Tag Archives: Venezuela



Human Rights Watch and The New York Times Weapons Of The US State Department

Join us this coming June 26 Thursday @ The New York Times 8 Avenue Between 41st & 40st at 3:30 PM and March to the Headquarters of Human Rights Watch in front (arriving @ 4:45PM)of the Empire State Building

Bring Drums, Pots and Pans, Posters, Banners and Signs, Lets make some noise and let the peoples voice be heard.


HRW Close your Revolving Door to US Government

They have never denounced:

More than 250 peasants killed

April 11, 2002 coup against President Chavez

Paramilitary presence in the violent protests against the government

Millions of dollars donated from the State Department to the Venezuelan opposition.

The Legacy of Hugo Chavez Lives On

Legacy of Hugo Chavez

“The Legacy of Hugo Chavez Lives On”
A Conversation with Venezuela’s Ambassador to the UN

Dear Friend,
On Sunday, April 14 (just a few days away) the people of Venezuela will vote for a new president to succeed the late Hugo Chavez.

This election will be enormously significant, not just for Venezuela, but also for the entire Latin American and Caribbean region; indeed, in many respects, crucial to the destinies of many countries in the developing world.

There are reports circulating today that Washington is busy interfering in the election campaign with the objective of determining an outcome that will serve its imperial interests in the Americas.

I hope you can join me, and many others, in demanding that the State Department and the CIA stay out of the Venezuelan people’s internal affairs.

I also hope you can take a few minutes to watch a video interview that I conducted recently with Julio Rafael Escalona, Venezuela’s ambassador to the United Nations. The video is entitled “The Legacy of Hugo Chavez Lives On” and in it the ambassador speaks movingly about what Chavez and the ‘Chavista Movement’ means to the peoples of Venezuela, Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.


He also addresses the future of Venezuela’s international initiatives such as PetroCaribe, CELAC, ALBA , the heating oil assistance program in US cities like New York, Boston and Detroit etc. in the post-Chavez period.

If you like the video, feel free to post it to your Wall and share it with your Facebook friends and with those in your other networks, and if you have a Web site or blog please consider posting it there, as well.

In solidarity,
Don Rojas



No U.S. Intervention in Venezuela Elections


A day of Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution: Thursday APRIL 11, 2013

After the tragic death of our beloved president Chavez, the imperialist nations of the world are preparing to attack the Bolivarian Revolution. Venezuela is getting prepared for a new presidential election and the imperialists are intent to intervene and sabotage the election.

President Nicolas Maduro has claimed that elements of the U.S. State Department are hiring mercenaries to attack Venezuela in the days of the presidential election. The United States wants to create chaos in Venezuela to justify a military intervention. Let them know that we are here to denounce them.


The solidarity movement in the United States right now faces a critical challenge with regards to Venezuela as well as the revolutionary process in Latin America. The tragic death of our comrade President Hugo Chavez has many believing that the important process for progress in Venezuela, Latin America and the world, has been dealt a crippling blow but we know that the Venezuelan people and the region will never go backward. And our solidarity will continue as they move forward in their struggles for self-determination, sovereignty, integration and social justice.

The people of Venezuela will honor the last will of President Chavez by overwhelmingly voting this coming April 14 for Nicolas Maduro for President. The Venezuelan people clearly remain committed to the process of fundamental change in their country, no matter what. We are confident that the roots of the Bolivarian Revolution will remain strong and grow.

But the death of our dear President Hugo Chavez will be used by US imperialism and the elite oligarchy in Venezuela to carry out aggressive plans to destabilize the revolutionary process in Venezuela. We must send a strong message to Washington right away: we are organizing our voices of solidarity with the Venezuelan people and demand no intervention during this coming election in Venezuela.

Why April 11? The Venezuelan coup attempt of 2002 was a failed coup d’état on 11 April 2002, that saw late President Hugo Chavez ousted from office for 47 hours, being restored by a combination of military loyalists and massive public support for his government. Chavez was initially detained by members of the military and of pro-business elites represented by Venezuelan Federation of Chambers of Commerce (Fedecámaras) president Pedro Carmona, who was declared as the interim president. Carmona’s brief rule saw the Venezuelan National Assembly and the Supreme Court both dissolved, and the country’s 1999 Constitution declared void.

In New York City, we will gather at Times Square @ 4PM to express our love and solidarity with the legacy of the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and then we will march to the U.S. Mission to tell President Barack Obama: We do not want U.S. intervention in Venezuela.

If you are in a city where no action is taking place, call, fax, email the White House and voice your opposition to intervention. Or better yet, organize a local action!

Please contact us and let us know how your organization can support this national day for the Bolivarian Revolution. Email: cbalbertolovera@gmail.com, 718-510-5523 or 347-251-6301 or 646-533-6081.

Partial list of endorsers: Answer Coalition, Pastor For Peace, IFCO, International Action Center, MAY1 Coalition, The Alliance For Global Justice, International Concerned Family and Frieds of Mumia Abu-Jamal and the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition, International Committee of the National Lawyers Guild, The Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism (CCDS), FMLN NYC, Cuba Solidarity NY, Haiti Liberte, Peña del Bronx, Alianza Pais (Ecuador), Hand off Venezuela, Existence is Resistance, Pro Libertad.

Chavez Vive,La Lucha Sigue!
Chavez por siempre, Maduro Presidente

By The Bolivarian Circle

ONU rinde homenaje al presidente Hugo Chávez

Juventud Rebelde

Ban Ki-moon calificó a Hugo Chávez como «uno de los líderes que marcan la diferencia en su país, la región y el mundo» y que «imprimió un ímpetu decisivo a los nuevos esfuerzos por la integración en esa región»


NACIONES UNIDAS, marzo 13.— Con un minuto de silencio en el pleno de la Asamblea General de la ONU, se inició este miércoles un emotivo homenaje de las Naciones Unidas al presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez.

Durante el acto, encabezado por el presidente de la Asamblea General, el serbio Vuk Jeremic, intervinieron el secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-moon, y el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Venezuela, Elías Jaua. También hablaron representantes de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA) y de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac), entre otros, informó Prensa Latina.

Luego, tras pedir un minuto de silencio, Vuk Jeremic reconoció que sus políticas progresistas redujeron la tasa de pobreza en Venezuela.

Ban Ki-moon lo calificó como «uno de los líderes que marcan la diferencia en su país, la región y el mundo» y que «imprimió un ímpetu decisivo a los nuevos esfuerzos por la integración en esa región».

En nombre de la Celac, Rodolfo Reyes, representante permanente de Cuba ante la ONU, subrayó la labor de Chávez en la promoción y el desarrollo de la solidaridad entre los pueblos del área y su entrega a la erradicación de la pobreza y la desigualdad en Venezuela y la región.

Recordó que el gobernante venezolano fue uno de los fundadores e impulsores de la Celac y expresó que su ejemplo alienta a redoblar esfuerzos en pro de la unidad, la cooperación y la integración latinoamericana y caribeña.

El embajador de Bolivia ante la ONU, Sacha Llorenti, destacó en nombre de la ALBA que Chávez «nos enseñó a construir, a poner el cuerpo, la mente, el corazón y el alma al servicio de la causa más grande: la liberación de los pueblos».

«Un líder que, junto con Fidel Castro, se atrevió a romper el monólogo imperial, a denunciar los crímenes cotidianos que se callan…», afirmó el diplomático, quien añadió que Chávez dio a los pueblos de América Latina soberanía e independencia, hizo una realidad tangible los derechos de la Madre Tierra y «nos dio una nueva noción de patria, de Patria Grande, como la que soñó Simón Bolívar».

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