Category Archives: Cuban Children

Cuando los niños llaman a Fidel (+Fotos)

Los estudiantes del complejo educacional Vilma Espín pudieron intercambiar con el líder de la Revolución Cubana este 6 de abril

Autor: Juventud Rebelde |
10 de abril de 2016 09:04:18
Fidel en la escuela Vilma Espín






Foto: Estudios Revolución
Cada vez que lo ven acercarse, desde las áreas del complejo educacional Vilma Espín, en el municipio capitalino de Playa, los niños se aglomeran y le dicen a coro: ¡Fidel, amigo! ¡Yo quiero estar contigo! Entonces el líder de la Revolución los saluda y en muchas ocasiones ordena detener el auto para conversar con ellos. Así sucedió el pasado miércoles 6 de abril, mientras ensayaban el matutino por el tercer aniversario de la escuela, los 86 años de Vilma, y los 55 de los círculos infantiles, una de las obras más sensibles de la Heroína de la Sierra y el llano.

«Estábamos en el portal, perfilando los últimos detalles del acto, cuando vimos que Fidel iba a pasar por la carretera que nos queda enfrente», cuenta emocionada Rubizaida Riverón Pozo, directora del Complejo. «Enseguida los saludos, las consignas y, de pronto, el Comandante nuevamente entre nosotros.

Continue reading Cuando los niños llaman a Fidel (+Fotos)

Fidel Castro pays tribute to Vilma Espín

Cuban leader Fidel Castro attended an event honoring revolutionary heroine Vilma Espín, yesterday April 7, according to a Cuba television report.Author: Cubadebate |
april 8, 2016 09:04:00













Photo: Cubadebate Archives
Cuban leader Fidel Castro attended an event honoring revolutionary heroine Vilma Espín, yesterday April 7, according to a Cuba television report.
He visited the Vilma Espín educational center located in the Havana municipality of Playa, where, along with preschool and elementary students and teachers, he participated in a tribute to the founder of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), held on the 86th anniversary of Vilma’s birth.
“I am sure that on a day like today, Vilma would be very happy,” the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution said.
“She would be seeing why she sacrificed her life, why those who die struggling for the Revolution leave energy along the way, leave strength, and struggle for this,” he added
Fidel, who will celebrate his 90th birthday in August, could be seen in the television broadcast spiritedly greeting the children and teachers, and discussing issues related to education, health and nutrition.
“Those of us who are here consider being in this school today a privilege, since this type of school is getting close to a kind of dream. I was trying to remember if I had known of a place where a school like this one existed. Such a place doesn’t appear,” Fidel said.
Boris Fuentes, the Cuban television journalist covering the event, reported that Fidel emphasized the school’s experience and its utility for rural areas.
Currently attending the Vilma Espín School are preschool and elementary children, while a middle school program is to be initiated next September.
The educational center was inaugurated April 9, 2013, with two classroom buildings, a library, as well as computer lab, and is staffed by a total of 43 individuals including teachers, assistants and service workers.