Vietnamese Agent Orange victims and activists fighting for justice against chemical warfare!
Hear the stories of Agent Orange victims and support
our common call for justice and compensation!
No more chemical warfare!
6:30-8:30 PM – Thursday, December 10, 2015
Martin Luther King Jr. Labor Center 1199
310 W. 43rd St., 7th Fl. (8th & 9th Aves) – Manhattan, NY
VAVA President
Nguyễn Văn Rinh Đồng Nai VAVA President
Đào Thị Nguyên Trần Thị Hoàn
Agent Orange victim
Leaders of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA) – an organization of over 300,000 members representing millions of Agent Orange victims in Vietnam – are visiting the U.S.
Agent Orange was used by the US government during the war in Vietnam against the people and land of Vietnam. Millions of gallons of dioxin laden Agent Orange, one of the most harmful chemicals ever known to humankind, were sprayed from 1961 to 1971 in South Vietnam. Approximately 12% of the land area of Vietnam was affected and almost 5 million people were exposed. Agent Orange is associated with numerous cancers, reproductive illnesses, mental and physical disabilities for those directly exposed and their children and grandchildren.
Forty years since the end of the Vietnam War, while still engaging in chemical warfare abroad, the US government has yet to adequately address the health crisis and environmental devastation of those impacted by Agent Orange. The VAVA delegation, along with U.S. veterans, will discuss the environmental and health crisis still plaguing Vietnamese people, Vietnamese Americans, U.S. veterans and their children and what we can do.
For more information please call Merle at (917) 733-2100(917) 733-2100 or Randy at (646) 234-6626
(646) 234-6626
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