A critical eye exposes media manipulation
“The media war is more active than ever against revolutionary processes,” stated José Manzaneda, coordinator of Cubainformación TV, a website devoted to challenging media campaigns against Cuba
Nuria Barbosa Leónmarch 22, 2019 10:03:05
José Manzaneda, chief coordinator of the Cubainformación TV website.
Photo: Nuria Barbosa
“The media war is now more active than ever against revolutionary processes,” stated José Manzaneda, chief coordinator of the Basque-based website Cubainformación TV, during a recent visit to Havana. The site is a space to challenge media manipulation against Cuba, offering content on the reality of the Caribbean island, silenced by the mainstream international press.
“The large international media corporations based in the United States, Europe, and countries of Latin America, are currently focused on Venezuela. They are very clearly the civilian army in the psychological war to overthrow a political and social process, in which the great power, with a capital “P”, is international and too much is at stake. They focus their content on creating a scenario in which armed intervention is possible and feasible.
“They have attempted this in all ways, but in recent months, they have combined several very important factors: the death of the great leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, the fall in oil prices, and the development of highly coordinated economic warfare, as well as a very intense psychological and media campaign. With that concoction, the imperialists believe that now is the right moment to deal the death blow to the Venezuelan government. To this is added a U.S. administration linked to the extreme right, and a regional context that has led to satellite governments in countries such as Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and others. The mass media act as never before against revolutionary processes, as seen in Syria, Cuba, Libya, and other sovereign nations.
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