In Matanzas, work is being done with creativity and self-awareness

There is a lot of heroism in the Cuban people -Díaz-Canel stressed-; that is why I am convinced that we can get out of this situation. Photo: Estudios Revolución

In Matanzas they are working with creativity and with their own awareness; there is here a peculiar way in the work of the Party and the Government, highlighted the First Secretary of the Central Committee and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, at the end of his visit to the municipalities of Martí and Matanzas on Wednesday.
With the two of this day, nine municipalities have been visited in the province of Matanzas, and only four remain (the Zapata Swamp, Limonar, Los Arabos and Perico) to experience this style of work that goes to the core to learn about good and bad experiences, talk to workers’ collectives and the people, seek solutions and help the territories.
The president spoke about these concepts to the inhabitants of Martí, who were waiting for him after one o’clock in the afternoon, on the main street of the town, under the strong Cuban midday sun. There, microphone in hand and in the middle of the crowd, he explained that by April the Party leadership should have visited all the municipalities of the Island, and when that happens, the visits will begin again “that allow us to help, to know experiences, and to socialize them”.
Díaz-Canel highlighted how, in the midst of great difficulties, there are groups of workers and people who find solutions and are an inspiration for others. There is a lot of heroism in the Cuban people -he stressed-; that is why I am convinced that we can get out of this situation, there is a lot of potential that we must help to channel.
The Head of State referred to hard dissatisfactions with the very long blackouts, the high prices of products, transportation, water supply, the deterioration of roads, among others; mostly as a result of the unprecedented tightening of the blockade.
But we are not standing idle, he said to the residents of Martí, to whom he explained in detail the millionaire investment underway throughout the country for the installation of solar parks that will generate more than one thousand megawatts this year. Seven of them will be ready this month.
At the same time, he assured, social programs have not been stopped. And an example of this, he said, is this maternity home that we have come to visit, inaugurated last January.
Díaz-Canel toured the beautiful institution, where eight pregnant women from the district are cared for. He talked with the girls, and learned details of the medical care, and how cooperatives and other entities of the territory are in charge of feeding the pregnant women.
Infant and maternal mortality in Martí remains at zero.
Accompanied by the member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee, Roberto Morales Ojeda, and by the highest authorities of the Party and the Government in the province and in the municipality, the Head of State then visited the Frank País grassroots business unit, dedicated to raising pigs and other small livestock.
After a process of recovery, the entity has been improving economic indicators that have allowed it to obtain profits and improve the income of its workers.
From some 300 breeders last year, they aspire to close this year with some 500. The President praised the use of pig manure to generate biogas.
A few meters from there, it is being built one of the four photovoltaic solar parks that will come into operation this year in Matanzas, and that will contribute, as a whole, a little more than 80 megawatts.
Díaz-Canel talked with its directors about the characteristics of this site in Martí, which began its civil construction in December and is about 40 days behind schedule.
According to them, this should be corrected and the delivery date (May) should be met, since all the resources are already in place, and some 15 brigades are working on the assembly of the tables. The critical route is in “trenching about 15 kilometers of cable”, they said.
Already in Matanzas, and the afternoon was falling over its beautiful bay, the Cuban President visited the 78th circumscription of the Peñas Altas popular council, which under the leadership of the delegate Randy Perdomo, has become a model of community work in the country.
Sharing his impressions about this place, in the final meeting of the day, the president said that “the concepts of popular power proposed by Fidel are demonstrated there”. There is another type of synergy, he said, people feel committed, with self-esteem for the place where they live, they make proposals, participate, and that generates unity.
With words of praise he also referred to the Faustino Pérez Hospital, directed by the young doctor Taymí Martínez. The Head of State was also there, and highlighted the order, the beauty, the good attention to the patients and the workers. He considered that there are few hospitals like this one in the country.
These two places, he commented in the concluding meeting of the day, are national referents in the field of health and community work. This does not mean, he clarified, that they do not have problems, but the level of response is different.
“These are the paths that need to be multiplied,” he said.