8:00 PM (Eastern), 5:00 PM (Pacific)
August Nimtz — Co-coordinator of the Minnesota Cuba Committee; Professor of Political Science and African American and African Studies, University of Minnesota; Co-Author (with Esteban Morales), The Dynamics of Racial Discrimination in Cuba, Past and Present; Author, Marxism vs Liberalism: Comparative Real-Time Political Analysis.

Kennedee Geffinger — Universal Zulu Nation Hip Hop for Humanity Committee; Children’s Programs Director, JCC Harlem; Founder, Keys to Ubuntu
Guest Speakers:

Fernando Gonzalez Llort — President of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP); Cuban internationalist fighter in Angola 1987-1989; Cuban Five hero

Chris “Che” Matlhako — Second Deputy General Secretary of the South African Communist Party; leading member of Friends of Cuba in South Africa (FOCUS)

Dr. Rosemari Mealy — Educator and long-standing activist for peace, social, and economic justice. Dr. Mealy’s work has involved years of solidarity with the Cuban Revolution, including living and working in Cuba; Awarded “Friendship Medal” by the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba; Author, Fidel and Malcolm X: Memories of A Meeting; Rosemari is a member of the Board of Directors of IFCO/Pastors for Peace, the New York-New Jersey Cuba Si Coalition; and National Conference of Black Lawyers.

Don Rojas — Press Secretary for the martyred Prime Minister of Grenada Maurice Bishop (1981-1983); Executive Political Editor, The Real News Network; Director of Communications and International Relations, Institute of the Black World; Founder of the award-winning The Black World Today

Dr. Isaac Saney — Co-Chair, Canadian Network on Cuba; Professor, Dalhousie University; author of the forthcoming book, Africa’s Children Return! Cuba, Africa, and Apartheid’s End.

Frantz Voltaire — Haitian scholar and activist living in Montreal, Québec; Author, Black Power in Haiti and A Brief History of Blacks in Canada; Founder and Chairperson of Le Center International de Documentation et d’Information Haitienne, Caribéenne, et Afro-Canadienne (CIDICHCA).

Obi Egbuna Jr — “Stay Out of Cuba’s Way Campaign”; Zimbabwe Cuba Friendship Association; Author, Cuba’s Greatest Army: A Tribute To The Cuban Doctors (Children’s Play)
Presentation followed by Q&A
In Solidarity, Organizing Committee, International Conference for the Normalization of US-Cuba Relations