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Cuban vaccine against lung cancer makes its way in the United States

Cuban vaccine against lung cancer makes its way in the United States
Cimavax-EGF, a Cuban therapeutic vaccine against lung cancer, conquers the scientific community and the population of the United States based on the achievements compiled in studies carried out.

Author: Granma |
july 27, 2022 11:07:50

Cimavax-EGF, a Cuban therapeutic vaccine against lung cancer, conquers the scientific community and the population of the United States based on the achievements compiled in studies carried out. The vaccine was obtained after more than two decades of research and have shown satisfactory results in patients in advanced stages of lung cancer.

The Cuban Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM) and the Roswell Park Cancer Research Center in Buffalo, in the United States of America, joined forces a few years ago to facilitate access to equipment and reagents in order to promote the development of the drug, reported Russia Today.

The creation of the only joint venture between Cuba and the United States, the Innovative Immunotherapy Alliance, a biotechnological company to insert the drug in the U.S. society, facilitated Cuba’s access to equipment and reagents which are very difficult to obtain due to the limitations of the coercive measure of the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States on the island, and the northern country can have access to a drug with excellent results and prospects.

Doctor Elia Neninger, who participated of in the clinical trials of the therapeutic vaccine from the beginning, assured the Russian TV station that the drug has two great advantages: few adverse reactions and a solution to lung cancer, which is a serious health problem in Cuba.

Deputy director of the Molecular Immunology Center Kalet León Monzón said that the patients who have received the vaccine are recovering from advanced tumor cancer and could have the prospect of survival in normal conditions in the very short term, according to Russia Today.

One of the beneficiaries of the vaccine, Miguel Creus, a patient who began to receive Cimavax 15 years ago, when the disease was in stage four and the vaccine was in clinical trials, assures that the drug has prolonged his life with a satisfactory state of health, and that at present he has no traces of tumors or symptoms of the disease.

Despite the effects of the economic blockade of the United States against Cuba, the collaboration between the two institutions continues and Cimavax overcomes the challenges. At present, there are clinical trials that combine this Cuban vaccine with other successful cancer treatments and their effects in high-risk people or patients in the initial stages of the disease are being studied.

According to some studies, lung cancer is the third most frequent cancer in the United States and the deadliest. This Cuban drug could be a promising relief, a good example of the benefits both nations would obtain if they had a normal relationship. (International News Office)

Translated by ESTI

EDITORIAL : A Girón in July


A Girón in July
This people has fought tirelessly for its independence. It wins every time someone tries to take it away from it, it fearlessly faces those who try to deprive it of its right to decide how it wants to live. It will therefore never submit to provocations or threats

Author: Granma |
july 11, 2022 12:07:15






Photo: José Manuel Correa
For Cubans, the month of July is clearly synonymous with revolution. For this is the month with the glorious 26th, when José Martí was reborn to lead, from his immeasurably great legacy, Fidel and the entire generation that continued the irreversible path to Cuba’s full dignity.

So much human greatness, so many sacrifices, so much history are symbolic expressions of our perseverance, our resistance, our principles and our sense of justice.

This people has fought tirelessly for its independence. It wins every time someone tries to take it away from it, it fearlessly stands up to those who try to take away its right to decide for itself how it wants to live. It will therefore never bow to provocations or threats.

The economic, trade and financial blockade, the practiced state terrorism and the invasion attempt are the proof. And since all this did not bring about the planned overthrow, our enemies are now relying on the so-called soft coup. They tried it with the greatest audacity on July 11, 2021, not knowing how deeply rooted the revolution is in those who create it, perfect it and stand firmly by it.

With a large-scale political communication operation, they wanted to opportunistically take advantage of the coincidence of the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting economic crisis and the measures to tighten the blockade to an unprecedented level.

The very obvious goal? To create the false impression that the shortages and material difficulties were the result of inefficient revolutionary government policies, thus concealing the real cause: the inhuman economic siege by the United States.

Before the world, they sold the idea of a social uprising that would “overthrow the dictatorship.” But their plan was based on a mistake: they underestimated the unity of the nation, the majority support for the revolutionary project, the will not to allow peace and social gains to be challenged. Thus, as always, they were doomed to failure.

