Constitution and democracy have triumphed in Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela.- Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil denounced the U.S. State Department for “insisting on its despicable position of interfering in matters that do not concern it.”
The spokesman of this government, Matthew Miller, declared yesterday that “Edmundo González Urrutia obtained the majority of votes” in the presidential elections, despite the fact that the Supreme Court of Justice had certified the victory of Nicolás Maduro, as announced by the National Electoral Council since the night of July 28.
“We do not owe explanations to any foreign entity, much less to the hostile empire that manages a fascist puppet that was rejected by the majority of the people, as he personifies the hatred and aggression of its 930 sanctions, sabotages to our economy, assassination attempts and violent aggressions against our citizens”, wrote the Foreign Minister of the South American nation on Telegram.
In addition, he recalled that the former candidate of the ultra-right wing “refuses to recognize the public powers, before the rejection of an entire country”, since he did not attend the summons issued to him by the Supreme Court of Justice and, more recently, by the Public Ministry.
Another ally of the White House is playing along: the European Council, through the voice of its High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, has denied the Bolivarian leader as legitimate president, while at the same time questioning Venezuelan democracy.
In the face of such accusations, Yván Gil pointed out that “in Bolivar’s homeland, where we expelled the European empires with blood and fire, we don’t care what he says, we know that his knees are no longer able to accept Washington’s orders, but Venezuela respects itself, here the Constitution and democracy have triumphed.