Category Archives: The Cuban Five

Casa in Solidarity with the Puerto Rican people on the Annual Parade – NYC

Nancy Cabrero, President of Casa de las Américas and Jaime Mendieta, Vice President along with other members join in Solidarity with the Puerto Rican people for the NYC annual parade.

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Los 5 En La Parada Puertorriqueña -The 5 in the Puerto Rican Day Parade

Compañeros y Compañeras,

Un pequeño resumen:

Aqui les envio unas fotos del desfile Puertoriqueno que se llevo acabo el Domingo 10 de Junio de 2012. Comenzamos en la Calle 44 de la Quinta Avenida y terminamos en la Calle 79. Gracias a las gestiones de Luis Matos, nosotros en Casa y companeros del 26 de julio pudimos desfilar con el contingente del sindicato 1199. En la foto puedes ver a Mendieta, Luis y a mi cargando la pancarta de Los Cinco con los prisioneros politicos de PR. Franklin, Villa y Jason repartieron informacion de los Cinco a las personas presenciando este. Radhames Morales y su esposa se turnaron cargar una bandera del Che y tomaron las fotos.Tambien podras ver cuando le hago un acercamiento a Gerardo Rivera, un periodista de television puertoriqueno de FOX News para darle un pamfleto de los Cinco preguntandole cuando FOX va hacer un reportaje sobre el caso de los Cinco. Tambien se le hizo un acercamiento a Michael Mulgrew el presidente del sindicato de los maestros de NY. Tambien abordamos a Ben Jealous, Chairman del NAACP que se mostro muy interesado en el caso.

Una Cuba para todos.

Saludos. Abrazos,

Nancy Cabrero
Casa, NYC

Cuban official talks about Alan Gross


Josefina Vidal of Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, clarifies issues regarding Alan Gross, and the Cuban Five
CNN Interview of Thursday, May 10
on “The Situation Room”

Dear Friends of the Cuban Five:

The U.S. government and media have distorted the facts surrounding the case of Alan Gross, who was arrested in Cuba in December 2009 while carrying out destabilization efforts inside Cuba, as an employee of the CIA-front organization U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Gross is serving a 15-year sentence.

After Wolf Blitzer of CNN conducted a May 9 telephone interview with Alan Gross, in which false claims were made against Cuba, Cuba’s ambassador to the United States in Washington DC, Jorge Bolaños, issued a letter calling for an opportunity for Cuba to state its position, as well as Cuba’s willingness to dialogue on all issues with the U.S. government.

On Thursday, May 10, Josefina Vidal, director of the North American department of Cuba’s Foreign Ministry, was interviewed on CNN’s Situation Room, by Wolf Blitzer. Vidal’s answers to Blitzer’s questions on various themes related to U.S.-Cuba relations, are enlightening and informative.

Written by National Committee To Free The Cuban Five


Entrevista con Olga Salanueva y Elizabeth Palmeiro

En marzo de 2012 después de más de 20 años de ausencia, René González, el primer liberado de “Los Cinco” cubanos presos en EE. UU., pudo al fin ir a Cuba para un periodo corto. La esposa de René González, Olga Salanueva y Elizabeth Palmeiro, la esposa de otro de “Los Cinco”, Ramón Labañino, en exclusiva para RT nos relatan los detalles de la visita

Washington Post Ad to publish Monday April 30 for the Cuban Five!‏


The Full-Page Ad in

calling for Freedom for
the Cuban Five, will publish on
Monday, April 30!

Dear friends:

We are happy to announce that on Monday, April 30, 2012, the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five will publish a Full-page Advertisement in the Washington Post! This is possible because of the help of hundreds of supporters of the Cuban Five, who made generous donations.

Daily circulation of The Washington Post is 545,345 and daily readership is 1,080,000, so it will have an enormous reach on Monday.

Stay tuned! Monday, we will display the Ad on our website.

Tell your friends! Spread the word!

Read in Spanish

Originally posted by National Committee To Free The Cuban Five