Category Archives: Cuban Sports

The Paris Olympiad was very competitive

Photocomposition with photos by Ricardo Lopez Photo: Ricardo López Hevia

Paris.— There is rarely a clearer image of the differences between the rich and the poor world than that seen in the Olympic Games.
If you take the medal table of Paris-2024, or any other of the previous events, and look at the first pavilions, you will notice that it looks more like a meeting of the G20 or one of the rich nations that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
That is why the first gold medals in the history of St. Lucia, Dominica and Guatemala are so valuable, even though they came 124 years after the start of these Games.
The three Brazilian, two Cuban, Ecuadorian and Chilean titles, those won by the African countries, the four silver medals won by Mexico and the Colombian medals are worth a great deal. They make us from the South sit in that luxurious hall, despite the fact that we are denied the business and technological development of the sport of the great powers.
And they are worth more, because the Paris Olympiad was very competitive, with 63 flags at the top of the award masts, at least once, and with 91 countries that registered in the list of medals.
These are also reasons to celebrate today, in the Homeland, our athletes – medalists or not – who will carry, in the invincible arms of Mijaín López Núñez, the lone star flag that they defended with so much fervor and love.

He’s Known as ‘El Terrible’—and He Might Be the Greatest Olympic Athlete of All Time

He’s Known as ‘El Terrible’—and He Might Be the Greatest Olympic Athlete of All Time

Story by Robert O’Connell, Jared Diamond

PARIS—With a list of accomplishments longer than a swimming pool, Michael Phelps has a strong claim to be considered the greatest athlete in Olympic history. After all, his 23 gold medals is more than twice as many as anyone else.

But it turns out there’s another athlete, barely known to most of the sports world, who might have a better claim to that title. He stands at 6-foot-5, weighs about 290 pounds and has dedicated his life to overpowering some of the strongest men on the planet.

His name is Mijaín López—and he might be the most dominant Olympian of all time.

López is a 41-year-old Greco-Roman wrestler from Cuba who seems less like an athlete than a tall tale: as solid as a mountain, as ungraspable as air. He can’t match Phelps’s overall medal count, but he looks set to achieve one feat that neither Phelps nor anyone else at the Games has ever done before. With a victory in Tuesday’s match against Chile’s Yasmani Acosta, López would become the first person ever to win gold in the same individual Olympic event five times.

He’s Known as ‘El Terrible’—and He Might Be the Greatest Olympic Athlete of All Time© Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

“To be able to do that, it’s unheard of,” said Phelps, one of the small group of athletes to have won four times in a row. “There’s a reason why no one’s ever done it before.”

To the people unfortunate enough to have stepped into the ring with López, the remarkable streak of medals is just the beginning of his legend. Forget losing a match or settling for silver—entering the Paris Games, it had been more than a decade since he’d so much as given up a single point at the Olympics. His last gold medal, in Tokyo, came when his final opponent chose to stop competing, standing to one side and letting López raise his arms in victory.

Mijaín López will seek today his fifth consecutive Olympic title

Photo: Ricardo López Hevia

Paris. — He did not come to his sixth Olympic Games out of vanity, nor to bask in his pedigree. He is here because he does not get tired of going out with Cuba in the middle of his vast chest.
Mijaín López will seek today his fifth consecutive Olympic title, which would be an unprecedented feat for the Olympic world. Until today, one of the same sport, Japanese gladiator Kaori Icho has four diadems, achieved from Athens-2004 to Rio de Janeiro-2016.
Al Oerter, an American discus player, also has four triumphs between the Melbourne-1956 and Mexico-1968 editions.
No one has ever gone further in the same individual event, having only one podium chance. Mijaín, in fact, is the first to try.
“My five medals are not mine, they belong to my people, my parents, my family, my friends, my coaches. To succeed, you just have to love what you do, defend it and respect the people who approach you, even if they are your opponents,” he told the press last night.
He also announced that he does not know how it will be, “because I love the fight obsessively, but tomorrow (today) I’m done.”
He does it surrounded by affection for what he has done and for his nobility, the one that took from the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel, a sensitive message to the Giant of Herradura: “Mijaín’s fifth is going”, he published in X, “and the whole Cuba is accompanying him. Dear Mijaín, you are already a legend, living history. A hug from all your people.”
Mijaín stood, the day before, at the threshold of the sacred temple of the Olympic deities, on the same day that another of that species, Armand Duplantis, touched the sky with his world record of 6.25 meters in the pole vault, so that Paris changed French for their language, because last night, here, they only talked about them.
Today is August 6, the same date on which Mijaín López won his second gold medal, 12 years ago. History repeats itself when the great ones write it.

Cuba en el 14 lugar , y seguirá ganando

¡Cuba en el 14, y seguirá ganando! (+Video)


Orgullo, un orgullo inconmensurable late jubiloso en el pecho de Cuba.
Horas antes de caer las cortinas de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio, la Isla inscribía otro campeón, ponía un sello de oro con los puños de Andy Cruz, y saltaba dos peldaños para brillar ante el mundo, desde el lugar 14.
«Catorce entre más de 200 delegaciones. Es inmenso el orgullo que sentimos por nuestros deportistas y la obra impulsada por Fidel», celebró en Twitter el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez. «En días como hoy reafirmo la convicción de que nada es imposible para la Patria. ¡Seguiremos ganando!».
La bloqueada con saña; la Numancia de la actualidad; el punto negro en el mapa expansionista de EE. UU.; la atacada hasta el delirio por imperialistas, por siervos anexionistas, por cubanoamericanos de retórica sangrienta a favor de una invasión a su propio país, por «confundidos», por cobardes y tontos útiles a la Casa Blanca, que pululan en el escenario digital, ha demostrado otra vez al planeta que no es un «Estado fallido», sino un archipiélago de gigantes, incomparable.
En vez de encontrarse en listas manipuladas, deshonestas, Cuba –de existir justicia en un mundo que parece perderla entre las aviesas decisiones y mentiras continuadas de los poderosos– debía ocupar las que exaltan a los pueblos que resisten y triunfan.
Los atletas antillanos han situado al país, nuevamente, en la vanguardia de la élite olímpica; a pesar de una pandemia atroz que ha dañado sensiblemente la economía nacional y que les limitó drásticamente el fogueo internacional.
La aspiración de la delegación cubana de ubicarse entre las primeras 20 naciones en el medallero de los Juegos, era un inmenso desafío, lo que se dice una quimera, pero se cumplió con creces.
Con siete medallas de oro, tres de plata y cinco de bronce, 15 preseas en total, Cuba se superó a sí misma, y ubicada por delante de naciones potencias, confirmó en Tokio el éxito del fomento del deporte masivo, voluntad política de la Revolución, propulsada por Fidel.
La nación expresa, ante los ojos del mundo, otra de sus grandes conquistas sociales: el deporte revolucionario al servicio de todos: de blancos, de negros, posible en los barrios más solventes y en los menos favorecidos; el deporte como posibilidad real de superación del ser humano, al alcance de toda una sociedad.
Orgullo, infinito orgullo nos abraza a quienes amamos y no odiamos, en este minuto de gloria para la Patria, para los nuestros. Lo conseguido en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio es una heroicidad, pero también es consecuencia de lo que somos y defendemos: Cuba siempre en Revolución.