Category Archives: Fidel Castro

Bolivia recognizes Fidel’s contribution to liberation struggles

Bolivia recognizes Fidel’s contribution to liberation struggles
Bolivian social, political and cultural organizations highlighted the influence of Fidel on the actions and ideas of Bolivians and all those committed to anti-imperialist struggle.

Author: Glenda Arcia |
july 21, 2016 09:07:42

f0013087La Paz.— On July 20, during an event to present activities organized in honor of the leader of the Cuban Revolution’s 90th birthday, Bolivian social, political and cultural organizations highlighted Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro’s contribution to global liberation struggles.

Speaking to Prensa Latina, organizing committee spokesperson, Marianela Prada emphasized Fidel’s influence on the actions and ideas of Bolivians and all those committed to the anti-imperialist struggle.

We learn from his internationalist example every day. The Bolivian people are eternally grateful to Fidel Castro and Cuba, for all their concrete acts of solidarity, such as sending medical and educational brigades to our country, she stated.

Cuban doctors have restored the vision and saved the lives of thousands of Bolivians and people all over the world. Collaborators have also helped to eradicate illiteracy in the country, added Prada.

She noted that various activities – such as cultural events, film screenings, conferences and photographic expositions – will be taking place in departments across the country including, La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija, Beni.

During a press conference, the Bolivian Ministry of Culture’s director of Artistic Promotion, Max Eguivar, highlighted the importance of “honoring a great friend of Bolivia and celebrating his 90th birthday, which translates to commitment and struggle.”

The youth must learn from Fidel’s example, raise their voices and continue fighting against imperialism, he stated.

Cuando los niños llaman a Fidel (+Fotos)

Los estudiantes del complejo educacional Vilma Espín pudieron intercambiar con el líder de la Revolución Cubana este 6 de abril

Autor: Juventud Rebelde |
10 de abril de 2016 09:04:18
Fidel en la escuela Vilma Espín






Foto: Estudios Revolución
Cada vez que lo ven acercarse, desde las áreas del complejo educacional Vilma Espín, en el municipio capitalino de Playa, los niños se aglomeran y le dicen a coro: ¡Fidel, amigo! ¡Yo quiero estar contigo! Entonces el líder de la Revolución los saluda y en muchas ocasiones ordena detener el auto para conversar con ellos. Así sucedió el pasado miércoles 6 de abril, mientras ensayaban el matutino por el tercer aniversario de la escuela, los 86 años de Vilma, y los 55 de los círculos infantiles, una de las obras más sensibles de la Heroína de la Sierra y el llano.

«Estábamos en el portal, perfilando los últimos detalles del acto, cuando vimos que Fidel iba a pasar por la carretera que nos queda enfrente», cuenta emocionada Rubizaida Riverón Pozo, directora del Complejo. «Enseguida los saludos, las consignas y, de pronto, el Comandante nuevamente entre nosotros.

Continue reading Cuando los niños llaman a Fidel (+Fotos)

Fidel Castro pays tribute to Vilma Espín

Cuban leader Fidel Castro attended an event honoring revolutionary heroine Vilma Espín, yesterday April 7, according to a Cuba television report.Author: Cubadebate |
april 8, 2016 09:04:00













Photo: Cubadebate Archives
Cuban leader Fidel Castro attended an event honoring revolutionary heroine Vilma Espín, yesterday April 7, according to a Cuba television report.
He visited the Vilma Espín educational center located in the Havana municipality of Playa, where, along with preschool and elementary students and teachers, he participated in a tribute to the founder of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), held on the 86th anniversary of Vilma’s birth.
“I am sure that on a day like today, Vilma would be very happy,” the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution said.
“She would be seeing why she sacrificed her life, why those who die struggling for the Revolution leave energy along the way, leave strength, and struggle for this,” he added
Fidel, who will celebrate his 90th birthday in August, could be seen in the television broadcast spiritedly greeting the children and teachers, and discussing issues related to education, health and nutrition.
“Those of us who are here consider being in this school today a privilege, since this type of school is getting close to a kind of dream. I was trying to remember if I had known of a place where a school like this one existed. Such a place doesn’t appear,” Fidel said.
Boris Fuentes, the Cuban television journalist covering the event, reported that Fidel emphasized the school’s experience and its utility for rural areas.
Currently attending the Vilma Espín School are preschool and elementary children, while a middle school program is to be initiated next September.
The educational center was inaugurated April 9, 2013, with two classroom buildings, a library, as well as computer lab, and is staffed by a total of 43 individuals including teachers, assistants and service workers.

Brother Obama, Author: Fidel Castro Ruz

Brother Obama

We don’t need the empire to give us anything. Our efforts will be legal and peaceful, because our commitment is to peace and fraternity among all human beings who live on this planet.








Author: Fidel Castro Ruz |
march 28, 2016 12:03:14
The kings of Spain brought us the conquistadores and masters, whose footprints remained in the circular land grants assigned to those searching for gold in the sands of rivers, an abusive and shameful form of exploitation, traces of which can be noted from the air in many places around the country.
Tourism today, in large part, consists of viewing the delights of our landscapes and tasting exquisite delicacies from our seas, and is always shared with the private capital of large foreign corporations, whose earnings, if they don’t reach billions of dollars, are not worthy of any attention whatsoever.
Since I find myself obliged to mention the issue, I must add – principally for the youth – that few people are aware of the importance of such a condition, in this singular moment of human history. I would not say that time has been lost, but I do not hesitate to affirm that we are not adequately informed, not you, nor us, of the knowledge and conscience that we must have to confront the realities which challenge us. The first to be taken into consideration is that our lives are but a fraction of a historical second, which must also be devoted in part to the vital necessities of every human being. One of the characteristics of this condition is the tendency to overvalue its role, in contrast, on the other hand, with the extraordinary number of persons who embody the loftiest dreams.
Nevertheless, no one is good or bad entirely on their own. None of us is designed for the role we must assume in a revolutionary society, although Cubans had the privilege of José Martí’s example. I even ask myself if he needed to die or not in Dos Ríos, when he said, “For me, it’s time,” and charged the Spanish forces entrenched in a solid line of firepower. He did not want to return to the United States, and there was no one who could make him. Someone ripped some pages from his diary. Who bears this treacherous responsibility, undoubtedly the work of an unscrupulous conspirator? Differences between the leaders were well known, but never indiscipline. “Whoever attempts to appropriate Cuba will reap only the dust of its soil drenched in blood, if he does not perish in the struggle,” stated the glorious Black leader Antonio Maceo. Máximo Gómez is likewise recognized as the most disciplined and discreet military chief in our history.

Continue reading Brother Obama, Author: Fidel Castro Ruz