Updated Regulations on the activity of non-state economic actors

Photo: Ricardo López Hevia

This Monday, the Official Gazette of the Republic, in its 78th regular edition, published six decree-laws, two decrees and 11 resolutions of different agencies related to the activity of non-state economic actors.
Lázara Mercedes López Acea, president of the National Institute of Non-State Economic Actors – an entity created by Decree 108 – expressed that these normative provisions are the result of a broad process that began in 2023, and provides for the updating of several laws in force since 2021 related to non-state economic actors.
She added that this update is part of the Government’s projections to correct distortions and revive the economy, and has been consulted with all agencies of the Central State Administration, territorial governments, municipal administrative councils and a representation of economic actors.
On the basis of all the opinions expressed – she said – the regulatory provisions have been updated to maintain the possibility of self-employment activities (TCP), the creation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (mipymes), as well as non-agricultural cooperatives (CNA).
The norms provide for tax and accounting modifications for non-state actors, as well as to the normative provisions on the exercise of self-employment, as well as its contraventions; the activities not authorized for TCP, mipymes and CNA; the creation of the National Institute of Non-State Economic Actors; and updates to the bidding procedure, among others.