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NYC Car caravan and rally in solidarity with Cuban americans


The New York-New Jersey Cuba Sí Coalition, representing dozens of organizations and activists, will hold its 4th Car Caravan to demand the US government lift all its economic and political sanctions against the people and government of Cuba.

Washington’s aggression against Cuba is particularly criminal in face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cuba has given the world a shining example of countering the pandemic on the island and offering medical solidarity worldwide through the Henry Reeve volunteer medical brigades. This contrasts with the social disaster and for-profit health care facing millions in the US.

These caravans in cities around the country, initiated by Cuban-Americans in South Florida, demand an end to the economic, trade, and banking sanctions causing great economic hardship in Cuba, and to US attacks on the right to travel and family visits for residents of both countries.

For the past four years the Trump administration ratcheted up its anti-Cuba sanctions. It intensified the six decades of economic and political war Washington has waged against Cuba since the 1959 revolution. Among other things, these attacks pushed back the Obama administration’s measures to reestablish diplomatic relations, loosen US restrictions on travel and family remittances, and other steps.

Lift all US economic and travel sanctions against Cuba!

Stop US attacks on Cuban medical volunteers working around the world!

For US-Cuba medical collaboration to fight the COVID-19 pandemic!

Sunday, March 28th

1:00 pm- caravan gathers departs from Harlem State Office Building @ 125th Street Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd. Through El Barrio “Spanish Harlem”

1:30 pm- Rally & Outreach: At The Peoples Church “Street Fair” @ E.111th Street & Lexington Ave.

For More Information: 917-887-8710

Stevie Wonder emigrará de EE. UU. ante clima político de su país

Stevie Wonder emigrará de EE. UU. ante clima político de su país (+Video)
Según medios estadounidenses, esta no es la primera vez que el cantante considera mudarse a Ghana. En 1994 dijo que sentía que había «más sentido de comunidad» en ese país que en Estados Unidos

Autor: Redacción Internacional |
1 de marzo de 2021 00:03:36
Stevie Wonder

Foto: Tomada de Internet
A través del programa de la periodista Oprah Winfrey, el famoso cantante estadounidense, Stevie Wonder, dio a conocer su decisión de emigrar de su país hacia Ghana, ante la agitación política y el racismo que vive esta nación.

De acuerdo con DW, el galardonado intérprete, natural de Michigan, dijo que le gustaría volver a ver sonreír a Estados Unidos, antes de marcharse a su nuevo destino.

El autor de éxitos como You are the sunshine of my life o I just called to say I love you, subrayó que no quiere que «los hijos de mis hijos tengan que decir: “Oh, por favor, cómo yo. Por favor, respétame, por favor, sé que soy importante, por favor, valórame”. ¿Qué es eso?».

Según medios estadounidenses, esta no es la primera vez que el cantante considera mudarse a Ghana. En 1994 dijo que sentía que había «más sentido de comunidad» en ese país que en Estados Unidos.

U.S. of manipulating and fabricating news

The independence of the “last to know”
U.S. intelligence services’ methods of manipulating and fabricating news continue as standard practice

Iroel Sánchezjanuary 11, 2021 14:01:23

German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, author of the book Journalists for Hire, died of a suspicious heart attack.

In Full Metal Jacket, Stanley Kubrick’s film about Vietnam, there is a scene in which the U.S. officer dealing with the press during the war gives the journalists instructions on how to cover events in the field. The slightest slip-up is unacceptable, including anything from photographing a singer or actress on hand to lift the spirits of the troops, to the exact word for each type of person on the U.S. or enemy side, like those fleeing the war who are to be called “evacuees” or “refugees.” Minute details for every event covered and report are outlined. These war correspondents Kubrick places in Saigon would later be called “embedded journalists” during the Iraq war.

The non-embedded, those independent of the U.S. command who attempted to cover the war beyond the troops, would pay dearly for the privilege. On the first day of the arrival of the U.S. army in Baghdad, in the 2003 war, journalists covering the events from the Palestine Hotel learned this very quickly, a U.S. Army tank fixed its sights on them and two cameramen were killed, among them the Spaniard José Couso. No one was ever held accountable for Couso’s death. First, the right-wing Spanish People’s Party government was part of the coalition that, against the UN’s will, invaded the country, and later, the “left” government of the Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) pulled the troops out of Iraq, but the instructions it received from the U.S. State Department, exposed by Wikileaks, make clear that both Spanish Attorney General Cándido Conde-Pumpido, and the Chief Prosecutor of the National Court, Javier Zaragoza, and then Social Democratic Vice President, María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, reached an agreement with the U.S. embassy to close the case. Such is the unanimity of a multiparty system when it comes to matters of interest to the empire.

Wikileaks confirmed the persecution and arbitrary moves of a succession of Republican and Democratic administrations against this truly independent journalistic project. Perhaps one should expect philanthropists such as George Soros and his Open Society – who have sponsored media and “think tanks” for Cuba in the name of freedom of information and expression – to have a different attitude, but a former collaborator of Julian Assange, Daniel Domscheit-Berg, tells us in his book Inside Wikileaks, that “Julian (Assange) spoke to a representative of George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI), who asked him where we got the money for Wikileaks, and implied that OSI was subsidizing projects like ours. According to Julian, Soros was also interested in our needs, and commented that we should not be modest. As far as I know, we didn’t get anything.” That’s how it is with power, governmental or any other real type, when you don’t say what they don’t want to hear

Continue reading U.S. of manipulating and fabricating news

Falleció el diplomático cubano, Rodolfo Reyes Rodríguez

Falleció el diplomático cubano, Rodolfo Reyes Rodríguez

El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba (MINREX) informó hoy en su sitio web el fallecimiento del Embajador Rodolfo Reyes Rodríguez, quien se desempeñaba como director general de Asuntos Multilaterales y Derecho Internacional del Minrex

Autor: Redacción Digital |

7 de enero de 2021 14:01:17

El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba (MINREX) informó hoy en su sitio web el fallecimiento del embajador Rodolfo Reyes Rodríguez, quien se desempeñaba como director general de Asuntos Multilaterales y Derecho Internacional del Minrex, quien venía padeciendo afecciones de salud.

Por su parte, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla titular del MINREX expresó en la red social Twitter, su dolor ante el fallecimiento del diplomático cubano.

«Su ejemplo como combatiente internacionalista, admirado diplomático y querido compañero guiará nuestra labor» señaló.

Compartimos el profundo dolor por el fallecimiento del Embajador Rodolfo Reyes Rodríguez, Director Gral de Asuntos Multilaterales y Derecho Internacional de @CubaMINREX.

Su ejemplo como combatiente internacionalista, admirado diplomático y querido compañero guiará nuestra labor.

— Bruno Rodríguez P (@BrunoRguezP) January 7, 2021

Rodolfo Reyes Rodríguez, se graduó en el Instituto Superior de Relacionales Internacionales «Raúl Roa García»; cumplió misión internacionalista como oficial de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias en Angola; desempeñó diversas y destacadas misiones diplomáticas como Embajador Representante Permanente ante la Organización de Naciones Unidas y otros Organismos Internacionales en Ginebra y ante las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York; y Especialista, Director y Director General en el Ministerio.

(Con información de Twitter y Cubaminrex