“As we commemorate the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Prevention Brigade, I extend my warmest congratulations to its founders and to all the members,” wrote Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution, in a letter of greeting to the members of the Brigade.
“The professionalism, dedication and high political and ideological values demonstrated by you have contributed to the security and protection of our glorious Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) and the defense of the achievements of the Cuban Revolution,” he added.
Let this anniversary serve to continue perfecting the work and advance towards higher goals, he urged.
The letter was read at the political act and military ceremony on the occasion of the commemorative day, in which the member of the Political Bureau and Minister of the FAR, Army Corps General Álvaro López Miera, presented a diploma signed by the General of the Army, in recognition of the work of the troops.
First Colonel Daniel Sagó Rivera, head of the Brigade, highlighted the contribution in rescue work, in the recovery of areas affected by weather events, in addition to the work deployed during the covid-19 pandemic.
He also underlined the support to the General Directorate of the National Revolutionary Police, focused on the reduction of criminal acts and the preservation of public peace.
Sagó Rivera qualified, as the most difficult and honorable task carried out by the Prevention Brigade, the escort of the remains of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, at the end of 2016, from Havana to the Santa Ifigenia cemetery, in Santiago de Cuba.
He called for “this new anniversary to be the starting point to continue perfecting the work in all orders, with the commitment to continue being examples of resistance and unity, men faithful to the cause of the Commander-in-Chief and Army General.”