fallecidos.
Las autoridades y el pueblo cubano acogieron con satisfacción esta visita, que se extenderá hasta mañana, y han agradecido su llamado al levantamiento al bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero de Estados Unidos contra la Isla.
Como parte de su agenda, el distinguido visitante sostendrá conversaciones oficiales con el presidente Díaz-Canel; y realizará otras actividades.
Ambas naciones mantienen un fuerte nexo, sobre todo en las áreas de la salud, la educación, la agricultura y el deporte. Los vínculos se fortalecen en el marco de la celebración de 120 años de relaciones diplomáticas ininterrumpidas.


Este domingo, a las 10:00 hrs., tiene lugar la ceremonia de colocación de Ofrenda Floral ante el Monumento al Héroe Nacional “José Martí”, en la Plaza de la Revolución.

Luego es la ceremonia de recibimiento y las conversaciones oficiales.

Mientras sobre el mediodía, se efectúa la de firma de acuerdos. La imposición de la Orden “José Martí” al Excmo. Sr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, también tiene lugar este domingo.

En la tarde, el presidente de México culmina su visita de trabajo a Cuba.

En materia de cooperación médica, los nexos datan de noviembre de 2007, cuando Cuba envió 54 colaboradores para la atención para la atención a las inundaciones que se presentaron en el suroeste de México.
En 2017, se enviaron 40 médicos para atender a los damnificados por el sismo del 7 de noviembre en el istmo de Tehuantepec, en el Estado de Oaxaca.
Entre el 2020 y 2021 Cuba envió Brigadas Médicas con un total de mil 479 colaboradores para el enfrentamiento a la COVID-19.
La cooperación educacional se inició en 1975, año en que se firmó el Convenio de Cooperación Educativa y Cultura entre ambos países, Hasta la fecha se han graduado en Cuba mil 544 estudiantes mexicanos y actualmente se forman en Cuba 462 estudiantes mexicanos.
En la esfera del deporte, actualmente se encuentran en México 8 colaboradores deportivos, como parte del Convenio de Colaboración Deportiva entre el INDER y la Comisión Nacional de Deportes (CONADE), vigente desde 2001.


1. Nombre oficial del país. Estados Unidos Mexicanos
2. Extensión territorial. 1 millón 964 mil 375 km2
3. Número de habitantes. 126 millones 14 mil 24 habitantes
4. Nombre de la capital del país. Ciudad de México
5. Fecha de establecimiento de las relaciones diplomáticas con Cuba: Se establecieron el 20 de mayo del 1902, y se han mantenido ininterrumpidas hasta la actualidad.
6. Fecha y motivo de la fiesta nacional: Con el “Grito de Dolores”, también conocido como “Grito de la Independencia”, ocurrido en la mañana del 16 de septiembre de 1810, México inició su guerra de emancipación.

Casa de las Américas de NYC envía su más sentido pésame a la familia de Ricardo Alarcón






Con gran tristeza nos enteramos del fallecimiento del compañero y amigo Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada. ex Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular quien también se desempeñó como Representante Permanente de su país ante las Naciones Unidas durante 30 años y luego Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores. Casa de las Américas de NYC envía su más sentido pésame a la familia de Ricardo Alarcón y al pueblo de Cuba en este triste momento. Nuestros miembros se unen a la pena del pueblo Cubano y también celebramos el trabajo impactante de la vida de este hombre extraordinario que fue un gran patriota y brillante diplomático de la Revolución Cubana. Honramos su legado y lamentamos su pérdida junto a su familia y nuestros compañeros, el pueblo de Cuba.
Gloria eterna para todos los heroes de Cuba.

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of our comrade and friend Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada. former President of the National Assembly of People’s Power who also served as his country’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations for 30 years and then Minister of Foreign Affairs. Casa de las Americas of NYC sends its deepest condolences to Ricardo Alarcon’s family and the people of Cuba at this sad time. Our members mourn with Cuba and also celebrate the impactful life’s work of this remarkable man who was a great patriot and brilliant diplomat of the Cuban Revolution. We honor his legacy and mourn his loss alongside his family and our comrades, the people of Cuba.
Eternal glory for all the heroes of Cuba.


Behind the neon lights of 1950s Cuba

Behind the neon lights of 1950s Cuba
Counterrevolutionaries long for an era that never was

Raúl Antonio Capotemay 25, 2021 09:05:47

The poverty and abandon in which the majority of campesinos lived were among the dire realities faced, and transformed, by the nascent

Revolution. Photo: Korda, Alberto
Whenever the media at the service of the U.S. government, the corporate press or the network of counterrevolutionary digital sites refer to pre-1959 Cuba, they paint a picture of a country that never was.