They have not yet understood that continuity in Cuba is not demagogy and that defending the Revolution at all costs is not an empty slogan, but testifies to the firm determination with which the people oppose their enemies.

Because they are aware of the dangers, the Cuban people have always been in combat readiness. This was demonstrated on July 11, when they put down this skirmish within a few hours.

Thus, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, called with an open heart, as if Fidel, Raúl, Martí and all the heroes of the Fatherland were speaking, for the defense of the Revolution in the streets, and the people were already there without hesitation.

It was an act of fidelity to the legacy of the Comandante en Jefe, who had once explained on January 8, 1959, how he intended to act in situations of imminent danger: “I tell you that the first thing I will always do when I see the Revolution in danger is to call on the people. Because by talking to the people, we can avoid bloodshed. Before we fire even one shot here, we must address the people a thousand times…”.

And with great courage, this people has asserted its status as the supreme protectors of this work, showing that the peace and tranquility of the people are sacred and that just and sincere demands do not need violence to be heard.

It is also the people who reject impunity, for no one in the service of foreign interests has the right to undermine the order of this sovereign nation.

Those who wanted to hijack July 11, the day we revolutionaries foiled a vandalistic coup, for their paymasters are to be pitied.

July 26 is so important in the history of our country that the month is not long enough to celebrate it properly. How can we accommodate so much glory when now we add to it the crushing victory of the 11th, so similar to that 13th on which Maceo routed an entire army of Spaniards in the fields of Peralejo in 1895?

For the cunningly planned mercenary attack and for the illusory goal of obtaining a “beachhead” from which to demand Yankee intervention, there was already a place and a date that represent the greatest disgrace of the Empire: Girón.

But if the enemies of Cuba, in their servility, do not let themselves be dissuaded from getting a new Girón every time they try, they will get one every time, as they did in April 1961, as they did in July 2021.

Revolutionary Cuba, on the other hand, remains cheerful, lives in peace and stands on the side of reason, truth and justice. We know that times are hard, but we also know that together we are able to overcome the pitfalls of a complicated reality that does not only affect our country.

We will continue to stand upright, with a critical eye, with a transformative spirit, with creative resistance, and with dreams and hopes for a future in revolution.

Three times more tourists than last year arrived in Cuba

Through the month of May, three times more tourists than last year arrived in Cuba
In 2020, tourism in the country declined to a level last seen in 1996, when the landmark first million international visitors arrived, and in 2021 only 356,453 vacationers visited

Author: Liz Conde Sánchez |
june 23, 2022 10:06:12

Cuba currently has available more than 80,000 hotel rooms and 20,000 in private B&B’s.

Photo: Ariel Cecilio Lemus

After a precipitous decline caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and other international issues, the Cuban tourism sector is recovering, and evidence of the rebirth is the number of visitors who have arrived through the month of May: 1,070,350, three times more than this period in 2021.
The news was announced by tourism expert DSc José Luis Perelló, during the XV International Seminar on Journalism and Tourism, which took place in Havana.
The researcher recalled that, in 2020, tourism faced a crisis never before seen, both in depth and scope, since the impact of COVID-19, aggravated by the Trump administration’s intensification of the economic, commercial and financial blockade, and led to a decline to a level last seen in 1996, when the landmark first million international visitors arrived. In 2021, only 356,453 vacationers arrived.
In 2020, 1,085,920 tourists visited the nation, well below the four million who arrived annually between 2016 and 2019.
In 2021, the expert continued, the extremely negative impacts of the pandemic and the economic crisis affected most countries; while, due to a temporary situation, travel to the Caribbean by Russians increased, mainly to Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Other emissary markets tightened travel restrictions, which further limited tourism to the Island, with the arrival of only 356,453 vacationers that year.
A recovery process began in 2022, although far from our potential. In January, the main emissary market continued to be Russia; but during February, March and April, Canada (historically the origin of the greatest number of tourists to Cuba) once again occupied the first position, Perelló noted.
He emphasized that Cuba currently has available more than 80,000 hotel rooms and 20,000 in private B&B’s, with a projection of 95.000 rooms in 2030, of which 28% will be in Havana.

