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Cuba y Vietnam: una hermandad que se afianza

Cuba y Vietnam: una hermandad que se afianza (+ Fotos)
Durante el último día de su visita de Estado, el Secretario General del Partido Comunista de Vietnam rindió honores a la historia de la Isla en la ciudad heroica de Santiago, acompañado por el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz

Autor: Leticia Martínez Hernández |
31 de marzo de 2018 02:03:30







Nguyen Phu Trong depositó una hermosa ofrenda floral dedicada al líder la Revolución Cubana. Foto:
Nguyen Phu Trong depositó una hermosa ofrenda floral dedicada al









líder la Revolución Cubana. Foto: Estudios Revolución
Santiago de Cuba.–Caía la tarde en esta ciudad cuando el Secretario General del Partido Comunista de Vietnam, Nguyen Phu Trong, llegó al cementerio de Santa Ifigenia, acompañado por el Primer Secretario del Partido Comunista de Cuba, el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, para rendir tributo a Martí, Fidel, Céspedes y Mariana, justo en la última jornada de su visita de Estado a la Isla.

Como sucede siempre en ese sagrado altar de la Patria, las emociones afloraron cuando, luego de los himnos de ambas naciones y el estremecedor toque de silencio, se efectuó el cambio de la guardia de honor que, como exacto mecanismo de reloj, ocurre cada media hora del día en este histórico sitio.

Continue reading Cuba y Vietnam: una hermandad que se afianza

In Loving Memory ~ Ricardo Prieto


Ha fallecido el compañero Ricardo Prieto. Su deceso ocurrió el día 9 de Febrero del 2018, a la 1:30 de la tarde en Hamburgo, Alemania.

Junto a su lecho se encontraba su esposa Andrea y su hija Adriana. El compañero fue miembro de Casa de las Américas por muchos años. Ricardo fue ferviente defensor de la gloriosa revolución cubana y todas las causas justas. Siempre estuvo presente cuando se le necesitaba.

Los compañeros de Casa de Las Américas lamentamos tan valiosa perdida. Nuestro mas sincero pésame para su familia y amigos, de parte de los miembros de Casa de Las Américas. Que las fuerzas del universo lo acompañen en su trayectoria por el infinito. Que en paz descanse el compañero Ricardo.

Jaime Mendieta, Presidente
Nancy Cabrero, Vise Presidente
Gilberto Villa, Segundo Vise Presidente
Franklin Flores, Secretario de Organización

Comrade Ricardo Prieto passed away on February 9, 2018, at 1:30 in the afternoon in Hamburg, Germany.

His wife Andrea and his daughter Adriana were at his bedside.

The companion was a member of Casa de las Américas for many years.

Ricardo was a fervent defender of the glorious Cuban revolution and all just causes.

He was always there when needed.

The companions of Casa de Las Américas regret such a valuable loss.

Our most sincere condolences to family and friends.

May the forces of the universe accompany him in his path through infinity.

May Comrade Ricardo rest in peace.

Jaime Mendieta, President
Nancy Cabrero, Vice-President
Gilberto Villa, Second Vice-President
Franklin Flores, Secretary of Organization

Presentation on Commander Ernesto Che Guevara Memorial by Representative of Casa Las Americas

Presentation on Commander Ernesto Che Guevara Memorial by Representative of Casa Las Americas









50 years have passed since the fall of Commander Ernesto Che Guevara in Bolivia, a fervent fighter for the freedom and well-being of the suffering peoples of America and the world; a hero of the glorious Cuban revolution.

Che belongs to a lineage of men and women who have attained eternal glory by their achievements for the good of humanity. With his death, an extraordinary human being was lost, and a brave fighter, who gave his life for the greatest force that flows through the universe: love. That is why his image has spread throughout the sphere of the planet.









On the fateful afternoon of October 9 at one and 10 minutes of the afternoon of 1967, in La Higuera, Bolivia, with the assassination of the heroic guerrilla, a new star in the sky was born.

Other compañeros and compañeras here tonight discuss different aspects of the historical trajectory of Comandante Che. Casa de las América today shares theirs and narrates a brief chapter in the life of Che, a little known one—-as it was directly linked to the founders, specifically with a companion of ‘Casa:’ the late Don Pablo Estremera who, by the way, was the first president of Casa Cuba, what we now know as Casa de las Américas.

This comrade was a member of the July 26 movement in NY, founded by Fidel during his stay in this city in 1955. There it was established that said committee would be a support group for the combatants once they were on the war front that turned out to be in the Sierra Maestra. In due time after their arrival, the committee of 26 in NY is asked for a sum of money, which must be delivered to Fidel in the Sierra Maestra. Don Pablo Estremera was selected for this task because, despite being Puerto Rican by birth, he was the only one familiar with the region, having been raised around the Sierra Maestra.

