Our Communist Party is unique
Our Party is unique because it guarantees the unity of all Cubans intent on building a more democratic, inclusive and just society
Author: Karima Oliva Bello | informacion@granmai.cu
april 13, 2021 09:04:07

Our Party is unique because it is the party of the people and for the people. Photo: Ricardo López Hevia
Our Party is unique because it guarantees the unity of all Cubans intent on building a more democratic, inclusive and just society. It guarantees, strategically, our unity, in a world in which political fragmentation of progressive forces prevails in the face of advancing neoliberalism. The centers of capitalist power understand that, in order to win, they need to divide, defeat or co-opt Cuba’s collective forms of organization, resistance and struggle which constitute a real, effective threat to their system. Hence the pretension that we assume a multiparty system, which would only impede any possibility of a more democratic society.
Our Party is unique because it empowers the Cuban people, and serves as our principal resource in the defense of our rights against subversive agendas promoted from abroad, which for over 60 years have incessantly pressured us to impose a system that would sweep away these rights.
It empowers us in a world of extreme vulnerability and social alienation in which everyone is forced to seek individual solutions to systemic crises. “Every man for himself” prevails in high-risk societies. Anyone who doubts this should remember that more than 55% of the world’s population, 4 billion people, have had no type of social protection whatsoever during the period of humanitarian crisis we are now experiencing; 1.3 billion are multidimensionally poor, that is, poor not only because of a low income, but also because they are excluded from health and education systems, from access to drinking water, among other rights. Half of them, 662 million, are children.
Our party is unique because of its tradition of struggle and the moral authority on which it is based, in a region where, in general, political parties routinely feature no more than media shows, scandals and corruption. It is heir to the spirit in which the Cuban Revolutionary Party was created: a party to organize the struggle for our independence, anti-imperialist, defender of the noblest anti-racist and social justice ideals.
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