The massacre must end

Photo: Prensa Latina

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently visited Tel Aviv and publicly stated that “perhaps” this is “the last chance for a ceasefire in Gaza”.
A few kilometers away from the meeting with the authorities of the Jewish country, a Dantesque spectacle, very similar to that left by the U.S. atomic bombs dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is the testimony of the Palestinian identity subjected to extermination in the Gaza Strip.
Logic indicates that a solution to this conflict is a long way off as long as a foreign actor – the U.S. – finances and supports Benjamin Netanyahu’s Zionist regime within the framework of the UN and other international institutions.
It must be made clear to Joe Biden and Blinken – once again sent to Israel as a kind of “fire-fighter” in the face of international condemnation – that they hold the solution in their hands: force Israel to stop the genocide in Palestine, or the White House will suspend the delivery of the most advanced weapons and the financial support of more than U.S. $4 billion a year.
In addition, the Biden administration, or the next one, can lift the veto in the UN Security Council when it comes to peace in Palestine and the cessation of Israeli aggression.
Coinciding with Blinken’s visit to Israel, the UN, in the voice of its Secretary-General António Guterres, called for “an end to impunity for attacks on humanitarian workers,” 280 of whom from 33 countries were killed last year alone.
And lest we forget, the number of Palestinians killed by Zionist shrapnel exceeds 40,000, not counting the estimated 10,000 more buried under the rubble of what was once Gaza City.
It is not the time for the visits of the Yankee representative or his worthless warnings, nor for the resolutions and appeals of the international institutions, which are neither heard nor followed by those guilty of genocide.
There is no direct action to stop the crime.