Says the unpublished history, that Don Pablo, undertook his trip to the Sierra Maestra in search of Fidel, there he met with a brigade of guerrillas led by Che and they took him as a prisoner. When Che interrogates him, he tells him that he has an assignment from the July 27 NY committee to meet with Fidel. Che tells Don Pablo that if what he says is not true, he runs the risk of being shot.

After three days of touring the mountain range, they arrived at Fidel’s camp. Che went forward to alert Fidel of Don Pablo’s presence and told him that there was a parakeet there who said he had an assignment from NY to meet Fidel.

After three days of touring the mountain range, they arrived at Fidel’s camp. Che went forward to alert Fidel of Don Pablo’s presence—that there was a ‘parakeet’ who said he had been entrusted from NY to meet Fidel.

Parakeet? Fidel asked. Che relates tod the word parakeet because the man talked so much, did not stop talking on their way to Fidel. His name is Pablo Che replies. “Oh, that’s Pablito,” make it happen responded Fidel. Both men talked, in this way fulfilling the much difficult and dangerous task.

Since then Don Pablo was baptized by Che with the nickname of “Periquito.” A man of short stature and giant in bravery, at 65 years of age he became Fidel’s “mail delivery man” as he returned to the mountains when necessary. A great friendship was forged from that unexpected encounter between Che and the “Periquito” Pablo Estremera, the anonymous hero of the Cuban revolution.

In his visit to the United Nations, Che asked to meet with the compañeros and compañeras of Casa Cuba, especially Don Pablo Estremera, to thank him for the great work they did during the Cuban liberation war. A great friendship was established between Don Pablo and Che.

Long live Che, long live Fidel, and long live the great Cuban revolution.

Data acquired from the archive of Arnaldo Barrón

Recibió Raúl al canciller de la República Popular Democrática de Corea En el fraternal encuentro

Recibió Raúl al canciller de la República Popular Democrática de Corea
En el fraternal encuentro, ambas partes constataron los históricos lazos de amistad que existen entre las dos naciones y dialogaron sobre temas internacionales de interés común

Autor: Redacción Digital |
25 de noviembre de 2017 17:11:30
Raúl Castro recibió al canciller de Corea del Norte







Foto: Estudios Revolución
El General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, recibió en la mañana del pasado viernes al compañero Ri Yong Ho, ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la República Popular Democrática de Corea, quien realizó una visita oficial a Cuba.

En el fraternal encuentro, ambas partes constataron los históricos lazos de amistad que existen entre las dos naciones y dialogaron sobre temas internacionales de interés común.

El canciller norcoreano trasladó un saludo del Presidente Kim Jong Un dirigido al General de Ejército, el cual fue reciprocado por este, así como un mensaje verbal y las condolencias por el primer aniversario del fallecimiento del líder histórico de la Revolución Cubana Fidel Castro Ruz.

Acompañó al visitante Pak Chang Yul, embajador de la República Popular Democrática de Corea. Por la parte cubana Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, ministro de Relaciones Exteriores.


Bruno Rodríguez receives Foreign Minister of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Ri Yong Ho stated that he was pleased to be visiting the island

Author: Ernesto J. Gómez Figueredo |

november 22, 2017 14:11:02

“This visit is a demonstration of the consolidation of the ties of cooperation and friendship between both nations, and which are the legacy of historic leaders Fidel Castro Ruz and Kim Il-Sung,” stated Cuba’s Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez, on receiving his counterpart from theDemocratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ri Yong Ho, this November 22.
During the meeting, which took place at the Cuban Foreign Ministry in Havana, Rodríguez noted that the island supports peace in the Korean Peninsula, and believes that a lasting political solution in the region can only be reached through dialogue.
The Cuban minister also noted that the country strongly rejects the imposition of sanctions and unilateral, arbitrary lists drawn up the United States, which violate International Law.
“We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate our demand for the sovereignty and independence of all states, free self-determination of the peoples, against the use and/or threat of force by states, the resolution of conflicts through peaceful means, every state’s right to establish its own economic, political and social model, and non-interference in the internal affairs of any state,” he added
Rodríguez went on to note that the minister’s visit will contribute to strengthening ties and to the continuation of fruitful political dialogue between the two peoples, parties and governments.
Meanwhile, Ri Yong Ho stated that he was pleased to be visiting the island. “Although Cuba and the DPRK are geographically distant, we have many similarities and I feel at home here,” he stated.