Category Archives: Cuban Arts

Vicente Feliú live

En Espanol

An Appeal to Help Us Continue Our Work in the United States

Dear friends and supporters of the Cuban 5,

Here is a moving YouTube that we just finished of Cuban performer Vicente Feliú live at Brava Theater in San Francisco. We hope you enjoy it. Vicente along with Latin Grammy winning guitarist Alejandro Valdés toured Washington, New York and San Francisco using their music to draw attention to the imprisonment of the Cuban 5.


This was just one of a great number of activities that took place all over the world from September 12th to October 8th to commemorate the 14th anniversary of this enormous injustice. There were more events and actions this year than any other before and that shows we are making progress in reaching more layers of people. But we do not have the luxury to rest on what we have done and the gains we have made. We need to intensify the work especially in the U.S. where the Five have been kept hostage due to a 50 year old failed U.S. policy towards Cuba.

We were cautioned that we should not expect much to happen in this election year but that did not stop the International Committee for the Freedom of Cuban 5 from organizing a number of activities this year including:

  • 5 days for the Cuban 5 in Washington DC that brought together Cuban 5 supporters from all over the world including Canada, Belgium, Italy, France, Germany and Honduras. During these 5 days posters of “Obama Give me 5” were pasted all over DC, we featured the documentary “Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up” in different universities. Also we organized public events with known personalities including Danny Glover, Dolores Huerta, Stephen Kimber, Cindy Sheehan, Wayne Smith, Saul Landau, Salim Lamrani and many others. We also brought the issue of the Cuban 5 to 40 members of Congress, and we ended the 5 days with a rally in front of the White House.
  • More recently and in addition to the tour of Vicente Feliú, we organized a public meeting in Washington DC on September 14, with the participation of the fighter for Puerto Rico independence Rafael Cancel Miranda and Tom Hayden, editor of The Nation and others. We also followed up with our lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill by visiting 7 more members of Congress.

To continue raising awareness about the case of the Cuban 5, we are currently planning a number of new activities and there are two main ingredients that will make them successful; human commitment and monetary resources. Our committee has a growing number of dedicated activists and with the necessary donations we feel we will be able to achieve more in the upcoming period.

Many of you have given your financial support in the past and we are asking you to do it once again. And for those of you who haven’t donated to us in the past, but who follow the work of the International Committee, we urge you to do so.


WRITE A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CHECK TO: International Committee

And send it to:

International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5

P.O. Box 22455

Oakland, CA 94609


National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba



Dear Friends,

For the first time, Cuba’s National Symphony Orchestra is touring the U.S. and will be in the NYC area for only one performance, Saturday, October 27. We are buying a block of orchestra seats for friends of the Center — it will be great to have us there together — so if you would like to participate, let us know ASAP so we can send you a ticket (preferably today or tomorrow!). With luck we will have the physical tickets for our opening on October 11. The seats are $40 each (as you can see from the link to Lehman;s web site).

Call us at 212 242 0559 to reserve your seat with us — of course, you can also simply order tickets directly from Lehman.
Most important is that we want us PRESENTE!

See More Details

National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba

Revolution of Forms: Cuba’s Forgotten Architecture Schools

John Loomis, Benjamin Murray, Alysa Nahmias

Wednesday, 7pm

Revolution of Forms: Cuba’s Forgotten Art Schools examines the convergence of architecture, ideology, and culture in 1960s Cuba through the design of the Escuelas Nacionales de Arte (National Art Schools), conceived and initiated by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara soon after the Revolution’s victory. The utopian vision of architects Ricardo Porro, Roberto Gottardi, and Vittorio Garatti integrated issues of culture, ethnicity, and place, reinventing architecture just as the Revolution hoped to reinvent society.

As the utopian dream succumbed to dystopian reality, construction was halted and the architects fell out of political favor. The 2011 documentary Unfinished Spaces explores the current state of the schools and follows the exiled architects, who were invited back by Castro to finish their unrealized dream. Revolution of Forms author John Loomis will be joined by Unfinished Spaces co-directors Benjamin Murray and Alysa Nahmias for a conversation on the history of the schools and their rediscovery as visionary architectural masterpieces, now officially recognized by the Cuban government as national treasures.

NYC’s Architecture and Design Bookstore

MON — SAT, 11AM — 7PM, Thursdays UNTIL 9PM

Revolution of Forms: Cuba’s Forgotten Architecture Schools

Save the date; U.S. tour of VICENTE FELIU

Download English version Leaflet both in Color or in Black/White

Enjoy an Evening of Music with a Leading Voice of the Nueva Trova Movement from Cuba, VICENTE FELIU, in Concert with Latin Grammy Award Winner ALEJANDRO VALDEZ

Saturday, September 15th

Special Cultural Presentation by
VIicente & Alejandro in CONCERT

Martin Luther King, Jr. Labor Center
310 West 43 Street, Manhattan
(Between 8th & 9th Ave.)
Reception: 7:00 p.m.
Light Refreshments
Time: 8:00 p.m.

Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, and René González, the Cuban 5, were arrested by the F.B.I. on “conspiracy” and other trumped-up charges. The real reason for their imprisonment was that they infiltrated and gathered information on right-wing Cuban-American groups in Miami in order to prevent terrorist attacks against Cuba by these groups. The Cuban 5 have been imprisoned for more than 13 years – for defending the sovereignty of their homeland.

Suggested Donation $10.00 (No One Turned Away For Lack of Funds)

Organized by the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5 in collaboration with World Organization for Right of the People to Health Care, Inc., IFCO/Pastors for Peace, Casa de las Americas, July 26 Coalition and the National Network on Cuba.