Tag Archives: Cuban Revolution



Join us for an evening with Keith Bolender
who will speaking about his new book
“Cuba Under Seige: American Policy, The Revolutions, and its People.”

For more than 50 years America’s unrelenting hostility against the Cuban Revolution has resulted in the
development of a siege mentality among island leadership and its citizens. This has affected politics,
economics, culture, and nearly all aspects of everyday life. In a vibrant new look at Cuban-American relations,
Keith Bolender analyzes, through the voices of the powerful and the common, both the positive and negative of revolutionary society constantly under pressure from the world’s greatest powers. Using both historic
and current examination, including comparisons with America under siege since 9/11, the work covers the roots of besiegement, the impact it has had on the Cuban people, and how and when the besiegement will end.

Keith Bolender is a freelance journalist living in Toronto and has written extensively on Cuban matters for a
variety of North American publications, including the Toronto Star, Florida Sun Sentinel, the Council for
Hemispheric Affairs, the Guardian, North American Council on Latin America, Monthly Review, Progresso
Weekly and others. He has been involved with Cuban projects for more than 20 years. He is a member of the Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA) on their roster of experts for Cuban Affairs. Lecturer on the Cuban Revolution at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Education.

Casa de las Américas
182 East 111th Street – between 3rd Ave and Lexington Ave. Closer to 3rd
Ave. 6 Lex train to 110th Street Station

Asamblea en la ONU – CUBA

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Hoy martes 29 de Octubre se llevó a cabo el 68vo periodo de secciones de la asamblea general de las Naciones Unidas. Tuve el privilegio de ser invitado por la delegación cubana ante la ONU para presenciar una parte de dichas secciones donde se discutía el tema 40 de la agenda: Necesidad de poner fin al bloqueo, comercial financiero impuesto por los Estados Unidos Yanquis contra Cuba.

Numerosas delegaciones de diferentes países presentaron ponencias favoreciendo el fin del bloqueo, destacándose en dicha demanda los países hermanos de Latino América y del área del caribe, muy en particular Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua y Ecuador. También depusieron Egipcio, Indonesia, Irán e India y un bloque de países africanos. Quienes destacaron lo cruel, inhumano y criminal de tal agresión contra el pueblo cubano. Todos recalcaron sobre los principios de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, entre otros, los principios de igualdad soberana de los Estados y por ende de Cuba, en la no intervención y no injerencia en asuntos internos y la libertad de comercio y navegación, que lleva a cabo los Estados Unidos Yanquis contra Cuba.

Una excelente exposición del caso fue la del embajador de Bolivia, quien entre otras cosas manifestó: “Estados Unidos impone un bloqueo que intenta socavar el derecho del cubano a su libre autodeterminación, y los esfuerzos de su gobierno para luchar contra la pobreza y la desigualdad”.

También acuso al presidente Obama de ser un presidente soberbio, pues considera a su país algo “Excepcionar”, y por lo tanto un ente prepotente con derecho a intervenir donde se les antoje.
Lo único excepcional de los yanquis e Israel son sus mezquinas pretensiones de gobernar al mundo. No respetan el derecho internacional y además, actúan con la más flagrante impunidad. Hoy recibieron una contundente derrota en el lugar que ellos controlaron por mucho tiempo, LAS NACIONES UNIDAS.

Podría aun dar mucho más de las cosas que sucedieron allí hoy 29 de octubre. Hoy Estados Unidos Yanquis y su único aliado Israel, se han quedado solos en esa criminal postura contra Cuba.
Las ONU hablo, tiene la palabra el señor Obama. Cumpla con su promesa, y sin más prolongaciones levante el bloqueo a nuestra querida Cuba. Así lo exigen las naciones del mundo, así lo quieren los cubanos y así lo pide el pueblo de los Estados Unidos.

188 a favor de que se levante el bloqueo

3 abstenciones, Islas Marshall, Micronesia y Palao.

2 a favor que se mantenga el bloqueo, USA e Israel

Franklin, Casa de las Américas
Viva Cuba revolucionaria!

René González, speaks out after a 13-year imprisonment in the United States

In a Democracy Now! exclusive, the only freed member of the Cuban Five, René González, speaks out after a 13-year imprisonment in the United States. The five Cuban intelligence agents were arrested in the United States in 1998 and convicted of espionage. They say they were not spying on the United States, but rather trying to monitor violent right-wing Cuban exile groups responsible for attacks inside Cuba. In Cuba, the five are seen as national heroes. González was released in October 2011 and returned to Cuba in April. Joining us from Havana, González discusses why he came to the United States to spy on Cuban exiles, his arrest, and the four other members of the Cuban Five who remain in jail.

Jailed in the U.S. for espionage, the Cuban intelligence agents known as the Cuban Five say they were in fact monitoring violent right-wing Cuban exile groups, not spying on the United States. Ricardo Alarcón, Cuba’s former foreign minister and, up until earlier this year, president of the Cuban National Assembly, has been one of the Cuban Five’s most vocal supporters. Alarcón joins us from Havana to discuss the meetings between Cuban authorities and the FBI in Cuba and the threat posed by militant exiles. “If President Obama is really interested in [projecting] a more positive image of U.S. policy abroad, if he is interested in improving relations with Latin America, he better listen to what many governments in Latin America have been telling him: Simply, free the five,” Alarcón says.