Category Archives: Cuban United Nations Mission

General Assembly Speeches by Cuba on Ukraine

 Address by ambassador Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta, Cuba’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, in the United Nations General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine. New York, 1 March 2022




Mr. President,
Last 26 February, the Cuban Government issued a Statement on the events in Ukraine, clearly adopting a stance in favor of a solution that guarantees the security and sovereignty of all and addresses legitimate humanitarian concerns.
Cuba champions International Law and is committed to the Charter of the United Nations. Cuba will always defend peace and unambiguously oppose the use or threat of use of force against any State.
That is why we firmly support the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, signed in 2014 in Havana by the Heads of State and Government of our region.
Cuba is also committed to International Humanitarian Law and calls on all parties to protect the civilian population, their possessions and infrastructure.
We deeply regret the loss of innocent civilian lives in Ukraine. The Cuban people have had and continue to have a very close relationship with the Ukrainian people.
Mister President,
It is impossible to make a rigorous and honest examination of the current situation in Ukraine, without carefully assessing the factors that have led to the use of force and non-observance of legal principles and international norms.
Cuba strongly endorses and supports those principles and norms, which are, particularly for small countries, an essential reference to fight hegemony, abuse of power and injustice.
The U.S. determination to continue NATO’s progressive expansion towards the Russian Federation borders has brought about a scenario with implications of unpredictable scope, which could have been avoided.
The United States’ and NATO’s military moves in recent months towards regions adjacent to the Russian Federation, preceded by the delivery of modern weapons to Ukraine, which altogether add up to a military siege, are well known.
Ignoring for decades the well-founded claims of the Russian Federation for security guarantees and assuming that Russia would remain defenseless in the face of a direct threat to its national security was a mistake. Peace cannot be achieved by sieging or cornering States.
History will hold the United States accountable for the consequences of an increasingly offensive military doctrine outside NATO’s borders, which threatens international peace, security and stability.

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The US blockade adversely affects Cuba´s foreign trade, in Spanish and English version






Permanent Mission to the United Nations

315 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016

Dear Colleague:

A have the pleasure to send you a press release, entitled: The US blockade adversely affects Cuba´s foreign trade, in Spanish and English version.

Thanks for your attention,

Warm Regards,

Press Office

Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations.

Press Release:

The US blockade adversely affects Cuba´s foreign trade.

New York, October 24, 2017. The economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba had a significant impact on Cuba´s foreign trade between April 2016 and April 2017, causing an estimate of 3,524,993,996.32 dollars in damage.

As in previous years, the most affected indicator was income from exports of goods and services, which accounted for 83.6% of total damages. During that period, there was also an increase of 42% in the cost of financing received due to country risk. Numerous examples show how this policy has a negative impact on the development of the Cuban economy.

The Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) has developed product Heberprot-P, a unique medicine worldwide in the therapy of severe diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). This drug has benefited more than 230,000 patients worldwide and has obtained 21 health records and more than 30 patents have been granted.

Statistics show that the prevalence of diabetes in the United States is 9.3%, which is equivalent to about 29.2 million people. According to US sources, 3.5% of them develop DFUs, which represents more than one million people each year. Of these, 204 296 could develop complex DFUs. If Heberprot-P were exported to benefit only 5% of US citizens who develop a complex DFU per year, this would help to significantly reduce the over 70,000 amputations carried out annually in the United States in diabetic patients. The biotechnology industry in Cuba could also receive revenues of about 122 million dollars a year.

Continue reading The US blockade adversely affects Cuba´s foreign trade, in Spanish and English version