Tag Archives: US Agentes Exposed

Agent Fernando exposes U.S. trained counterrevolutionary

Agent Fernando exposes U.S. trained counterrevolutionary
Dr. Carlos Vázquez González, functioning for more than 25 years as State Security agent Fernando, reveals Yunior García Aguilera’s history as a long-time U.S. operator

Author: National news staff | informacion@granma.cu
november 5, 2021 12:11:24

Yunior Garcia (left) maintains ties with the mercenary anti-Cuban mafia in Miami funded by the U.S. government. Photo: Razones de Cuba Photo: Granma
“Yunior is seeking a confrontation with the Armed Forces and Minint, we are seeing in him the creation and actions of a counterrevolutionary,” stated Dr. Carlos Leonardo Vazquez Gonzalez, on the Cuban television program Razones de Cuba, and he has the evidence. He knows that the objectives of the marches being promoted to take place November 15 are not as transparent as presented, and his actions are not isolated, or spontaneous.

Dr. Vázquez González, who for more than 25 years has been State Security agent Fernando, participated in a September 2019 workshop euphemistically entitled “The role of the Armed Forces in a transition process,” sponsored by the Madrid branch of Saint Louis University, also attended by Yunior García Aguilera, who is promoting the marches despite being informed by authorities of their illicit nature.

“That workshop was part of a project conducted by experts from different parts of the world; behind it are many organizations financed by the United States to overthrow the Cuban Revolution, such is the case of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED),” the doctor noted.

At this event, Richard Youngs, an expert from the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, gave a lecture on new forms of civic activism, espousing an approach directed toward the establishment of fundamentalist, privatizing capitalism, taking advantage of the population’s dissatisfaction, a strategy that has left its mark in countries like Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia.

According to Dr. Vázquez, participants in the workshop were mostly Cuban journalists, doctors and historians, along with Felipe González Márquez, leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party and President of the nation for 14 years, who in 1983 created the so-called Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups, responsible for kidnappings, torture and murders in that country.

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