La Heroína de la Revolución, Vilma Lucila Espín Guillois

Paradigma de la mujer cubana
La huella de Vilma está en toda la obra revolucionaria

Autor: Pedro Ríoseco |
17 de junio de 2022 22:06:07
Vilma Espín







Foto: ACN








Foto: Archivo

La Heroína de la Revolución, Vilma Lucila Espín Guillois nació un 7 de abril de 1930, en Santiago de Cuba, y dejó una huella indeleble en las posteriores generaciones, especialmente en las mujeres cubanas, por cuya emancipación luchó toda su vida.

Mujer de acción y pensamiento, de firmeza y fidelidad inquebrantables, martiana, su nombre estará siempre vinculado con la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC), que se constituyó oficialmente el 23 de agosto de 1960, y que guio como presidenta; pero su huella está también en toda la obra revolucionaria.

Heredó la rebeldía de su ciudad natal. Joven elegante, de voz exquisita en la coral de la Universidad de Oriente, donde se graduó de ingeniera química, fue una de las dos primeras mujeres que en Cuba alcanzaron ese título.

Desde muy joven había asumido posiciones políticas revolucionarias y participado activamente en manifestaciones estudiantiles luego del golpe de Estado del 10 de marzo de 1952. Insertada en los preparativos de la nueva etapa de lucha, y luego de concluir un curso de posgrado en Estados Unidos, por orientaciones de la Dirección del M-26-7, hizo escala en México para entrevistarse con Fidel Castro y recibir sus instrucciones y mensajes para los combatientes que se hallaban en la clandestinidad en Cuba.

Bajo las órdenes directas de Frank País, participó en el alzamiento armado de Santiago de Cuba, el 30 de noviembre de 1956, en apoyo a los expedicionarios del yate Granma, y su vivienda se convirtió, después de esa acción relevante, en cuartel general del movimiento revolucionario en la ciudad oriental.

En los momentos más difíciles de la guerrilla dirigida por Fidel Castro, en febrero de 1957, Vilma marchó al encuentro de esta, en la Sierra Maestra, en compañía de Frank País, Faustino Pérez y otros miembros de la Dirección Nacional del M-26-7, para coordinar el apoyo desde el llano, y guiar al periodista Herbert Matthews, de The New York Times, a la presencia de Fidel.

Como integrante de la Dirección Nacional del M-26-7, poco antes de ser asesinado Frank País, fue nombrada por él coordinadora provincial de la organización clandestina en la provincia de Oriente. Esta labor la desempeñó con particular capacidad y valentía hasta que, ante el acecho y la persecución constantes, se incorporó al Ejército Rebelde, en junio de 1958, convirtiéndose en guerrillera del ii Frente Frank País, y eficaz coordinadora del movimiento clandestino de Oriente con el territorio del Frente.

Luego del triunfo revolucionario contrajo matrimonio con el Comandante (hoy General de Ejército) Raúl Castro Ruz, con quien creó una familia.

Integró el Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba desde su fundación en 1965, condición en que fue ratificada en todos sus Congresos. En 1980, en ocasión del Segundo Congreso del Partido, resultó electa miembro suplente del Buró Político, y en el Tercer Congreso fue promovida a miembro efectivo de esa instancia de dirección, responsabilidad que desempeñó hasta 1991. Fue diputada a la Asamblea Nacional desde su primera legislatura y miembro del Consejo de Estado desde su constitución.

Por sus relevantes méritos recibió múltiples condecoraciones y órdenes nacionales e internacionales, entre las que se destaca el título honorífico de Heroína de la República de Cuba.

Murió el 18 de junio de 2007 en La Habana, debido al agravamiento de una enfermedad que la aquejaba desde hacía algún tiempo. Sus restos descansan en el Mausoleo del ii Frente, lugar histórico situado en las estribaciones de la montaña de Mícara, y donde recibe permanente homenaje de las mujeres cubanas, que siguen su ejemplo en la defensa de la Revolución.