Bastion 2024 Strategic Exercise will be held from today until January 24, and Saturday 25 will be National Defense Day
As part of the country’s defense preparedness, the Bastion 2024 Strategic Exercise is being carried out in the national territory from today until January 24.
Its realization was planned for November last year; however, due to the effects of hurricanes Oscar – in the eastern provinces – and Rafael – in the west – and the impact of earthquakes in Granma and Santiago de Cuba, it was necessary to postpone it for this year.
The purpose of the exercise is to train the management and command bodies of the different structures in charge of national and territorial defense, in the organization of work in the interest of raising the country’s readiness for defense and the preparation of the troops and the population, in order to face the different actions of the enemy.
Yesterday, Tuesday, January 21, the University Student Bastion was held, an expression of the participation of young people in the defense of the Homeland.
During the Bastion 2024 Strategic Exercise, and the National Defense Day, which will take place on Saturday, January 25, there will be maneuvers and tactical exercises of different types, with the participation of units of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, the Ministry of the Interior and other components of the territorial defense system. Therefore, there will be troop and war material movements, aviation flights, and explosions may be felt throughout the country.
The Bastion 2024 Strategic Exercise is an essential element in the materialization of our doctrine of the War of the Whole People.
No es un día común y corriente para los jóvenes que cumplen el servicio militar en la Gran Unidad de Tanques de la Gloria Combativa Rescate de Sanguily, Orden Antonio Maceo. Prepararse para la guerra de todo el pueblo, implica que cada cubano debe tener un medio, una forma y un lugar para defender la Patria
Maniobras en el polígono integral, ejercicios en el simulador de tiro de tanques, preparación de infantería, clases de preparación política, entrenamiento de las tropas regulares…
No es un día común y corriente para los jóvenes que cumplen el servicio militar en la Gran Unidad de Tanques de la Gloria Combativa Rescate de Sanguily, Orden Antonio Maceo. Prepararse para la guerra de todo el pueblo, implica que cada cubano debe tener un medio, una forma y un lugar para defender la Patria.
La concepción de la guerra de todo el pueblo fue creada por nuestro Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz y materializada por el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz. Se ha mantenido durante todos estos años en las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR) y en todo el país se sigue perfeccionando.
Como parte de esta preparación, los órganos de dirección y mando se activan durante los ejercicios.
El General de Cuerpo de Ejército y ministro de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, Álvaro López Miera, acompañado por jefes principales de las FAR, constató la formación que reciben los jóvenes soldados mediante actividades prácticas concebidas para aumentar la preparación del personal que allí se encuentra, los instó a seguir estudiando y reafirmó la unidad indisoluble de las FAR con el pueblo y su Revolución.
El Día Nacional de la Defensa incluye, además, la participación de los trabajadores civiles en tareas de preparación para la defensa. En este sentido –precisó el teniente coronel Rasiel Moncada Vázquez, jefe de Preparación Combativa de la División de Tanques–, «también van a cumplir un conjunto de actividades de entrenamiento de tiro y trabajo relacionado con la producción de alimentos para nuestras tropas en la División de Tanques». A esa unidad le corresponde realizar un ejercicio táctico de compañía reforzada, que tiene en cuenta los programas de estudio de los combatientes y ha sido concebido en tres etapas fundamentales de la preparación de la puesta en completa disposición combativa y la realización del combate.
Se incluye, igualmente, el entrenamiento de los estudiantes universitarios en el Bastión Estudiantil, de manera que se entrelaza la preparación de la población civil con las unidades permanentes de la División de Tanques. Para los oficiales y soldados, tiene una gran significación entrenarse para la defensa de la Patria, como parte de la concepción de la guerra de todo el pueblo, pues también ellos forman parte del pueblo uniformado.
El sargento de segunda Annier Gutiérrez Pérez, tanquista de 19 años, tiene la firme convicción del cumplimiento del deber: «Nos preparamos más cada día para demostrarle al imperialismo que estamos listos para cualquier misión», aseguró apenas concluida la maniobra.
El mismo espíritu de combate se desprende de las palabras del teniente coronel Dunieski Morales Terán y del mayor Uberlandis Palau Hechavarría. Ambos están «listos para rechazar cualquier agresión del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, si osara agredirnos».
Cuban workers denounce poorly concealed objectives of mercenary ruckus The trade union movement will mobilize alongside the entire people against those who are determined to undermine Cuba’s sovereignty and the conquests we have collectively achieved, wielding its most powerful weapons: unity and patriotism
Author: National news staff | october 20, 2021 10:10:15
Photo: Prensa Latina Given the latest escalation of subversive campaigns against the Revolution, the Federation of Cuban Workers (CTC) issued a statement outlining the national proletariat’s intransigent position rejecting the most recent maneuvers orchestrated by “internal political operators, led and encouraged from abroad,” who have announced “the intention to conduct a march which they present as peaceful and lawful, invoking the Constitution.”
In reference to Articles in the Magna Carta, the CTC recalled that no legal demonstration can disturb citizen tranquility, incite overthrowing the established order, infringe on the rights of others, affect collective security, general welfare or the public order, and must always be conducted with respect for the law.
On the contrary, the statement asserts, the poorly disguised objective of the mercenary ruckus is to provoke a change in Cuba’s political system and a return to capitalism; noting that this is made clear by “the decisive support, evident in the avalanche of messages on social networks, by figures abroad clamoring for a U.S. military intervention, notorious terrorists, counter-revolutionary figures in Florida and even the remains of the defeated mercenary Brigade 2506.”
In the face of such aggression, the statement reaffirms that “Cuban workers, united around the Federation of Cuban workers and its affiliated trade unions, are advancing in the construction of a new society and updating our economic model to build a better country, strongly condemn those who promote destabilization. We are convinced that no provocation will succeed in demoralizing or intimidating those of us struggling here for the present and the future of the nation.”
The statement reiterated that the Cuban trade union movement will mobilize alongside the entire people against those who are determined to take away our independence, our sovereignty and the conquests achieved with collective sacrifice. In this exercise of legitimate defense, “We will wield our most powerful weapons: unity and patriotism.”
Díaz-Canel: In the defense of Cuba we continue to have Fidel at our side and stand beside Raúl
The President described as tremendous the population’s participation, understanding, and reception of new measures adopted by the Council of Ministers
Nuria Barbosa Leónjuly 8, 2019 15:07:55
Photo: Estudios Revolución
The President of Cuba’s Councils of State and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez; and Ministers of Economy and Planning Alejandro Gil Fernández; Finances and Prices, Meisi Bolaños Weiss; as well as Labor and Social Security, Margarita Fernández González, appeared on the second Mesa Redonda television program devoted to explaining details of measures recently adopted by the Council of Ministers.
The President described as tremendous the population’s participation, and response to the information presented the previous evening, recognizing this understanding and positive reception as important to the success of the government’s proposals.
He displayed a document containing all the opinions collected from social media, the Presidency’s website, personal Twitter accounts of government officials, and via other means.
The President emphasized that the response also indicates that, over the next few days, and as the decisions are implemented, more explications will be needed.
To match explanations with doubts expressed, the plan for the program was to respond by theme to provide details and complement information, he clarified.
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