Category Archives: Fidel Castro

¡Hasta la victoria siempre! The world bids farewell to a giant of world history / Spanish/Enlgish










Ha nacido una nueva estrella en el firmamento

Los compañeros de Casa de las Américas NY nos
unimos al inmenso dolor del pueblo Cubano,
por el fallecimiento de nuestro querido comandante.
Su ejemplo de lucha revolucionaria nos han de hacer
más fuerte en nuestro empeño en defensa de la revolución
y lograr más temprano que tarde el levantamiento del
criminal bloqueo a nuestra patria Cuba.

A los detractores del querido comandante que hoy
celebran en Miami la muerte de este, decimos que nada
ni nadie podrá empañar tan radiante figura.
Hoy el comandante “se pasea serena y tranquilamente
por la sombra de la muerte.”

A new star has been born in the Universe.

The companions of Casa de Las Améreicas NY
partake in the immense pain of the Cuban people,
due to the death of our beloved commander.
His example of revolutionary struggle makes
us stronger in our efforts to defend the revolution
and to achieve sooner than later, the lifting of the
criminal blockade of our homeland Cuba.

To the detractors of the beloved commander celebrating
his death in Miami today, we tell you that nothing and no
one will be able to tarnish such a radiant figure.

Today the commander “walks serenely and peacefully
through the shadow of death.”

The imperishable example of Fidel

With the passing of the great revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on November 25, 2016 it is first and foremost to the Cuban people that we express our condolences and our solidarity.

Fidel was a product of a profound and rich Cuban and Latin American history, but it must be said that the example and legacy of Fidel belongs in truth to the world. And in particular to the oppressed and exploited overwhelming majority of humanity, in every corner of our Earth.
Continue reading The imperishable example of Fidel

Bolivia recognizes Fidel’s contribution to liberation struggles

Bolivia recognizes Fidel’s contribution to liberation struggles
Bolivian social, political and cultural organizations highlighted the influence of Fidel on the actions and ideas of Bolivians and all those committed to anti-imperialist struggle.

Author: Glenda Arcia |
july 21, 2016 09:07:42

f0013087La Paz.— On July 20, during an event to present activities organized in honor of the leader of the Cuban Revolution’s 90th birthday, Bolivian social, political and cultural organizations highlighted Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro’s contribution to global liberation struggles.

Speaking to Prensa Latina, organizing committee spokesperson, Marianela Prada emphasized Fidel’s influence on the actions and ideas of Bolivians and all those committed to the anti-imperialist struggle.

We learn from his internationalist example every day. The Bolivian people are eternally grateful to Fidel Castro and Cuba, for all their concrete acts of solidarity, such as sending medical and educational brigades to our country, she stated.

Cuban doctors have restored the vision and saved the lives of thousands of Bolivians and people all over the world. Collaborators have also helped to eradicate illiteracy in the country, added Prada.

She noted that various activities – such as cultural events, film screenings, conferences and photographic expositions – will be taking place in departments across the country including, La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija, Beni.

During a press conference, the Bolivian Ministry of Culture’s director of Artistic Promotion, Max Eguivar, highlighted the importance of “honoring a great friend of Bolivia and celebrating his 90th birthday, which translates to commitment and struggle.”

The youth must learn from Fidel’s example, raise their voices and continue fighting against imperialism, he stated.