Tag Archives: Cuba

Mensaje de Manuel Zelaya Rosales

Mensaje de Manuel Zelaya Rosales en ocasión del VI Encuentro de Solidaridad con Cuba

Tegucigalpa, 21 de julio de 2012

Compañeros y compañeras asistentes a este acto de solidaridad con la hermana República de Cuba:

Razones fuera de mi control me impiden estar aquí hoy, pero no puedo dejar de expresarme en un acto tan importante de justicia histórica, en el que el pueblo de Honduras demuestra que los lazos que nos unen son indestructibles, ni aún con seis décadas de calumnias y embuste contra el heroico pueblo cubano.

Expresamos con orgullo nuestra admiración por la revolución cubana, verdadero faro guía para la toda nuestra América Latina; sabemos que de no estar sometidos a un bloqueo inhumanos, anacrónico y estéril, sus capacidades estarían derramado mucho más en favor de los desposeídos en todas partes del mundo. Condenados sin reserva alguna ese acto ilegal y absurdo que priva a millones de cubanos a la vida que se han ganado portando siempre el estandarte de la dignidad. Al mismo tiempo, exigimos que se termine el infame encarcelamiento de los 5 héroes antiterroristas injustamente condenados por un sistema judicial que se jacta de ser impecable.

Queremos agradecer en nombre de todo nuestro pueblo la inmensa solidaridad que recibimos desinteresadamente por muchos años de médicos y maestros cubano. Asimismo, nos congratulamos de que cientos de hondureños y hondureñas se formen hoy en Cuba bajo una nueva perspectiva de lo que significa servir al pueblo. Muy pronto, con el inicio de la administración de Xiomara Castro y el partido Libre, tomaremos las medidas necesarias para restablecer los lazos de hermandad cooperación que sólo la brutalidad reaccionaria pudieron interrumpir.

Nuestro saludo al pueblo cubano, al presidente Raúl Castro, y al comandante Fidel Castro Ruz.

Hasta la victoria siempre

José Manuel Zelaya Rosales
Coordinador General
Partido Libertad y Refundacion, Libre
Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular



Venceremos Brigade

Join the Venceremos Brigade as we celebrate the departure of the 43rd annual Venceremos Brigade contingent to Cuba!

On Sunday July 8th, 31 U.S. citizens, are publicly engaging in civil disobedience by defying the U.S. government’s travel restrictions on Cuba by traveling to the Caribbean island without a license as members of the 43rd annual Venceremos Brigade!

Join us as we send off the amazing brigade!
Joins us for food, fun, and an amazing film!

Cubans have selected a list of the 100 of the most relevant and authentic Cuban songs in order to merge them into an album that contains the roots of this genre. This small expedition travels to far place of the island in search of the song’s essence. exalting the main characters behind the rhythm. This documentary full of humor and authentic Cuban songs!

Friday July6, 2012 at 7pm

Casa de las Americas

182 E. 111th St.

(btwn. Lex. Ave. and 3rd Ave.) Take the 6 train to E. 110th St.
Suggested donation: $5-10 (For the Venecermos Brigade Scholarship Fund)

For more information contact: Vbrigade@gmail.com


Mariela Castro on Ending the Embargo – Swapping Cuban Five – Jailed U.S. Contractor Alan Gross

By DemocracyNOW – Amy Goodman

Mariela Castro, daughter of Cuban President Raúl Castro, calls on the U.S. to release five Cubans jailed for spying on anti-Cuban militants in Florida in exchange for Alan Gross, a U.S. citizen jailed in Cuba. The Cuban Five were convicted in 2001 for committing espionage in southern Florida. They say they weren’t spying on the U.S., but trying to monitor right-wing violent Cuban groups that have organized attacks on Cuba. “I want the Cuban Five to go back to Cuba and for Alan Gross to go home,” Castro says. “I want an end to the financial, commercial and economic blockade that violates the human rights of the Cuban people, and the normalization of relations between both countries.”

Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up: Saul Landau

By DemocracyNOW.org – Amy Goodman

Award-winning journalist, filmmaker, author, professor Saul Landau has made more than 45 films and written 14 books, many about Cuba. His latest film is “Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up,” about U.S. support for violent anti-Castro militants. Landau joins us to discuss the history of the Cuban Five and U.S. support for a group of anti-Castro militants who have been behind the bombing of airplanes, the blowing up of hotels and assassinations. Today they are allowed to live freely in the United States. “What did Cuba do to us?,” Landau asks. “Well, the answer, I think, is that they were disobedient, in our hemisphere. And they did not ask permission to take away property. They took it away. They nationalized property. And the United States … has never forgiven them.”