They present a magazine photo, something fit for commercial advertising, and since they are desperately attempting to sell us a return to that “golden era,” they must get rid of everything in their way, sweeping away, one by one, all the steps taken by the Revolution to uphold the dignity of the people, returning our fields and cities to the social reality overcome by the Rebel Army victory of 1959.

What was lurking behind the neon lights of Cuba in the 1950s?

Behind the commercial scenery ran the blood left by the Batista dictatorship’s crimes, committed by institutions that served as models for repression in Latin America, including the Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities (BRAC), the Military Intelligence Service (SIM), the Naval Intelligence Service (SIN), the Maritime Police, the Bureau of Investigations and the National Police, true academies of torture and death.

Havana was a paradise, yes, but for the mafias controlling gambling, alcohol, drug and prostitution in a kingdom of impunity that grew as a “sin city,” alongside Las Vegas, with great advantages over the pearl of Nevada.

What happened in Havana stayed in Havana. There was no popular site without a drug stash, a gambling table, and prostitutes on hand.

Dazzling hotels and casinos were built with the country’s money, and the profits they generated were sent daily to the United States. It was a big “bisnes” thanks to Batista, the strong man who protected every scheme to fleece the people, using public financing for dirty businesses that were of absolutely no use to them.

Among the great public works that are featured today in anti-Cuba propaganda, allegedly indicative of the success of the bourgeois republic, many were based on corruption. State funds were given to companies owned by the regime’s authorities, who received millions of pesos for projects that cost thousands.

Batista reaped 35% of all “transactions,” that is, 35% of absolutely all spurious profits from corruption.

In this “marvelous” Cuba, thousands of people occupied positions in ministries and were paid without lifting a finger. This was the famous “free ride” instituted in the republic, appointments made as payment for favors, political commitments, etc.

While the capital was filled with casinos and dream hotels, cathedrals to deceit and fraud, the other side of the city lived in painfully extreme poverty.

Hundreds of miserable slums were erected. Las Yaguas, the Cueva del Humo and so many other destitute neighborhoods grew in the shadow of the new ostentatious constructions.

In the neighborhood of Las Yaguas, as can be seen in the magazine Bohemia, thousands of families lived in subhuman conditions, sheltered under palm fronds, used by the cigar industry to wrap tobacco leaves, and recycled as walls and roofs after they were discarded outside factories.

Girls from the countryside were tricked into traveling to the capital, to be exploited in the infamous prostitution belt that served hotels, casinos and cabarets.

The island paradise belonged to Meyer Lansky, Santo Trafficante, Amleto Battisti Lora, Joe Stassi, Amadeo Barletta and Fulgencio Batista; five capos, one president, all in one and the same mafia.

The Sicilian Santo Trafficante, second in command of the so-called Havana Empire, the visible head of U.S. mafia operations in Cuba, with his headquarters in the Sans Souci cabaret, beginning in the 1930s took charge of bringing in cocaine from the Colombian city of Medellin and heroin from Marseilles.

For these trafficking operations, they founded airline companies in Cuba that flew in and out of military airports, serviced with equipment and by technicians from the Cuban air force, protected by the army and the national police. Havana was also the most important money laundering center in the Americas.

The Cuba which the counterrevolution presents toady as “a developed country,” was more accurately documented in the 1953 census, which determined that 68.5% of campesinos lived in miserable huts with palm roofs and dirt floors, 85% had no running water and 54% lacked any type of sanitary services.

Only 11% of families consumed milk, 4% meat and 2% eggs; 44% were illiterate, and, according to the National Economic Council, some 738,000 persons were unemployed – in a population of six million.

Almost 3,000,000 Cubans had no access to electricity, since the infrastructure reached only 56% of the country.

When the Revolution triumphed, there were 600,000 children without schools and 10,000 teachers without jobs. One and a half million inhabitants over six years of age had no schooling, barely 17% of young people between 15 and 19 years of age received any kind of education and the population over 15 years of age had an average educational level below the third grade.

In the cities, one out of every five inhabitants could not read or write; in the countryside, one out of every two campesinos was illiterate, and the few schools that existed were abandoned.

Only 20% of the arable land was cultivated, while 60% of the food was imported from the USA. More than half of the best land in the country was in foreign hands, and the properties of the United Fruit and West Indian companies stretched from the north coast all the way to the southern coastline of the former Oriente province.

