From Saturday, April 11 to Sunday, May 3, 2015
Open Daily, 4pm to 9pm
The Clemente
LES Gallery, ground floor
107 Suffolk Street
New York, NY 10002
Continue reading Absolved by Solidarity
From Saturday, April 11 to Sunday, May 3, 2015
Open Daily, 4pm to 9pm
The Clemente
LES Gallery, ground floor
107 Suffolk Street
New York, NY 10002
Continue reading Absolved by Solidarity
On February 28, the Cuban leader received the Five anti-terrorists and conversed about the many years of injustice they suffered
Author: Fidel Castro Ruz |
march 2, 2015 11:03:08
I received them on Saturday, February 28, 73 days after they stepped foot on Cuban soil. Three of them had served 15 long years of their youth breathing in the damp, foul smelling, repugnant air of yankee prison cells, after being convicted by venal judges. The other two, who also attempted to stop the empire’s criminal plans against their homeland, were also sentenced to various years of brutal imprisonment.
The very same investigating bodies, completely devoid of the most basic sense of justice, participated in their inhumane incarceration.
Cuban intelligence services had absolutely no need to track the movements of a single U.S. military team, as they could observe from space everything that moved on our planet through the Lourdes Radio Electronic Exploration Centre, located to the south of the Cuban capital. This center was able to detect any moving object thousands of miles from our country.
more pictures at end of article
Estimada Alicia Jrapko,
Casa de las Américas en nombre de todos los cubanos progresistas de la diáspora deseamos expresarles nuestro más sincero agradecimiento al Comité Internacional para la liberación de los 5 cubanos, por el extraordinario trabajo que realizaron en pro de la excarcelación de nuestros héroes. Ha quedado comprobado que cuando personas de buena voluntad se unen para luchar por una causa justa, el triunfo por dicha causa esta asegurado, no importa el tiempo que tome.
Decía nuestro José Martí que, “Hacer es la mejor forma de decir”. Con la satisfacción del deber cumplido, nos despedimos, no sin antes reiterar nuestro agradecimiento al Comité Internacional y a todas las organizaciones y personas que se unión en esta lucha de tanto significado para nuestra patria Cuba. “Patria o Muerte venceremos.
Nota: En Casa pensamos que el Comité Internacional podría integrarse de lleno a la causa de la liberación del compañero bóricua Oscar López Rivera y todos los presos políticos.
Jaime Mendieta Presidente
Gilberto Villa Vise Presidente
Nancy Cabrero Vise Presidente
Franklin Flores Secretario de Organización
Please join us for an evening of reading, book signing and
celebration of the release of the Cuban Five with
author Stephen Kimber. Continue reading Evening with Author Stephen Kimber
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