Cuba includes pneumococcal vaccine in National Immunization Program

The Cuban National Health System will begin using the Pneumosil 10-valent pneumococcal vaccine for all infants born this year, starting September 9, announced Lena López Ambrón, director of the National Immunization Program of the Ministry of Health, at a press conference yesterday.
López Ambrón explained that all babies born between January 1 and June 30 of this year will be vaccinated, which is about 27,500 babies.
Likewise, those born in the month of July who reach two months of age, the date established for the first dose to be administered in the vaccination program, will be vaccinated, she said.
The vaccination program, she said, consists of the application of a first dose, after two months a second dose will be applied and seven months later a third booster dose will be applied.
The director of the National Immunization Program stressed that the side effects that can occur with this vaccine are the common ones: muscular discomfort, redness or inflammation of the site where the injection was administered, fever or chills, and there is a very low risk of presenting allergic reactions.

Photo: UnicefCuba

She commented that during the first week of September, the directors of immunization and of the Mother and Child Program will be trained on the characteristics and methods of application of Pneumosil 10 valente, with the participation of experts from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
She added that from the indicated date, mothers and fathers should go with their children of the indicated ages to the vaccination centers in their health areas.
López Ambrón said that the vaccine is the most effective measure to prevent the disease.
She added that with the inclusion of Pneumosil 10 valente in the vaccination scheme of the Island, this reaches 17 immunologicals, of which 12 are of national production, for the pride of Cuban biotechnology.
She explained that this pneumococcal vaccine prevents ten of the main serotypes in circulation – 1, 5, 6a, 6b, 7f, 9v, 14, 19a, 19f and 23f – which cause invasive pneumococcal diseases, mainly severe cases of acute meningitis, pneumonia or sepsis.
The doctor noted that Pneumosil has no contraindications with other immunizers in the program, such as pentavalent and bivalent oral polio vaccine.
The purchase of this vaccine was made possible thanks to support from the Global Vaccine Alliance and PAHO.