According to data from Inter Press Service (ips), when the Revolution took power, the nation’s housing stock was seriously deteriorated, given the severe shortage of dwellings, notable differences between the countryside and the city, the variability of the materials used and the existence of poverty belts in the main cities, especially Havana. A 1953 study, coordinated by the U.S. Census Bureau, concluded that only 13% of homes could be considered in good condition.

In the capital, existing on the one hand was an ostentatious waterfront with exclusive bourgeoisie housing developments, luxurious apartment buildings and lavish residences, and on the other, huge areas of poor neighborhoods.

Given the conditions of economic underdevelopment that plagued Cuba, water resources were poorly administered. Of the 300 settlements with more than 1,000 inhabitants, only 114 had water distribution aqueducts and 12 had sewage systems.

At the beginning of 1959, 16 chlorination facilities were in operation and, of the four water treatment plants in Camagüey, Santa Clara, Palma Soriano and Cienfuegos, two lacked the required chemicals and one had not been operating for three years.

Havana’s sewage system was almost 50 years old and totally inadequate.

The only sewage treatment plant, located in Santa Clara, was abandoned, and sewage systems in Holguín, Guantánamo and Pinar del Río had been under construction for several years.

There were only 13 small reservoirs in the nation, located in Camagüey, Las Villas, Holguín and Santiago de Cuba.

This collection of facts, of course, does not match the commercial restoration presented by those who yearn for a return to the 50s, accepted by the naive who “swallow” the deception. Nor will they acknowledge that the cause of all this was Cuba’s status as a neocolony of the United States, a condition that plunged the country into the most brutal levels of underdevelopment and dependence, at the mercy of an oligarchy of military assassins, corrupt authorities and organized crime.

Nor will the restorers admit that the miserable reality suffered on the island was the driving force behind the warmth the people felt for the guerrilla insurgents in the mountains, fighting for a radical revolution in the country – the same Revolution that is today undefeated, heroically resisting, and aspiring to a prosperity obstructed by those who desire and invoke it, at the cost of selling the entire nation and our dignity, as was the case in the 50s they long for.

La solidaridad tiende puentes de gratitud entre México y Cuba

La solidaridad tiende puentes de gratitud entre México y Cuba (+Video)
En la conversación con su par mexicano, Díaz-Canel ratificó la voluntad de continuar fortaleciendo las históricas relaciones binacionales, una expresión puntual de la vocación de la Mayor de las Antillas de desarrollar vínculos «de amistad y de cooperación con cualquier país del mundo», confirmada por el Primer Secretario en su discurso de clausura del 8vo. Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba

Autor: Nuria Barbosa León |
28 de abril de 2021 02:04:14
diaz canel con manuel lopez obrador + estudios revolución

Foto: Estudios Revolución
En respuesta al gesto agradecido del Jefe de Estado de México, por la contribución de Cuba en el enfrentamiento a la COVID-19 en aquel país, el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, dio a conocer el diálogo telefónico fraterno con su homólogo mexicano.

«Conversé con el presidente López Obrador, al cual expresé reconocimiento por su labor para la integración de Nuestra América. Agradecí elogios a nuestros colaboradores de la Salud y ratifiqué la voluntad de ampliar la cooperación bilateral. Actualizamos sobre candidatos vacunales», escribió en Twitter el mandatario.

Conversé con el presidente @lopezobrador_, al cual expresé reconocimiento por su labor para la integración de Nuestra América.
Agradecí elogios a nuestros colaboradores de la salud y ratifiqué voluntad de ampliar la cooperación bilateral. Actualizamos sobre candidatos vacunales.

— Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (@DiazCanelB) April 27, 2021
Tras asistir a la nación centroamericana, desde marzo de este año han regresado a Cuba cinco brigadas del contingente Henry Reeve, integradas por más de 500 profesionales, entre médicos, licenciados en Enfermería y especialistas de otras áreas afines, que prestaron sus servicios en instalaciones de emergencia, creadas para responder al momento más agudo del azote de la pandemia.

En la conversación con su par mexicano, Díaz-Canel ratificó la voluntad de continuar fortaleciendo las históricas relaciones binacionales, una expresión puntual de la vocación de la Mayor de las Antillas de desarrollar vínculos «de amistad y de cooperación con cualquier país del mundo», confirmada por el Primer Secretario en su discurso de clausura del 8vo. Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba.