Category Archives: Venezuelan Elections

The Bolivarian Elections A Real Lesson in Democracy

A real lesson in democracy
The Bolivarian Revolution obtained 71% of the vote in the country’s December 10 elections, the largest margin of victory in Venezuela’s history, winning 308 of the 335 mayor’s offices
Author: Alina Perera Robbio |
december 13, 2017 13:12:27









President Nicolás Maduro Moros described the voter turn out for December 10 municipal elections as “extraordinary,” noting, “In the last 140 days, on three occasions, we have exercised our popular will, our national sovereignty, our ability to make decisions.”
The head of state commented to the press, shortly before the vote, that 15 checks of the electoral system had been conducted, saying that as soon as the voting stations across the country were closed, 54% would be audited, and “This is the only place in the world where this is done.”
Maduro recalled that this is the 24th vote in the Bolivarian Revolution’s 18 years, and that the Venezuelan people have been subjected to every kind of warfare, from abroad and internally, yet, “We have become accustomed to this, and we have strengthened the nation’s political consciousness. No matter the economic war, no matter the psychological war, no matter the media war – the people always step up.”
He emphasized the importance of the battle for peace, saying, “The only alternative is the debate of ideas, political participation…”
Over the course of election day, several leaders of the Bolivarian Revolution shared their views with the press.
Diosdado Cabello, first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) commented to Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) that during these moments, it is once again made clear that the nation is free and sovereign, and will not accept meddling or intervention by any other country in internal affairs.
Elías Jaua, vice president for Social Development and the Missions Revolution, stated on VTV that Venezuela continues to have vigorous popular participation, while Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza stated in his analysis that just when the violent opposition thought the leadership of the Revolution, the government and President, were weakened, the people reacted and peace was established.
President Maduro called on local authorities elected December 10 to govern with the people, to strengthen social policies of comprehensive attention, and build unity within revolutionary forces.
“I congratulate the Venezuelan people,” he wrote on his Twitter account, “for this great victory… We have won 308 of the 335 mayors’ offices and won 70% of the vote. Now it’s on to govern with the people in the streets, in the neighborhoods, in settlements, and to work for the unity of revolutionary forces,”
Reports indicate that the Revolution obtained 71% of the vote, representing
6,517,606 voters, as compared to the opposition’s 2,749,000.
Jorge Rodríguez, head of the Zamora Command running the PSUV election campaign, noted that this is the largest margin of victory any political force has ever achieved in Venezuela’s history.
He added that Chavista forces now hold more mayor’s offices than ever before, recalling that in 2013, they won 255.